Unverified Commit 5d0e87ce authored by Sam Rawlins's avatar Sam Rawlins Committed by GitHub

Exclude codegen/lib/main.dart from static analysis (#52829)

parent ea67a65b
# Take our settings from the repo's main analysis_options.yaml file, but add
# an exclude for the lib/main.dart file, which requires a code-generated file,
# in order to be properly analyzed.
include: ../../../analysis_options.yaml
- lib/main.dart
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_driver/driver_extension.dart';
import 'message.dart' as generated; // ignore: uri_does_not_exist
import 'message.dart' as generated;
Future<void> main() async {
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