Commit 64d53aa0 authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth

Move terminal example from //sky/examples to //examples

We're trying to clean up the //sky/examples directory to focus on mobile use
cases for the fn framework. Terminal is both focused on desktop and uses the
older custom-element framework.

Review URL:
parent 854f083f
This is a prototype "terminal" application that can connect to any Mojo
application (providing the |terminal.TerminalClient| interface) and provide
interactive terminal facilities via an implementation of |mojo.files.File|.
I.e., once connected, the application can write to/read from the terminal by
performing the corresponding operations on a "file" (thus replicating
decades-old technology, poorly).
#!mojo mojo:sky_viewer
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
<import src="" />
<terminal id="terminal" url="mojo:echo_terminal" />
<terminal id="terminal" />
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:sky';
main () {
var terminal = document.getElementById('terminal');
var params = Uri.parse(document.URL).queryParameters;
if (params.containsKey('url')) {
} else {
terminal.putString('HALP: Add a "?url=<URL>" query.\n'
'E.g., "?url=mojo:echo_terminal".\n');
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
<import src="/sky/framework/elements/" />
#container {
height: -webkit-fill-available;
#input-box {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
z-index: 10;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
opacity: 0;
#output-box {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
z-index: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: black;
color: rgb(255, 191, 0);
font-family: 'Courier', 'monospace';
font-size: small;
.line {
height: 1em;
white-space: nowrap;
<div id="container">
<div id="input-box" contenteditable />
<div id="output-box" />
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:sky';
import 'package:mojo/services/terminal/public/interfaces/terminal_client.mojom.dart' as terminal;
import 'package:sky/framework/embedder.dart';
import 'terminal_display.dart';
import 'terminal_file_impl.dart';
// Implements the <terminal> element, which implements a "terminal display". Has
// an |url| attribute, whose value should be a Mojo app that provides the
// |terminal.TerminalClient| service.
class TerminalDisplayImpl extends SkyElement implements TerminalDisplay {
Element _inputBox;
Element _outputBox;
int _maxLines;
// Queue of unconsumed input (keystrokes), with the head at index 0.
// Keystrokes end up here if there's no reader (i.e., |getChar()|) pending,
// i.e., if |_readerQueue| is empty. Invariant: At most one of |_inputQueue|
// and |_readerQueue| may be nonempty at any given time.
List<int> _inputQueue;
// Queue of things waiting for input, with the head at index 0. If a keystroke
// is received and this is nonempty, the head is given that keystroke (and
// dequeued).
List<Completer<int>> _readerQueue;
: _inputQueue = new List<int>(),
_readerQueue = new List<Completer<int>>() {
void shadowRootReady() {
_inputBox = shadowRoot.getElementById('input-box');
_inputBox.addEventListener('keydown', _handleKeyDown);
_inputBox.addEventListener('keypress', _handleKeyPress);
_inputBox.addEventListener('wheel', _handleWheel);
_outputBox = shadowRoot.getElementById('output-box');
// Hack to allow |_newLine()| to work.
_maxLines = 100;
// Initialize with the first line.
// Actually compute the maximum number of lines.
// TODO(vtl): Recompute on resize.
_maxLines = _outputBox.clientHeight ~/ _outputBox.firstChild.offsetHeight;
var url = getAttribute('url');
if (url != null) {
void _handleKeyDown(KeyboardEvent event) {
// TODO(vtl): In general, our key handling is a total hack (due in part to
// sky's keyboard support being incomplete) -- e.g., we shouldn't have to
// make our div contenteditable. We have to intercept backspace (^H) here,
// since we won't actually get a keypress event for it. (Possibly, we should
// only handle keydown instead of keypress, but then we'd have to handle
// shift, etc. ourselves.)
if (event.key == 8) {
void _handleKeyPress(KeyboardEvent event) {
if (event.charCode != 0) {
void _handleWheel(WheelEvent event) {
void _enqueueChar(int charCode) {
// TODO(vtl): Add "echo" mode; do |putChar(event.charCode);| if echo is on.
if (_readerQueue.isEmpty) {
} else {
void _backspace() {
var oldText = _outputBox.lastChild.textContent;
if (oldText.length > 0) {
_outputBox.lastChild.textContent = oldText.substring(0,
oldText.length - 1);
void _newLine() {
var line = document.createElement('div');
line.setAttribute('class', 'line');
// Scroll if necessary.
var children = _outputBox.getChildNodes();
if (children.length > _maxLines) {
