Unverified Commit 5b4a5da7 authored by Ian Hickson's avatar Ian Hickson Committed by GitHub

Revert "[O] Fix a race condition in vmservice_test.dart" (#23647)

* Revert "[H] Created a variant of InheritedWidget specifically for Listenables (#23393)"

This reverts commit 93132859.

* Revert "Fix a race condition in vmservice_test.dart (#23529)"

This reverts commit 5e7b0a36.
parent 93132859
......@@ -82,10 +82,8 @@ class FlutterDevice {
Future<void> refreshViews() async {
if (vmServices == null || vmServices.isEmpty)
final List<Future<void>> futures = <Future<void>>[];
for (VMService service in vmServices)
futures.add(service.vm.refreshViews(waitForViews: true));
await Future.wait(futures);
await service.vm.refreshViews();
List<FlutterView> get views {
......@@ -485,10 +483,8 @@ abstract class ResidentRunner {
Future<void> refreshViews() async {
final List<Future<void>> futures = <Future<void>>[];
for (FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices)
await Future.wait(futures);
await device.refreshViews();
Future<void> _debugDumpApp() async {
......@@ -156,10 +156,7 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
}) async {
_didAttach = true;
try {
await connectToServiceProtocol(
reloadSources: _reloadSourcesService,
compileExpression: _compileExpressionService,
await connectToServiceProtocol(reloadSources: _reloadSourcesService, compileExpression: _compileExpressionService);
} catch (error) {
printError('Error connecting to the service protocol: $error');
return 2;
......@@ -185,10 +182,8 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
final Stopwatch initialUpdateDevFSsTimer = Stopwatch()..start();
final bool devfsResult = await _updateDevFS(fullRestart: true);
if (!devfsResult)
return 3;
......@@ -274,7 +269,7 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
return attach(
connectionInfoCompleter: connectionInfoCompleter,
appStartedCompleter: appStartedCompleter,
appStartedCompleter: appStartedCompleter
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ const Duration kShortRequestTimeout = Duration(seconds: 5);
// TODO(flutter/flutter#23031): Test this.
/// A connection to the Dart VM Service.
class VMService {
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ class VMService {
final Uri wsUri = httpUri.replace(scheme: 'ws', path: fs.path.join(httpUri.path, 'ws'));
final StreamChannel<String> channel = await _openChannel(wsUri);
final rpc.Peer peer = rpc.Peer.withoutJson(jsonDocument.bind(channel));
final VMService service = VMService(peer, httpUri, wsUri, requestTimeout, reloadSources, compileExpression);
final VMService service = VMService._(peer, httpUri, wsUri, requestTimeout, reloadSources, compileExpression);
// This call is to ensure we are able to establish a connection instead of
// keeping on trucking and failing farther down the process.
await service._sendRequest('getVersion', const <String, dynamic>{});
......@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ class VMService {
final Map<String, dynamic> eventIsolate = eventData['isolate'];
// Log event information.
printTrace('Notification from VM: $data');
ServiceEvent event;
if (eventIsolate != null) {
......@@ -341,9 +341,15 @@ class VMService {
/// Reloads the VM.
Future<void> getVM() async => await vm.reload();
Future<VM> getVM() async {
return await _vm.reload();
Future<void> refreshViews({ bool waitForViews = false }) => vm.refreshViews(waitForViews: waitForViews);
Future<void> refreshViews() async {
if (!vm.isFlutterEngine)
await vm.refreshViews();
/// An error that is thrown when constructing/updating a service object.
