Commit 5fb31769 authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth

Merge pull request #953 from abarth/painting_docs

Add dartdoc for the painting code
parents 528ff0f1 e525943d
......@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ int _roundOpacity(double opacity) {
return (255 * opacity).round();
/// A material design radial ink reaction
/// See []
class RadialReaction {
......@@ -41,7 +44,10 @@ class RadialReaction {
..duration =_kHideDuration;
/// The center of the circle in which the reaction occurs
final Point center;
/// The radius of the circle in which the reaction occurs
final double radius;
AnimationPerformance _showPerformance;
......@@ -54,15 +60,22 @@ class RadialReaction {
AnimationPerformance _hidePerformance;
AnimatedValue<double> _fade;
void show() {
_showComplete = _showPerformance.forward();
/// Show the reaction
/// Returns a future that resolves when the reaction is completely revealed.
Future show() {
return _showComplete = _showPerformance.forward();
/// Hide the reaction
/// Returns a future that resolves when the reaction is completely hidden.
Future hide() async {
await _showComplete;
await _hidePerformance.forward();
/// Call listener whenever the visual appearance of the reaction changes
void addListener(Function listener) {
......@@ -71,6 +84,7 @@ class RadialReaction {
final Paint _outerPaint = new Paint();
final Paint _innerPaint = new Paint();
/// Paint the reaction onto the given canvas at the given offset
void paint(sky.Canvas canvas, Offset offset) {
_outerPaint.color = _kOuterColor.withAlpha(_roundOpacity(_outerOpacity.value * _fade.value));
canvas.drawCircle(center + offset, radius, _outerPaint);
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
import 'dart:sky' as sky;
/// Helper class to build a Paint DrawLooper that adds shadows to the Paint's
/// operation.
/// A helper class to build a [sky.DrawLooper] for drawing shadows
class ShadowDrawLooperBuilder {
var builder_ = new sky.LayerDrawLooperBuilder();
/// Add a shadow with the given parameters
void addShadow(sky.Offset offset, sky.Color color, double blur) {
new sky.DrawLooperLayerInfo()
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class ShadowDrawLooperBuilder {
..setMaskFilter(new sky.MaskFilter.blur(sky.BlurStyle.normal, blur)));
/// Returns the draw looper built for the added shadows
sky.DrawLooper build() {
builder_.addLayerOnTop(new sky.DrawLooperLayerInfo(), new sky.Paint());
......@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ import 'package:sky/painting/text_style.dart';
export 'package:sky/painting/text_style.dart';
// This must be immutable, because we won't notice when it changes
/// An immutable span of text
abstract class TextSpan {
// This class must be immutable, because we won't notice when it changes
sky.Node _toDOM(sky.Document owner);
String toString([String prefix = '']);
......@@ -17,11 +18,13 @@ abstract class TextSpan {
/// An immutable span of unstyled text
class PlainTextSpan extends TextSpan {
PlainTextSpan(this.text) {
assert(text != null);
/// The text contained in the span
final String text;
sky.Node _toDOM(sky.Document owner) {
......@@ -34,13 +37,17 @@ class PlainTextSpan extends TextSpan {
String toString([String prefix = '']) => '${prefix}${runtimeType}: "${text}"';
/// An immutable text span that applies a style to a list of children
class StyledTextSpan extends TextSpan {
StyledTextSpan(, this.children) {
assert(style != null);
assert(children != null);
/// The style to apply to the children
final TextStyle style;
/// The children to which the style is applied
final List<TextSpan> children;
sky.Node _toDOM(sky.Document owner) {
......@@ -90,6 +97,7 @@ class StyledTextSpan extends TextSpan {
/// An object that paints a [TextSpan] into a canvas
class TextPainter {
TextPainter(TextSpan text) {
_layoutRoot.rootElement = _document.createElement('p');
......@@ -102,6 +110,7 @@ class TextPainter {
bool _needsLayout = true;
TextSpan _text;
/// The (potentially styled) text to paint
TextSpan get text => _text;
void set text(TextSpan value) {
if (_text == value)
......@@ -113,6 +122,7 @@ class TextPainter {
_needsLayout = true;
/// The minimum width at which to layout the text
double get minWidth => _layoutRoot.minWidth;
void set minWidth(value) {
if (_layoutRoot.minWidth == value)
......@@ -121,6 +131,7 @@ class TextPainter {
_needsLayout = true;
/// The maximum width at which to layout the text
double get maxWidth => _layoutRoot.maxWidth;
void set maxWidth(value) {
if (_layoutRoot.maxWidth == value)
......@@ -129,6 +140,7 @@ class TextPainter {
_needsLayout = true;
/// The minimum height at which to layout the text
double get minHeight => _layoutRoot.minHeight;
void set minHeight(value) {
if (_layoutRoot.minHeight == value)
......@@ -137,6 +149,7 @@ class TextPainter {
_needsLayout = true;
/// The maximum height at which to layout the text
double get maxHeight => _layoutRoot.maxHeight;
void set maxHeight(value) {
if (_layoutRoot.maxHeight == value)
......@@ -144,21 +157,25 @@ class TextPainter {
_layoutRoot.maxHeight = value;
/// The width at which decreasing the width of the text would prevent it from painting itself completely within its bounds
double get minContentWidth {
return _layoutRoot.rootElement.minContentWidth;
/// The width at which increasing the width of the text no longer decreases the height
double get maxContentWidth {
return _layoutRoot.rootElement.maxContentWidth;
/// The height required to paint the text completely within its bounds
double get height {
return _layoutRoot.rootElement.height;
/// The distance from the top of the text to the first baseline of the given type
double computeDistanceToActualBaseline(TextBaseline baseline) {
sky.Element root = _layoutRoot.rootElement;
......@@ -168,6 +185,7 @@ class TextPainter {
/// Compute the visual position of the glyphs for painting the text
void layout() {
if (!_needsLayout)
......@@ -175,6 +193,7 @@ class TextPainter {
_needsLayout = false;
/// Paint the text onto the given canvas at the given offset
void paint(sky.Canvas canvas, sky.Offset offset) {
assert(!_needsLayout && "Please call layout() before paint() to position the text before painting it." is String);
// TODO(ianh): Make LayoutRoot support a paint offset so we don't
......@@ -4,23 +4,118 @@
import 'dart:sky';
enum FontWeight { w100, w200, w300, w400, w500, w600, w700, w800, w900 }
/// The thickness of the glyphs used to draw the text
enum FontWeight {
/// Thin, the least thick
/// Extra-light
/// Light
/// Normal / regular / plain
/// Medium
/// Semi-bold
/// Bold
/// Extra-bold
/// Black, the most thick
/// A normal font weight
const normal = FontWeight.w400;
/// A bold font weight
const bold = FontWeight.w700;
enum FontStyle { normal, italic, oblique }
/// Whether to slant the glyphs in the font
enum FontStyle {
/// Use the upright glyphs
/// Use glyphs designed for slanting
/// Use the upright glyphs but slant them during painting
oblique // TODO(abarth): Remove. We don't really support this value.
