Unverified Commit 5d63637e authored by Shi-Hao Hong's avatar Shi-Hao Hong Committed by GitHub

[gen_l10n] Fallback feature for untranslated messages (#53374)

* Generate methods using template resources if they do not exist in other locales

* Added a flag to either output of messages that have not been translated with detail into a file, or display a summary on the terminal.

* Add integration test for fallback message usage
parent 173c93d9
......@@ -40,6 +40,15 @@ void main(List<String> arguments) {
help: 'The filename for the output localization and localizations '
'delegate classes.',
help: 'The location of a file that describes the localization\n'
'messages have not been translated yet. Using this option will create\n'
'a JSON file at the target location, in the following format:\n\n'
'"locale": ["message_1", "message_2" ... "message_n"]\n\n'
'If this option is not specified, a summary of the messages that\n'
'have not been translated will be printed on the command line.'
defaultsTo: 'AppLocalizations',
......@@ -84,6 +93,7 @@ void main(List<String> arguments) {
final String arbPathString = results['arb-dir'] as String;
final String outputFileString = results['output-localization-file'] as String;
final String templateArbFileName = results['template-arb-file'] as String;
final String untranslatedMessagesFile = results['untranslated-messages-file'] as String;
final String classNameString = results['output-class'] as String;
final String preferredSupportedLocaleString = results['preferred-supported-locales'] as String;
final String headerString = results['header'] as String;
......@@ -104,7 +114,8 @@ void main(List<String> arguments) {
headerFile: headerFile,
} on FileSystemException catch (e) {
} on FormatException catch (e) {
......@@ -193,48 +193,6 @@ String generateMethod(Message message, AppResourceBundle bundle) {
.replaceAll('@(message)', generateMessage());
String generateBaseClassFile(
String className,
String fileName,
String header,
AppResourceBundle bundle,
Iterable<Message> messages,
) {
final LocaleInfo locale = bundle.locale;
final Iterable<String> methods = messages
.where((Message message) => bundle.translationFor(message) != null)
.map((Message message) => generateMethod(message, bundle));
return classFileTemplate
.replaceAll('@(header)', header)
.replaceAll('@(language)', describeLocale(locale.toString()))
.replaceAll('@(baseClass)', className)
.replaceAll('@(fileName)', fileName)
.replaceAll('@(class)', '$className${locale.camelCase()}')
.replaceAll('@(localeName)', locale.toString())
.replaceAll('@(methods)', methods.join('\n\n'));
String generateSubclass({
String className,
AppResourceBundle bundle,
Iterable<Message> messages,
}) {
final LocaleInfo locale = bundle.locale;
final String baseClassName = '$className${LocaleInfo.fromString(locale.languageCode).camelCase()}';
final Iterable<String> methods = messages
.where((Message message) => bundle.translationFor(message) != null)
.map((Message message) => generateMethod(message, bundle));
return subclassTemplate
.replaceAll('@(language)', describeLocale(locale.toString()))
.replaceAll('@(baseLanguageClassName)', baseClassName)
.replaceAll('@(class)', '$className${locale.camelCase()}')
.replaceAll('@(localeName)', locale.toString())
.replaceAll('@(methods)', methods.join('\n\n'));
String generateBaseClassMethod(Message message) {
final String comment = message.description ?? 'No description provided in @${message.resourceId}';
if (message.placeholders.isNotEmpty) {
......@@ -373,6 +331,7 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
final file.FileSystem _fs;
Iterable<Message> _allMessages;
AppResourceBundleCollection _allBundles;
LocaleInfo _templateArbLocale;
/// The reference to the project's l10n directory.
......@@ -436,6 +395,8 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
/// The header to be prepended to the generated Dart localization file.
String header = '';
final Map<LocaleInfo, List<String>> _unimplementedMessages = <LocaleInfo, List<String>>{};
/// Initializes [l10nDirectory], [templateArbFile], [outputFile] and [className].