......@@ -365,8 +371,9 @@ String _stripRef(String type) => _hasRef(type) ? type.substring(1) : type;
/// to return a cached / canonicalized object.
void _upgradeCollection(dynamic collection,
ServiceObjectOwner owner) {
if (collection is ServiceMap)
if (collection is ServiceMap) {
if (collection is Map<String, dynamic>) {
_upgradeMap(collection, owner);
} else if (collection is List) {
......@@ -375,7 +382,7 @@ void _upgradeCollection(dynamic collection,
void _upgradeMap(Map<String, dynamic> map, ServiceObjectOwner owner) {
map.forEach((String k, Object v) {
map.forEach((String k, dynamic v) {
if ((v is Map<String, dynamic>) && _isServiceMap(v)) {
map[k] = owner.getFromMap(v);
} else if (v is List) {
......@@ -387,8 +394,8 @@ void _upgradeMap(Map<String, dynamic> map, ServiceObjectOwner owner) {
void _upgradeList(List<dynamic> list, ServiceObjectOwner owner) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i += 1) {
final Object v = list[i];
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
final dynamic v = list[i];
if ((v is Map<String, dynamic>) && _isServiceMap(v)) {
list[i] = owner.getFromMap(v);
} else if (v is List) {
......@@ -470,8 +477,9 @@ abstract class ServiceObject {
/// If this is not already loaded, load it. Otherwise reload.
Future<ServiceObject> load() async {
if (loaded)
if (loaded) {
return this;
return reload();
......@@ -491,12 +499,15 @@ abstract class ServiceObject {
// We should always reload the VM.
// We can't reload objects without an id.
// We shouldn't reload an immutable and already loaded object.
if (!isVM && (!hasId || (immutable && loaded)))
final bool skipLoad = !isVM && (!hasId || (immutable && loaded));
if (skipLoad) {
return this;
if (_inProgressReload == null) {
final Completer<ServiceObject> completer = Completer<ServiceObject>();
_inProgressReload = completer.future;
try {
final Map<String, dynamic> response = await _fetchDirect();
if (_stripRef(response['type']) == 'Sentinel') {
......@@ -650,7 +661,9 @@ class VM extends ServiceObjectOwner {
VM get vm => this;
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _fetchDirect() => invokeRpcRaw('getVM');
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _fetchDirect() async {
return invokeRpcRaw('getVM');
void _update(Map<String, dynamic> map, bool mapIsRef) {
......@@ -662,9 +675,11 @@ class VM extends ServiceObjectOwner {
_upgradeCollection(map, this);
_loaded = true;
// TODO(johnmccutchan): Extract any properties we care about here.
_pid = map['pid'];
if (map['_heapAllocatedMemoryUsage'] != null)
if (map['_heapAllocatedMemoryUsage'] != null) {
_heapAllocatedMemoryUsage = map['_heapAllocatedMemoryUsage'];
_maxRSS = map['_maxRSS'];
_embedder = map['_embedder'];
......@@ -803,13 +818,6 @@ class VM extends ServiceObjectOwner {
return Future<Isolate>.value(_isolateCache[isolateId]);
static String _truncate(String message, int width, String ellipsis) {
assert(ellipsis.length < width);
if (message.length <= width)
return message;
return message.substring(0, width - ellipsis.length) + ellipsis;
/// Invoke the RPC and return the raw response.
/// If `timeoutFatal` is false, then a timeout will result in a null return
......@@ -819,14 +827,14 @@ class VM extends ServiceObjectOwner {
Duration timeout,
bool timeoutFatal = true,
}) async {
printTrace('Sending to VM service: $method($params)');
printTrace('$method: $params');
assert(params != null);
timeout ??= _vmService._requestTimeout;
try {
final Map<String, dynamic> result = await _vmService
._sendRequest(method, params)
printTrace('Result: ${_truncate(result.toString(), 250, '...')}');
return result;
} on TimeoutException {
printTrace('Request to Dart VM Service timed out: $method($params)');
......@@ -941,32 +949,14 @@ class VM extends ServiceObjectOwner {
return invokeRpcRaw('_getVMTimeline', timeout: kLongRequestTimeout);
Future<void> refreshViews({ bool waitForViews = false }) async {
assert(waitForViews != null);
Future<void> refreshViews() async {
if (!isFlutterEngine)
int failCount = 0;
while (true) {
final List<Future<void>> futures = <Future<void>>[];
for (Isolate isolate in isolates.toList()) {
// When the future returned by invokeRpc() below returns,
// the _viewCache will have been updated.