/// Whether to align text horizontally
enum TextAlign {
/// Align the text on the left edge of the container
/// Align the text on the right edge of the container
/// Align the text in the center of the container
/// A horizontal line used for aligning text
enum TextBaseline {
// The horizontal line used to align the bottom of glyphs for alphabetic characters
// The horizontal line used to align ideographic characters
enum TextAlign { left, right, center }
/// A linear decoration to draw near the text
enum TextDecoration {
/// Do not draw a decoration
enum TextBaseline { alphabetic, ideographic }
/// Draw a line underneath each line of text
enum TextDecoration { none, underline, overline, lineThrough }
/// Draw a line above each line of text
/// Draw a line through each line of text
/// Draw a line underneath each line of text
const underline = const <TextDecoration>[TextDecoration.underline];
/// Draw a line above each line of text
const overline = const <TextDecoration>[TextDecoration.overline];
/// Draw a line through each line of text
const lineThrough = const <TextDecoration>[TextDecoration.lineThrough];
enum TextDecorationStyle { solid, double, dotted, dashed, wavy }
/// The style in which to draw a text decoration
enum TextDecorationStyle {
/// Draw a solid line
/// Draw two lines
/// Draw a dotted line
/// Draw a dashed line
/// Draw a sinusoidal line
/// An immutable style in which paint text
class TextStyle {
const TextStyle({
......@@ -36,18 +131,42 @@ class TextStyle {
/// The color to use when painting the text
final Color color;
/// The name of the font to use when painting the text
final String fontFamily;
final double fontSize; // in pixels
/// The size of gyphs (in logical pixels) to use when painting the text
final double fontSize;
/// The font weight to use when painting the text
final FontWeight fontWeight;
/// The font style to use when painting the text
final FontStyle fontStyle;
/// How the text should be aligned (applies only to the outermost
/// StyledTextSpan, which establishes the container for the text)
final TextAlign textAlign;
/// The baseline to use for aligning the text
final TextBaseline textBaseline;
final double height; // multiple of fontSize
/// The distance between the text baselines, as a multiple of the font size
final double height;
/// A list of decorations to paint near the text
final List<TextDecoration> decoration; // TODO(ianh): Switch this to a Set<> once Dart supports constant Sets
/// The color in which to paint the text decorations
final Color decorationColor;
/// The style in which to paint the text decorations
final TextDecorationStyle decorationStyle;
/// Returns a new text style that matches this text style but with the given
/// values replaced
TextStyle copyWith({
Color color,
String fontFamily,
......@@ -76,6 +195,8 @@ class TextStyle {
/// Returns a new text style that matches this text style but with some values
/// replaced by the non-null parameters of the given text style
TextStyle merge(TextStyle other) {
return copyWith(
color: other.color,
......@@ -124,6 +245,10 @@ class TextStyle {
return toCSS[decorationStyle];
/// Program this text style into the engine
/// Note: This function will likely be removed when we refactor the interface
/// between the framework and the engine
void applyToCSSStyle(CSSStyleDeclaration cssStyle) {
if (color != null) {
cssStyle['color'] = _colorToCSSString(color);
......@@ -163,6 +288,10 @@ class TextStyle {
/// Program the container aspects of this text style into the engine
/// Note: This function will likely be removed when we refactor the interface
/// between the framework and the engine
void applyToContainerCSSStyle(CSSStyleDeclaration cssStyle) {
if (textAlign != null) {
cssStyle['text-align'] = const {
......@@ -131,7 +131,8 @@ import 'package:sky/widgets.dart';
final BoxDecoration _decoration = new BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: 5.0,
gradient: new LinearGradient(
endPoints: [ Point.origin, const Point(0.0, 36.0) ],
start: Point.origin,
end: const Point(0.0, 36.0),
colors: [ const Color(0xFFEEEEEE), const Color(0xFFCCCCCC) ]
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class AnimatedBoxDecorationValue extends AnimatedValue<BoxDecoration> {
AnimatedBoxDecorationValue(BoxDecoration begin, { BoxDecoration end, Curve curve: linear })
: super(begin, end: end, curve: curve);
BoxDecoration lerp(double t) => lerpBoxDecoration(begin, end, t);
BoxDecoration lerp(double t) => BoxDecoration.lerp(begin, end, t);
class AnimatedEdgeDimsValue extends AnimatedValue<EdgeDims> {
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