/// Throws an [L10nException] when a provided configuration is not allowed
......@@ -609,6 +570,7 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
// files in l10nDirectory. Also initialized: supportedLocales.
void loadResources() {
final AppResourceBundle templateBundle = AppResourceBundle(templateArbFile);
_templateArbLocale = templateBundle.locale;
_allMessages = templateBundle.resourceIds.map((String id) => Message(templateBundle.resources, id));
for (final String resourceId in templateBundle.resourceIds)
if (!_isValidGetterAndMethodName(resourceId)) {
......@@ -639,6 +601,71 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
void _addUnimplementedMessage(LocaleInfo locale, String message) {
if (_unimplementedMessages.containsKey(locale)) {
} else {
_unimplementedMessages.putIfAbsent(locale, () => <String>[message]);
String _generateBaseClassFile(
String className,
String fileName,
String header,
AppResourceBundle bundle,
AppResourceBundle templateBundle,
Iterable<Message> messages,
) {
final LocaleInfo locale = bundle.locale;
final Iterable<String> methods = messages.map((Message message) {
if (bundle.translationFor(message) == null) {
_addUnimplementedMessage(locale, message.resourceId);
return generateMethod(
bundle.translationFor(message) == null ? templateBundle : bundle,
return classFileTemplate
.replaceAll('@(header)', header)
.replaceAll('@(language)', describeLocale(locale.toString()))
.replaceAll('@(baseClass)', className)
.replaceAll('@(fileName)', fileName)
.replaceAll('@(class)', '$className${locale.camelCase()}')
.replaceAll('@(localeName)', locale.toString())
.replaceAll('@(methods)', methods.join('\n\n'));
String _generateSubclass(
String className,
AppResourceBundle bundle,
Iterable<Message> messages,
) {
final LocaleInfo locale = bundle.locale;
final String baseClassName = '$className${LocaleInfo.fromString(locale.languageCode).camelCase()}';
.where((Message message) => bundle.translationFor(message) == null)
.forEach((Message message) {
_addUnimplementedMessage(locale, message.resourceId);
final Iterable<String> methods = messages
.where((Message message) => bundle.translationFor(message) != null)
.map((Message message) => generateMethod(message, bundle));
return subclassTemplate
.replaceAll('@(language)', describeLocale(locale.toString()))
.replaceAll('@(baseLanguageClassName)', baseClassName)
.replaceAll('@(class)', '$className${locale.camelCase()}')
.replaceAll('@(localeName)', locale.toString())
.replaceAll('@(methods)', methods.join('\n\n'));
// Generate the AppLocalizations class, its LocalizationsDelegate subclass,
// and all AppLocalizations subclasses for every locale.
String generateCode() {
......@@ -692,11 +719,12 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
// Generate the template for the base class file. Further string
// interpolation will be done to determine if there are
// subclasses that extend the base class.
final String languageBaseClassFile = generateBaseClassFile(
final String languageBaseClassFile = _generateBaseClassFile(
......@@ -705,10 +733,10 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
// Generate every subclass that is needed for the particular language
final Iterable<String> subclasses = localesForLanguage.map<String>((LocaleInfo locale) {
return generateSubclass(
className: className,
bundle: _allBundles.bundleFor(locale),
messages: _allMessages,
return _generateSubclass(
......@@ -741,4 +769,52 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
void writeOutputFile() {
void outputUnimplementedMessages(String untranslatedMessagesFile) {
if (untranslatedMessagesFile == null || untranslatedMessagesFile == '') {
_unimplementedMessages.forEach((LocaleInfo locale, List<String> messages) {
stdout.writeln('"$locale": ${messages.length} untranslated message(s).');
'To see a detailed report, use the --unimplemented-messages-file \n'
'option in the tool to generate a JSON format file containing \n'
'all messages that need to be translated.'