for (Isolate isolate in isolates.toList()) {
await vmService.vm.invokeRpc<ServiceObject>('_flutter.listViews',
timeout: kLongRequestTimeout,
params: <String, dynamic> {'isolateId': isolate.id},
await Future.wait(futures);
if (_viewCache.values.isNotEmpty || !waitForViews)
failCount += 1;
if (failCount == 5) // waited 200ms
printStatus('Flutter is taking longer than expected to report its views. Still trying...');
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 50));
await reload();
params: <String, dynamic> {'isolateId': isolate.id});
......@@ -1093,7 +1083,9 @@ class Isolate extends ServiceObjectOwner {
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _fetchDirect() => invokeRpcRaw('getIsolate');
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _fetchDirect() {
return invokeRpcRaw('getIsolate');
/// Invoke the RPC and return the raw response.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> invokeRpcRaw(String method, {
......@@ -1438,7 +1430,7 @@ class FlutterView extends ServiceObject {
await completer.future;
await owner.vm.refreshViews(waitForViews: true);
await owner.vm.refreshViews();
await subscription.cancel();
......@@ -2,156 +2,12 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/io.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/logger.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/vmservice.dart';
import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as rpc;
import 'package:quiver/testing/async.dart';
import 'src/common.dart';
import 'src/context.dart';
import 'src/mocks.dart';
class MockPeer implements rpc.Peer {
Future<dynamic> get done async {
throw 'unexpected call to done';
bool get isClosed {
throw 'unexpected call to isClosed';
Future<dynamic> close() async {
throw 'unexpected call to close()';
Future<dynamic> listen() async {
// this does get called
void registerFallback(dynamic callback(rpc.Parameters parameters)) {
throw 'unexpected call to registerFallback';
void registerMethod(String name, Function callback) {
// this does get called
void sendNotification(String method, [ dynamic parameters ]) {
throw 'unexpected call to sendNotification';
bool isolatesEnabled = false;
Future<void> _latch;
Completer<void> _currentLatchCompleter;
void tripLatch() {
final Completer<void> lastCompleter = _currentLatchCompleter;
_currentLatchCompleter = Completer<void>();
_latch = _currentLatchCompleter.future;
int returnedFromSendRequest = 0;
Future<dynamic> sendRequest(String method, [ dynamic parameters ]) async {
await _latch;
returnedFromSendRequest += 1;
if (method == 'getVM') {
return <String, dynamic>{
'type': 'VM',
'name': 'vm',
'architectureBits': 64,
'targetCPU': 'x64',
'hostCPU': ' Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v2 @ 3.50GHz',
'version': '2.1.0-dev.7.1.flutter-45f9462398 (Fri Oct 19 19:27:56 2018 +0000) on "linux_x64"',
'_profilerMode': 'Dart',
'_nativeZoneMemoryUsage': 0,
'pid': 103707,
'startTime': 1540426121876,
'_embedder': 'Flutter',
'_maxRSS': 312614912,
'_currentRSS': 33091584,
'isolates': isolatesEnabled ? <dynamic>[
<String, dynamic>{
'type': '@Isolate',
'fixedId': true,
'id': 'isolates/242098474',
'name': 'main.dart:main()',
'number': 242098474,
] : <dynamic>[],
if (method == 'getIsolate') {
return <String, dynamic>{
'type': 'Isolate',
'fixedId': true,
'id': 'isolates/242098474',
'name': 'main.dart:main()',
'number': 242098474,
'_originNumber': 242098474,
'startTime': 1540488745340,
'_heaps': <String, dynamic>{
'new': <String, dynamic>{
