Unverified Commit 542feb47 authored by Jonah Williams's avatar Jonah Williams Committed by GitHub

[flutter_tools] remove unused Snapshot.dart artifact and associated code (#52821)

parent da0788a1
......@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ enum Artifact {
/// The flutter tester binary.
/// The framework directory of the macOS desktop.
......@@ -73,8 +72,6 @@ String _artifactToFileName(Artifact artifact, [ TargetPlatform platform, BuildMo
return 'gen_snapshot';
case Artifact.flutterTester:
return 'flutter_tester$exe';
case Artifact.snapshotDart:
return 'snapshot.dart';
case Artifact.flutterFramework:
return 'Flutter.framework';
case Artifact.flutterMacOSFramework:
......@@ -155,9 +152,8 @@ class EngineBuildPaths {
// Manages the engine artifacts of Flutter.
abstract class Artifacts {
static LocalEngineArtifacts getLocalEngine(String engineSrcPath, EngineBuildPaths engineBuildPaths) {
static LocalEngineArtifacts getLocalEngine(EngineBuildPaths engineBuildPaths) {
return LocalEngineArtifacts(
cache: globals.cache,
......@@ -247,7 +243,6 @@ class CachedArtifacts extends Artifacts {
String _getIosArtifactPath(Artifact artifact, TargetPlatform platform, BuildMode mode) {
switch (artifact) {
case Artifact.genSnapshot:
case Artifact.snapshotDart:
case Artifact.flutterFramework:
case Artifact.frontendServerSnapshotForEngineDartSdk:
final String artifactFileName = _artifactToFileName(artifact);
......@@ -441,7 +436,6 @@ HostPlatform _currentHostPlatformAsHost(Platform platform) {
/// Manages the artifacts of a locally built engine.
class LocalEngineArtifacts extends Artifacts {
this._hostEngineOutPath, {
@required FileSystem fileSystem,
......@@ -453,7 +447,6 @@ class LocalEngineArtifacts extends Artifacts {
_processManager = processManager,
_platform = platform;
final String _engineSrcPath;
final String engineOutPath; // TODO(goderbauer): This should be private.
final String _hostEngineOutPath;
final FileSystem _fileSystem;
......@@ -466,8 +459,6 @@ class LocalEngineArtifacts extends Artifacts {
platform ??= _currentHostPlatform(_platform);
final String artifactFileName = _artifactToFileName(artifact, platform, mode);
switch (artifact) {
case Artifact.snapshotDart:
return _fileSystem.path.join(_engineSrcPath, 'flutter', 'lib', 'snapshot', artifactFileName);
case Artifact.genSnapshot:
return _genSnapshotPath();
case Artifact.flutterTester:
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ class FlutterCommandRunner extends CommandRunner<void> {
final String enginePath = _findEnginePath(topLevelResults);
if (enginePath != null) {
contextOverrides.addAll(<Type, dynamic>{
Artifacts: Artifacts.getLocalEngine(enginePath, _findEngineBuildPath(topLevelResults, enginePath)),
Artifacts: Artifacts.getLocalEngine(_findEngineBuildPath(topLevelResults, enginePath)),
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ void main() {
logger: BufferLogger.test(),
osUtils: MockOperatingSystemUtils(),
artifacts = LocalEngineArtifacts(fileSystem.currentDirectory.path,
artifacts = LocalEngineArtifacts(
fileSystem.path.join(fileSystem.currentDirectory.path, 'out', 'android_debug_unopt'),
fileSystem.path.join(fileSystem.currentDirectory.path, 'out', 'host_debug_unopt'),
cache: cache,
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ void main() {
testWithoutContext('Looks up dart.exe on windows platforms', () async {
artifacts = LocalEngineArtifacts(fileSystem.currentDirectory.path,
artifacts = LocalEngineArtifacts(
fileSystem.path.join(fileSystem.currentDirectory.path, 'out', 'android_debug_unopt'),
fileSystem.path.join(fileSystem.currentDirectory.path, 'out', 'host_debug_unopt'),
cache: cache,
......@@ -241,11 +241,6 @@ void main() {
mockArtifacts = MockArtifacts();
mockXcode = MockXcode();
when(mockXcode.sdkLocation(any)).thenAnswer((_) => Future<String>.value(kSDKPath));
for (final BuildMode mode in BuildMode.values) {
platform: anyNamed('platform'), mode: mode)).thenReturn(kSnapshotDart);
final Map<Type, Generator> contextOverrides = <Type, Generator>{
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ void main() {
equals('Flutter.framework not found at ios_profile/Flutter.framework'),
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Artifacts: () => LocalEngineArtifacts('/engine', 'ios_profile', 'host_profile',
Artifacts: () => LocalEngineArtifacts('ios_profile', 'host_profile',
fileSystem: memoryFileSystem,
cache: globals.cache,
platform: globals.platform,
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ void main() {
'Expected a string like "Apple (LLVM|clang) #.#.# (clang-####.#.##.#)".'),
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Artifacts: () => LocalEngineArtifacts('/engine', 'ios_profile', 'host_profile',
Artifacts: () => LocalEngineArtifacts('ios_profile', 'host_profile',
fileSystem: memoryFileSystem,
cache: globals.cache,
platform: globals.platform,
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void main() {
await validateBitcode(BuildMode.profile, TargetPlatform.ios);
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Artifacts: () => LocalEngineArtifacts('/engine', 'ios_profile', 'host_profile',
Artifacts: () => LocalEngineArtifacts('ios_profile', 'host_profile',
fileSystem: memoryFileSystem,
cache: globals.cache,
platform: globals.platform,
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ void main() {
await validateBitcode(BuildMode.profile, TargetPlatform.ios);
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Artifacts: () => LocalEngineArtifacts('/engine', 'ios_profile', 'host_profile',
Artifacts: () => LocalEngineArtifacts('ios_profile', 'host_profile',
fileSystem: memoryFileSystem,
cache: globals.cache,
platform: globals.platform,
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ void main() {
'of Xcode to at least 10.0.1.'),
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Artifacts: () => LocalEngineArtifacts('/engine', 'ios_profile', 'host_profile',
Artifacts: () => LocalEngineArtifacts('ios_profile', 'host_profile',
fileSystem: memoryFileSystem,
cache: globals.cache,
platform: globals.platform,
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ void main() {
expect(testLogger.statusText, '');
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Artifacts: () => LocalEngineArtifacts('/engine', 'ios_profile', 'host_profile',
Artifacts: () => LocalEngineArtifacts('ios_profile', 'host_profile',
fileSystem: memoryFileSystem,
cache: globals.cache,
platform: globals.platform,
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ void main() {
expect(testLogger.statusText, '');
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Artifacts: () => LocalEngineArtifacts('/engine', 'ios_profile', 'host_profile',
Artifacts: () => LocalEngineArtifacts('ios_profile', 'host_profile',
fileSystem: memoryFileSystem,
cache: globals.cache,
platform: globals.platform,
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