Commit 589cd0bb authored by Hans Muller's avatar Hans Muller

correct Block scrollableKey plumbing (#4048)

parent 199f24ad
......@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ class Block extends StatelessWidget {
if (padding != null)
contents = new Padding(padding: padding, child: contents);
return new ScrollableViewport(
key: scrollableKey,
scrollableKey: scrollableKey,
initialScrollOffset: initialScrollOffset,
scrollDirection: scrollDirection,
scrollAnchor: scrollAnchor,
......@@ -105,4 +105,18 @@ void main() {
expect(first, equals(1));
expect(second, equals(1));
testWidgets('Block scrollableKey', (WidgetTester tester) async {
// Regression test for
// The Block's scrollableKey needs to become its Scrollable descendant's key.
final GlobalKey<ScrollableState<Scrollable>> key = new GlobalKey<ScrollableState<Scrollable>>();
Widget buildBlock() {
return new Block(
scrollableKey: key,
children: <Widget>[new Text("A"), new Text("B"), new Text("C")]
await tester.pumpWidget(buildBlock());
expect(key.currentState.scrollOffset, 0.0);
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