} else {
void _writeUnimplementedMessagesFile(String untranslatedMessagesFile) {
if (_unimplementedMessages.isEmpty) {
final File unimplementedMessageTranslationsFile = _fs.file(untranslatedMessagesFile);
String resultingFile = '{\n';
int count = 0;
final int numberOfLocales = _unimplementedMessages.length;
_unimplementedMessages.forEach((LocaleInfo locale, List<String> messages) {
resultingFile += ' "$locale": [\n';
for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i += 1) {
resultingFile += ' "${messages[i]}"';
if (i != messages.length - 1) {
resultingFile += ',';
resultingFile += '\n';
resultingFile += ' ]';
count += 1;
if (count < numberOfLocales) {
resultingFile += ',\n';
resultingFile += '\n';
resultingFile += '}\n';
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
......@@ -25,6 +26,17 @@ const String singleMessageArbFileString = '''
"description": "Title for the application"
const String twoMessageArbFileString = '''
"title": "Title",
"@title": {
"description": "Title for the application"
"subtitle": "Subtitle",
"@subtitle": {
"description": "Subtitle for the application"
const String esArbFileName = 'app_es.arb';
const String singleEsMessageArbFileString = '''
......@@ -277,6 +289,43 @@ void main() {
expect(generator.header, '/// Sample header in a text file');
test('correctly creates an unimplemented messages file', () {
..createSync(recursive: true)
LocalizationsGenerator generator;
try {
generator = LocalizationsGenerator(fs);
l10nDirectoryPath: defaultArbPathString,
templateArbFileName: defaultTemplateArbFileName,
outputFileString: defaultOutputFileString,
classNameString: defaultClassNameString,
..outputUnimplementedMessages(path.join('lib', 'l10n', 'unimplemented_message_translations.json'));
} on L10nException catch (e) {
fail('Generating output should not fail: \n${e.message}');
final File unimplementedOutputFile = fs.file(
path.join('lib', 'l10n', 'unimplemented_message_translations.json'),
final String unimplementedOutputString = unimplementedOutputFile.readAsStringSync();
try {
// Since ARB file is essentially JSON, decoding it should not fail.
} on Exception {
fail('Parsing arb file should not fail');
expect(unimplementedOutputString, contains('es'));
expect(unimplementedOutputString, contains('subtitle'));
test('setting both a headerString and a headerFile should fail', () {
..createSync(recursive: true)
......@@ -95,41 +95,42 @@ void main() {
'#l10n 16 (你好)\n'
'#l10n 17 (你好世界)\n'
'#l10n 18 (你好2个其他世界)\n'
'#l10n 19 (--- scriptCode: zh_Hans ---)\n'
'#l10n 20 (简体你好世界)\n'
'#l10n 21 (--- scriptCode - zh_Hant ---)\n'
'#l10n 22 (繁體你好世界)\n'
'#l10n 23 (--- scriptCode - zh_Hant_TW ---)\n'
'#l10n 24 (台灣繁體你好世界)\n'
'#l10n 25 (--- General formatting tests ---)\n'
'#l10n 26 (Hello World)\n'
'#l10n 27 (Hello _NEWLINE_ World)\n'
'#l10n 28 (Hello World)\n'
'#l10n 19 (Hello 世界)\n'
'#l10n 20 (--- scriptCode: zh_Hans ---)\n'
'#l10n 21 (简体你好世界)\n'
'#l10n 22 (--- scriptCode - zh_Hant ---)\n'
'#l10n 23 (繁體你好世界)\n'
'#l10n 24 (--- scriptCode - zh_Hant_TW ---)\n'
'#l10n 25 (台灣繁體你好世界)\n'
'#l10n 26 (--- General formatting tests ---)\n'
'#l10n 27 (Hello World)\n'
'#l10n 28 (Hello _NEWLINE_ World)\n'
'#l10n 29 (Hello World)\n'
'#l10n 30 (Hello World on Friday, January 1, 1960)\n'
'#l10n 31 (Hello world argument on 1/1/1960 at 00:00)\n'
'#l10n 32 (Hello World from 1960 to 2020)\n'
'#l10n 33 (Hello for 123)\n'
'#l10n 34 (Hello for price USD123.00)\n'
'#l10n 35 (Hello)\n'
'#l10n 36 (Hello World)\n'
'#l10n 37 (Hello two worlds)\n'
'#l10n 38 (Hello)\n'
'#l10n 39 (Hello new World)\n'
'#l10n 40 (Hello two new worlds)\n'
'#l10n 41 (Hello on Friday, January 1, 1960)\n'
