Unverified Commit 51160b7d authored by Alexander Aprelev's avatar Alexander Aprelev Committed by GitHub

Revert "Handle escaped spaces in deps-file. (#23249)" (#23270)

This reverts commit 617e8f65 as it
breaks deps-processing on Windows.
parent 617e8f65
......@@ -581,13 +581,9 @@ class FlutterTask extends BaseFlutterTask {
if (dependenciesFile.exists()) {
try {
// Dependencies file has Makefile syntax:
// <target> <files>: <source> <files> <separated> <by> <non-escaped space>
// <target> <files>: <source> <files> <separated> <by> <space>
String depText = dependenciesFile.text
// So we split list of files by non-escaped(by backslash) space,
def matcher = depText.split(': ')[1] =~ /(\\ |[^\s])+/
// then we remove all backslashes
def depList = matcher.collect{it[0].replaceAll("\\\\", "")}
return project.files(depList)
return project.files(depText.split(': ')[1].split())
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error reading dependency file ${dependenciesFile}: ${e}")
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