Unverified Commit 55270099 authored by Ian Hickson's avatar Ian Hickson Committed by GitHub

Document the Flow/Opacity/hit-test issues (#131239)

Closes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/6100.
parent 8046e133
......@@ -290,6 +290,22 @@ class Directionality extends _UbiquitousInheritedWidget {
/// Drawing content into the offscreen buffer may also trigger render target
/// switches and such switching is particularly slow in older GPUs.
/// ## Hit testing
/// Setting the [opacity] to zero does not prevent hit testing from being applied
/// to the descendants of the [Opacity] widget. This can be confusing for the
/// user, who may not see anything, and may believe the area of the interface
/// where the [Opacity] is hiding a widget to be non-interactive.
/// With certain widgets, such as [Flow], that compute their positions only when
/// they are painted, this can actually lead to bugs (from unexpected geometry
/// to exceptions), because those widgets are not painted by the [Opacity]
/// widget at all when the [opacity] is zero.
/// To avoid such problems, it is generally a good idea to use an
/// [IgnorePointer] widget when setting the [opacity] to zero. This prevents
/// interactions with any children in the subtree.
/// See also:
/// * [Visibility], which can hide a child more efficiently (albeit less
......@@ -5574,27 +5590,46 @@ class Wrap extends MultiChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// this animation and repaint whenever the animation ticks, avoiding both the
/// build and layout phases of the pipeline.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example uses the [Flow] widget to create a menu that opens and closes
/// as it is interacted with, shown above. The color of the button in the menu
/// changes to indicate which one has been selected.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/basic/flow.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// ## Hit testing and hidden [Flow] widgets
/// The [Flow] widget recomputers its children's positions (as used by hit
/// testing) during the _paint_ phase rather than during the _layout_ phase.
/// Widgets like [Opacity] avoid painting their children when those children
/// would be invisible due to their opacity being zero.
/// Unfortunately, this means that hiding a [Flow] widget using an [Opacity]
/// widget will cause bugs when the user attempts to interact with the hidden
/// region, for example, by tapping it or clicking it.
/// Such bugs will manifest either as out-of-date geometry (taps going to
/// different widgets than might be expected by the currently-specified
/// [FlowDelegate]s), or exceptions (e.g. if the last time the [Flow] was
/// painted, a different set of children was specified).
/// To avoid this, when hiding a [Flow] widget with an [Opacity] widget (or
/// [AnimatedOpacity] or similar), it is wise to also disable hit testing on the
/// widget by using [IgnorePointer]. This is generally good advice anyway as
/// hit-testing invisible widgets is often confusing for the user.
/// See also:
/// * [Wrap], which provides the layout model that some other frameworks call
/// "flow", and is otherwise unrelated to [Flow].
/// * [FlowDelegate], which controls the visual presentation of the children.
/// * [Stack], which arranges children relative to the edges of the container.
/// * [CustomSingleChildLayout], which uses a delegate to control the layout of
/// a single child.
/// * [CustomMultiChildLayout], which uses a delegate to position multiple
/// children.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](https://flutter.dev/widgets/layout/).
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example uses the [Flow] widget to create a menu that opens and closes
/// as it is interacted with, shown above. The color of the button in the menu
/// changes to indicate which one has been selected.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/basic/flow.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
class Flow extends MultiChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a flow layout.
......@@ -1674,6 +1674,24 @@ class _AnimatedSlideState extends ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState<AnimatedSlide> {
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// ## Hit testing
/// Setting the [opacity] to zero does not prevent hit testing from being
/// applied to the descendants of the [AnimatedOpacity] widget. This can be
/// confusing for the user, who may not see anything, and may believe the area
/// of the interface where the [AnimatedOpacity] is hiding a widget to be
/// non-interactive.
/// With certain widgets, such as [Flow], that compute their positions only when
/// they are painted, this can actually lead to bugs (from unexpected geometry
/// to exceptions), because those widgets are not painted by the [AnimatedOpacity]
/// widget at all when the [opacity] animation reaches zero.
/// To avoid such problems, it is generally a good idea to use an
/// [IgnorePointer] widget when setting the [opacity] to zero. This prevents
/// interactions with any children in the subtree when the [child] is animating
/// away.
/// See also:
/// * [AnimatedCrossFade], for fading between two children.
......@@ -1771,6 +1789,25 @@ class _AnimatedOpacityState extends ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState<AnimatedOpacit
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/implicit_animations/sliver_animated_opacity.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// ## Hit testing
/// Setting the [opacity] to zero does not prevent hit testing from being
/// applied to the descendants of the [SliverAnimatedOpacity] widget. This can
/// be confusing for the user, who may not see anything, and may believe the
/// area of the interface where the [SliverAnimatedOpacity] is hiding a widget
/// to be non-interactive.
/// With certain widgets, such as [Flow], that compute their positions only when
/// they are painted, this can actually lead to bugs (from unexpected geometry
/// to exceptions), because those widgets are not painted by the
/// [SliverAnimatedOpacity] widget at all when the [opacity] animation reaches
/// zero.
/// To avoid such problems, it is generally a good idea to use a
/// [SliverIgnorePointer] widget when setting the [opacity] to zero. This
/// prevents interactions with any children in the subtree when the [sliver] is
/// animating away.
/// See also:
/// * [SliverFadeTransition], an explicitly animated version of this widget, where
......@@ -507,6 +507,26 @@ class SizeTransition extends AnimatedWidget {
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/transitions/fade_transition.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// ## Hit testing
/// Setting the [opacity] to zero does not prevent hit testing from being
/// applied to the descendants of the [FadeTransition] widget. This can be
/// confusing for the user, who may not see anything, and may believe the area
/// of the interface where the [FadeTransition] is hiding a widget to be
/// non-interactive.
/// With certain widgets, such as [Flow], that compute their positions only when
/// they are painted, this can actually lead to bugs (from unexpected geometry
/// to exceptions), because those widgets are not painted by the [FadeTransition]
/// widget at all when the [opacity] animation reaches zero.
/// To avoid such problems, it is generally a good idea to combine this widget
/// with an [IgnorePointer] that one enables when the [opacity] animation
/// reaches zero. This prevents interactions with any children in the subtree
/// when the [child] is not visible. For performance reasons, when implementing
/// this, care should be taken not to rebuild the relevant widget (e.g. by
/// calling [State.setState]) except at the transition point.
/// See also:
/// * [Opacity], which does not animate changes in opacity.
......@@ -580,6 +600,27 @@ class FadeTransition extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// {@animation 300 378 https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/widgets/fade_transition.mp4}
/// ## Hit testing
/// Setting the [opacity] to zero does not prevent hit testing from being
/// applied to the descendants of the [SliverFadeTransition] widget. This can be
/// confusing for the user, who may not see anything, and may believe the area
/// of the interface where the [SliverFadeTransition] is hiding a widget to be
/// non-interactive.
/// With certain widgets, such as [Flow], that compute their positions only when
/// they are painted, this can actually lead to bugs (from unexpected geometry
/// to exceptions), because those widgets are not painted by the
/// [SliverFadeTransition] widget at all when the [opacity] animation reaches
/// zero.
/// To avoid such problems, it is generally a good idea to combine this widget
/// with a [SliverIgnorePointer] that one enables when the [opacity] animation
/// reaches zero. This prevents interactions with any children in the subtree
/// when the [sliver] is not visible. For performance reasons, when implementing
/// this, care should be taken not to rebuild the relevant widget (e.g. by
/// calling [State.setState]) except at the transition point.
/// See also:
/// * [SliverOpacity], which does not animate changes in opacity.
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