Unverified Commit 559d524e authored by Christopher Fujino's avatar Christopher Fujino Committed by GitHub

improve debugging when dart pub get call fails (#112968)

parent 2c0d43e7
......@@ -418,7 +418,10 @@ class _DefaultPub implements Pub {
if (exception is io.ProcessException) {
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer('${exception.message}\n');
buffer.writeln('Working directory: "$directory"');
final String directoryExistsMessage = _fileSystem.directory(directory).existsSync()
? 'exists'
: 'does not exist';
buffer.writeln('Working directory: "$directory" ($directoryExistsMessage)');
final Map<String, String> env = await _createPubEnvironment(context, flutterRootOverride);
throw io.ProcessException(
......@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ last line of pub output: "err3"
(ProcessException error) => error.message,
contains('Working directory: "/"'),
contains('Working directory: "/" (exists)'),
(ProcessException error) => error.message,
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