'used': 0,
'capacity': 0,
'external': 0,
'collections': 0,
'time': 0.0,
'avgCollectionPeriodMillis': 0.0,
'old': <String, dynamic>{
'used': 0,
'capacity': 0,
'external': 0,
'collections': 0,
'time': 0.0,
'avgCollectionPeriodMillis': 0.0,
if (method == '_flutter.listViews') {
return <String, dynamic>{
'type': 'FlutterViewList',
'views': <dynamic>[
<String, dynamic>{
'type': 'FlutterView',
'id': '_flutterView/0x4a4c1f8',
'isolate': <String, dynamic>{
'type': '@Isolate',
'fixedId': true,
'id': 'isolates/242098474',
'name': 'main.dart:main()',
'number': 242098474,
return null;
dynamic withBatch(dynamic callback()) {
throw 'unexpected call to withBatch';
void main() {
final MockStdio mockStdio = MockStdio();
group('VMService', () {
testUsingContext('fails connection eagerly in the connect() method', () async {
......@@ -159,73 +15,5 @@ void main() {
testUsingContext('refreshViews', () {
FakeAsync().run((FakeAsync time) {
bool done = false;
final MockPeer mockPeer = MockPeer();
expect(mockPeer.returnedFromSendRequest, 0);
final VMService vmService = VMService(mockPeer, null, null, const Duration(seconds: 1), null, null);
vmService.getVM().then((void value) { done = true; });
expect(done, isFalse);
expect(mockPeer.returnedFromSendRequest, 0);
expect(done, isTrue);
expect(mockPeer.returnedFromSendRequest, 1);
done = false;
final Future<void> ready = vmService.refreshViews(waitForViews: true);
ready.then((void value) { done = true; });
time.elapse(const Duration(milliseconds: 50)); // the last getVM had no isolates, so it waits 50ms, then calls getVM
expect(mockPeer.returnedFromSendRequest, 1);
expect(mockPeer.returnedFromSendRequest, 1);
time.flushMicrotasks(); // here getVM still returns no isolates
expect(mockPeer.returnedFromSendRequest, 2);
time.elapse(const Duration(milliseconds: 50)); // so refreshViews waits another 50ms
expect(done, isFalse);
expect(mockPeer.returnedFromSendRequest, 2);
time.flushMicrotasks(); // here getVM still returns no isolates
expect(mockPeer.returnedFromSendRequest, 3);
time.elapse(const Duration(milliseconds: 50)); // so refreshViews waits another 50ms
expect(done, isFalse);
expect(mockPeer.returnedFromSendRequest, 3);
time.flushMicrotasks(); // here getVM still returns no isolates
expect(mockPeer.returnedFromSendRequest, 4);
time.elapse(const Duration(milliseconds: 50)); // so refreshViews waits another 50ms
expect(done, isFalse);
expect(mockPeer.returnedFromSendRequest, 4);
time.flushMicrotasks(); // here getVM still returns no isolates
expect(mockPeer.returnedFromSendRequest, 5);
const String message = 'Flutter is taking longer than expected to report its views. Still trying...\n';
expect(mockStdio.writtenToStdout.join(''), message);
expect(mockStdio.writtenToStderr.join(''), '');
time.elapse(const Duration(milliseconds: 50)); // so refreshViews waits another 50ms
expect(done, isFalse);
mockPeer.isolatesEnabled = true;
expect(mockPeer.returnedFromSendRequest, 5);
time.flushMicrotasks(); // now it returns an isolate
expect(mockPeer.returnedFromSendRequest, 6);
time.flushMicrotasks(); // which gets fetched, as does the flutter view, resulting in the future returning
expect(mockPeer.returnedFromSendRequest, 8);
expect(done, isTrue);
expect(mockStdio.writtenToStdout.join(''), message);
expect(mockStdio.writtenToStderr.join(''), '');
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Logger: () => StdoutLogger(),
Stdio: () => mockStdio,
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