Unverified Commit 69019664 authored by Greg Spencer's avatar Greg Spencer Committed by GitHub

Focus the last node when asked to focus previous and nothing is selected. (#56160)

parent 0ecc7a4b
......@@ -120,11 +120,12 @@ abstract class FocusTraversalPolicy with Diagnosticable {
/// A const constructor so subclasses can be const.
const FocusTraversalPolicy();
/// Returns the node that should receive focus if there is no current focus
/// in the nearest [FocusScopeNode] that `currentNode` belongs to.
/// Returns the node that should receive focus if focus is traversing
/// forwards, and there is no current focus.
/// This is used by [next]/[previous]/[inDirection] to determine which node to
/// focus if they are called when no node is currently focused.
/// The node returned is the node that should receive focus if focus is
/// traversing forwards (i.e. with [next]), and there is no current focus in
/// the nearest [FocusScopeNode] that `currentNode` belongs to.
/// The `currentNode` argument must not be null.
......@@ -132,13 +133,46 @@ abstract class FocusTraversalPolicy with Diagnosticable {
/// set, on the nearest scope of the `currentNode`, otherwise, returns the
/// first node from [sortDescendants], or the given `currentNode` if there are
/// no descendants.
FocusNode findFirstFocus(FocusNode currentNode) {
/// See also:
/// * [next], the function that is called to move the focus to the next node.
/// * [DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin.findFirstFocusInDirection], a
/// function that finds the first focusable widget in a particular direction.
FocusNode findFirstFocus(FocusNode currentNode) => _findInitialFocus(currentNode);
/// Returns the node that should receive focus if focus is traversing
/// backwards, and there is no current focus.
/// The node returned is the one that should receive focus if focus is
/// traversing backwards (i.e. with [previous]), and there is no current focus
/// in the nearest [FocusScopeNode] that `currentNode` belongs to.
/// The `currentNode` argument must not be null.
/// The default implementation returns the [FocusScopeNode.focusedChild], if
/// set, on the nearest scope of the `currentNode`, otherwise, returns the
/// last node from [sortDescendants], or the given `currentNode` if there are
/// no descendants.
/// See also:
/// * [previous], the function that is called to move the focus to the next node.
/// * [DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin.findFirstFocusInDirection], a
/// function that finds the first focusable widget in a particular direction.
FocusNode findLastFocus(FocusNode currentNode) => _findInitialFocus(currentNode, fromEnd: true);
FocusNode _findInitialFocus(FocusNode currentNode, {bool fromEnd = false}) {
assert(currentNode != null);
final FocusScopeNode scope = currentNode.nearestScope;
FocusNode candidate = scope.focusedChild;
if (candidate == null && scope.descendants.isNotEmpty) {
final Iterable<FocusNode> sorted = _sortAllDescendants(scope);
candidate = sorted.isNotEmpty ? sorted.first : null;
if (sorted.isEmpty) {
candidate = null;
} else {
candidate = fromEnd ? sorted.last : sorted.first;
// If we still didn't find any candidate, use the current node as a
......@@ -312,20 +346,20 @@ abstract class FocusTraversalPolicy with Diagnosticable {
return sortedDescendants;
// Moves the focus to the next node in the FocusScopeNode nearest to the
// currentNode argument, either in a forward or reverse direction, depending
// on the value of the forward argument.
// This function is called by the next and previous members to move to the
// next or previous node, respectively.
// Uses findFirstFocus to find the first node if there is no
// FocusScopeNode.focusedChild set. If there is a focused child for the
// scope, then it calls sortDescendants to get a sorted list of descendants,
// and then finds the node after the current first focus of the scope if
// forward is true, and the node before it if forward is false.
// Returns true if a node requested focus.
/// Moves the focus to the next node in the FocusScopeNode nearest to the
/// currentNode argument, either in a forward or reverse direction, depending
/// on the value of the forward argument.
/// This function is called by the next and previous members to move to the
/// next or previous node, respectively.
/// Uses [findFirstFocus]/[findLastFocus] to find the first/last node if there is
/// no [FocusScopeNode.focusedChild] set. If there is a focused child for the
/// scope, then it calls sortDescendants to get a sorted list of descendants,
/// and then finds the node after the current first focus of the scope if
/// forward is true, and the node before it if forward is false.
/// Returns true if a node requested focus.
bool _moveFocus(FocusNode currentNode, {@required bool forward}) {
assert(forward != null);
......@@ -336,7 +370,7 @@ abstract class FocusTraversalPolicy with Diagnosticable {
final FocusNode focusedChild = nearestScope.focusedChild;
if (focusedChild == null) {
final FocusNode firstFocus = findFirstFocus(currentNode);
final FocusNode firstFocus = forward ? findFirstFocus(currentNode) : findLastFocus(currentNode);
if (firstFocus != null) {
......@@ -54,6 +54,49 @@ void main() {
expect(scope.hasFocus, isTrue);
testWidgets('Find the initial focus if there is none yet and traversing backwards.', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final GlobalKey key1 = GlobalKey(debugLabel: '1');
final GlobalKey key2 = GlobalKey(debugLabel: '2');
final GlobalKey key3 = GlobalKey(debugLabel: '3');
final GlobalKey key4 = GlobalKey(debugLabel: '4');
final GlobalKey key5 = GlobalKey(debugLabel: '5');
await tester.pumpWidget(FocusTraversalGroup(
policy: WidgetOrderTraversalPolicy(),
child: FocusScope(
key: key1,
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
key: key2,
child: Container(key: key3, width: 100, height: 100),
key: key4,
child: Container(key: key5, width: 100, height: 100),
final Element firstChild = tester.element(find.byKey(key3));
final Element secondChild = tester.element(find.byKey(key5));
final FocusNode firstFocusNode = Focus.of(firstChild);
final FocusNode secondFocusNode = Focus.of(secondChild);
final FocusNode scope = Focus.of(firstChild).enclosingScope;
expect(firstFocusNode.hasFocus, isFalse);
expect(secondFocusNode.hasFocus, isFalse);
await tester.pump();
expect(firstFocusNode.hasFocus, isFalse);
expect(secondFocusNode.hasFocus, isTrue);
expect(scope.hasFocus, isTrue);
testWidgets('Move focus to next node.', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final GlobalKey key1 = GlobalKey(debugLabel: '1');
final GlobalKey key2 = GlobalKey(debugLabel: '2');
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