'#l10n 42 (Hello World, on Friday, January 1, 1960)\n'
'#l10n 43 (Hello two worlds, on Friday, January 1, 1960)\n'
'#l10n 44 (Hello other 0 worlds, with a total of 100 citizens)\n'
'#l10n 45 (Hello World of 101 citizens)\n'
'#l10n 46 (Hello two worlds with 102 total citizens)\n'
'#l10n 47 ([Hello] -World- #123#)\n'
'#l10n 48 (\$!)\n'
'#l10n 49 (One \$)\n'
'#l10n 50 (Flutter\'s amazing!)\n'
'#l10n 51 (Flutter\'s amazing, times 2!)\n'
'#l10n 52 (Flutter is "amazing"!)\n'
'#l10n 53 (Flutter is "amazing", times 2!)\n'
'#l10n 30 (Hello World)\n'
'#l10n 31 (Hello World on Friday, January 1, 1960)\n'
'#l10n 32 (Hello world argument on 1/1/1960 at 00:00)\n'
'#l10n 33 (Hello World from 1960 to 2020)\n'
'#l10n 34 (Hello for 123)\n'
'#l10n 35 (Hello for price USD123.00)\n'
'#l10n 36 (Hello)\n'
'#l10n 37 (Hello World)\n'
'#l10n 38 (Hello two worlds)\n'
'#l10n 39 (Hello)\n'
'#l10n 40 (Hello new World)\n'
'#l10n 41 (Hello two new worlds)\n'
'#l10n 42 (Hello on Friday, January 1, 1960)\n'
'#l10n 43 (Hello World, on Friday, January 1, 1960)\n'
'#l10n 44 (Hello two worlds, on Friday, January 1, 1960)\n'
'#l10n 45 (Hello other 0 worlds, with a total of 100 citizens)\n'
'#l10n 46 (Hello World of 101 citizens)\n'
'#l10n 47 (Hello two worlds with 102 total citizens)\n'
'#l10n 48 ([Hello] -World- #123#)\n'
'#l10n 49 (\$!)\n'
'#l10n 50 (One \$)\n'
'#l10n 51 (Flutter\'s amazing!)\n'
'#l10n 52 (Flutter\'s amazing, times 2!)\n'
'#l10n 53 (Flutter is "amazing"!)\n'
'#l10n 54 (Flutter is "amazing", times 2!)\n'
'#l10n END\n'
......@@ -129,6 +129,9 @@ class Home extends StatelessWidget {
// Should use the fallback language, in this case,
// "Hello 世界" should be displayed.
......@@ -438,33 +441,11 @@ void main() {
// Only tests `helloWorld` and `helloWorlds`. The rest of the messages
// are added out of necessity since every base class requires an
// override for every message.
final String appZh = r'''
"@@locale": "zh",
"helloWorld": "你好世界",
"helloWorlds": "{count,plural, =0{你好} =1{你好世界} other{你好{count}个其他世界}}",
"helloNewlineWorld": "Hello \n World",
"hello": "Hello {world}",
"greeting": "{hello} {world}",
"helloWorldOn": "Hello World on {date}",
"helloWorldDuring": "Hello World from {startDate} to {endDate}",
"helloOn": "Hello {world} on {date} at {time}",
"helloFor": "Hello for {value}",
"helloCost": "Hello for {price} {value}",
"helloAdjectiveWorlds": "{count,plural, =0{Hello} =1{Hello {adjective} World} =2{Hello two {adjective} worlds} other{Hello other {count} {adjective} worlds}}",
"helloWorldsOn": "{count,plural, =0{Hello on {date}} =1{Hello World, on {date}} =2{Hello two worlds, on {date}} other{Hello other {count} worlds, on {date}}}",
"helloWorldPopulation": "{count,plural, =1{Hello World of {population} citizens} =2{Hello two worlds with {population} total citizens} many{Hello all {count} worlds, with a total of {population} citizens} other{Hello other {count} worlds, with a total of {population} citizens}}",
"helloWorldInterpolation": "[{hello}] #{world}#",
"helloWorldsInterpolation": "{count,plural, other {[{hello}] -{world}- #{count}#}}",
"dollarSign": "$!",
"dollarSignPlural": "{count,plural, =1{One $} other{Many $}}",
"singleQuote": "Flutter's amazing!",
"singleQuotePlural": "{count,plural, =1{Flutter's amazing, times 1!} other{Flutter's amazing, times {count}!}",
"doubleQuote": "Flutter is \"amazing\"!",
"doubleQuotePlural": "{count,plural, =1{Flutter is \"amazing\", times 1!} other{Flutter is \"amazing\", times {count}!"
"helloWorlds": "{count,plural, =0{你好} =1{你好世界} other{你好{count}个其他世界}}"
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