children = new List.from(children.skip(children.length - _maxLines));
void _clear() {
void connect(String url) {
var terminalClient = new terminal.TerminalClientProxy.unbound();
embedder.connectToService(url, terminalClient);
terminalClient.ptr.connectToTerminal(new TerminalFileImpl(this).stub);
void putString(String s) {
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
// |TerminalDisplay| implementation:
void putChar(int byte) {
// Fast-path for printable chars.
if (byte >= 32) {
_outputBox.lastChild.textContent += new String.fromCharCode(byte);
switch (byte) {
case 8: // BS (^H).
case 10: // LF ('\n').
_newLine(); // TODO(vtl): LF and CR should be separated.
case 12: // FF (^L).
case 13: // CR ('\r').
_newLine(); // TODO(vtl): LF and CR should be separated.
// Should beep or something.
Future<int> getChar() async {
if (_inputQueue.isNotEmpty) {
return new Future.value(_inputQueue.removeAt(0));
var completer = new Completer<int>();
return completer.future;
_init(script) => register(script, TerminalDisplayImpl);
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
// Interface for a terminal display, able to accept bytes (from the computer)
// and typically displaying them (or possibly handling them as escape codes,
// etc.) and able to get bytes from the "user".
abstract class TerminalDisplay {
void putChar(int byte);
Future<int> getChar();
// TODO(vtl): Should probably also have facilities for putting many bytes at a
// time or getting as many bytes as available.
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:core';
import 'package:mojo/public/dart/core.dart';
import 'package:mojo/services/files/public/interfaces/file.mojom.dart' as files;
import 'package:mojo/services/files/public/interfaces/types.mojom.dart' as files;
import 'terminal_display.dart';
// This implements a |mojo.files.File| that acts like a (pseudo)terminal. Bytes
// written to the |File| will be read by this implementation and passed on to
// the (Dart) |TerminalDisplay| (using |putChar()|). A read from the |File| will
// be completed if/when |TerminalDisplay| makes a byte available (via
// |getChar()|).
// TODO(vtl): This implementation is very incomplete.
class TerminalFileImpl implements files.File {
final files.FileStub stub;
final TerminalDisplay _display;
TerminalFileImpl(this._display) : stub = new files.FileStub.unbound() {
stub.impl = this;
// |files.File| implementation:
Future close(Function responseFactory) async {
// TODO(vtl): We should probably do more than just say OK.
return responseFactory(files.Error_OK);
Future read(int numBytesToRead, int offset, int whence,
Function responseFactory) async {
if (numBytesToRead < 0) {
return responseFactory(files.Error_INVALID_ARGUMENT, null);
// TODO(vtl): Error if |offset|/|whence| not appropriate.
if (numBytesToRead == 0) {
return responseFactory(files.Error_OK, []);
return responseFactory(files.Error_OK, [await _display.getChar()]);
Future write(List<int> bytesToWrite, int offset, int whence,
Function responseFactory) async {
// TODO(vtl): Error if |offset|/|whence| not appropriate.
for (var c in bytesToWrite) {
return responseFactory(files.Error_OK, bytesToWrite.length);
Future readToStream(MojoDataPipeProducer source, int offset, int whence,
int numBytesToRead, Function responseFactory) async {
// TODO(vtl)
return responseFactory(files.Error_UNIMPLEMENTED);
Future writeFromStream(MojoDataPipeConsumer sink, int offset, int whence,
Function responseFactory) async {
// TODO(vtl)
return responseFactory(files.Error_UNIMPLEMENTED);
Future tell(Function responseFactory) async {
// TODO(vtl)
return responseFactory(files.Error_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0);
Future seek(int offset, int whence, Function responseFactory) async {
// TODO(vtl)
return responseFactory(files.Error_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0);
Future stat(Function responseFactory) async {
// TODO(vtl)
return responseFactory(files.Error_UNIMPLEMENTED, null);
Future truncate(int size, Function responseFactory) async {
// TODO(vtl)
return responseFactory(files.Error_UNIMPLEMENTED);
Future touch(files.TimespecOrNow atime, files.TimespecOrNow mtime,
Function responseFactory) async {
// TODO(vtl)
return responseFactory(files.Error_UNIMPLEMENTED);
Future dup(Object file, Function responseFactory) async {
// TODO(vtl)
return responseFactory(files.Error_UNIMPLEMENTED);
Future reopen(Object file, int openFlags, Function responseFactory) async {
// TODO(vtl)
return responseFactory(files.Error_UNIMPLEMENTED);
Future asBuffer(Function responseFactory) async {
// TODO(vtl)
return responseFactory(files.Error_UNIMPLEMENTED, null);
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