Commit 4f9e5c8d authored by Todd Volkert's avatar Todd Volkert Committed by GitHub

Fix race condition in coverage collection (#7455)

Previously, it was possible for the test harness to bail
and the test runner to complete before the platform plugin
triggered the collection of coverage data. This fixes the
race condition such that the pending coverage collection
task is recorded immediately after starting the process.
parent 7a0ab243
......@@ -89,7 +89,9 @@ class TestCommand extends FlutterCommand {
Future<bool> _collectCoverageData(CoverageCollector collector, { bool mergeCoverageData: false }) async {
Status status = logger.startProgress('Collecting coverage information...');
String coverageData = await collector.finalizeCoverage();
String coverageData = await collector.finalizeCoverage(
timeout: new Duration(seconds: 30),
if (coverageData == null)
return false;
......@@ -12,57 +12,84 @@ import '../base/io.dart';
import '../dart/package_map.dart';
import '../globals.dart';
/// A class that's used to collect coverage data during tests.
class CoverageCollector {
static final CoverageCollector instance = new CoverageCollector();
/// The singleton instance of the coverage collector.
static final CoverageCollector instance = new CoverageCollector._();
/// By default, coverage collection is not enabled. Set [enabled] to true
/// to turn on coverage collection.
bool enabled = false;
int observatoryPort;
void collectCoverage({
/// Adds a coverage collection tasks to the pending queue. The task will not
/// begin collecting coverage data until [CoverageCollectionTask.start] is
/// called.
/// When a process is spawned to accumulate code coverage data, this method
/// should be called before the process terminates so that this collector
/// knows to wait for the coverage data in [finalizeCoverage].
/// If this collector is not [enabled], the task will still be added to the
/// pending queue. Only when the task is started will the enabled state of
/// the collector be consulted.
CoverageCollectionTask addTask({
String host,
int port,
Process processToKill,
}) {
if (enabled) {
assert(_jobs != null);
host: host,
port: port,
processToKill: processToKill,
} else {
final CoverageCollectionTask task = new CoverageCollectionTask._(
return task;
Future<Null> _startJob({
String host,
int port,
Process processToKill,
}) async {
int pid =;
printTrace('collecting coverage data from pid $pid on port $port');
Map<String, dynamic> data = await collect(host, port, false, false);
printTrace('done collecting coverage data from pid $pid');
Map<String, dynamic> hitmap = createHitmap(data['coverage']);
List<Future<Null>> _tasks = <Future<Null>>[];
Map<String, dynamic> _globalHitmap;
void _addHitmap(Map<String, dynamic> hitmap) {
if (_globalHitmap == null)
_globalHitmap = hitmap;
mergeHitmaps(hitmap, _globalHitmap);
printTrace('done merging data from pid $pid into global coverage map');
Future<Null> finishPendingJobs() async {
await Future.wait(_jobs.toList(), eagerError: true);
/// Returns a future that completes once all tasks have finished.
/// This will not start any tasks that were not already started.
/// If [timeout] is specified, the future will timeout (with a
/// [TimeoutException]) after the specified duration.
Future<Null> finishPendingTasks({ Duration timeout }) {
Future<dynamic> future = Future.wait(_tasks, eagerError: true);
if (timeout != null)
future = future.timeout(timeout);
return future;
List<Future<Null>> _jobs = <Future<Null>>[];
Map<String, dynamic> _globalHitmap;
Future<String> finalizeCoverage({ Formatter formatter }) async {
/// Returns a future that will complete with the formatted coverage data
/// (using [formatter]) once all coverage data has been collected.
/// This will not start any collection tasks. It us up to the caller of
/// [addTask] to maintain a reference to the [CoverageCollectionTask] and
/// call `start` on the task once the code in question has run. Failure to do
/// so will cause this method to wait indefinitely for the task.
/// If [timeout] is specified, the future will timeout (with a
/// [TimeoutException]) after the specified duration.
/// This must only be called if this collector is [enabled].
Future<String> finalizeCoverage({
Formatter formatter,
Duration timeout,
}) async {
await finishPendingJobs();
await finishPendingTasks(timeout: timeout);
printTrace('formating coverage data');
if (_globalHitmap == null)
return null;
......@@ -75,3 +102,65 @@ class CoverageCollector {
return await formatter.format(_globalHitmap);
/// A class that represents a pending task of coverage data collection.
/// Instances of this class are obtained when a process starts running code
/// by calling [CoverageCollector.addTask]. Then, when the code has run to
/// completion (all the coverage data has been recorded), the task is started
/// to actually collect the coverage data.
class CoverageCollectionTask {
final Completer<Null> _completer = new Completer<Null>();
final CoverageCollector _collector;
final String _host;
final int _port;
final Process _processToKill;
bool _started = false;
Future<Null> get _future => _completer.future;
/// Starts the task of collecting coverage.
/// This should be called when the code whose coverage data is being collected
/// has been run to completion so that all coverage data has been recorded.
/// Failure to do so will cause [CoverageCollector.finalizeCoverage] to wait
/// indefinitely for the task to complete.
/// Each task may only be started once.
void start() {
_started = true;
if (!_collector.enabled) {
int pid =;
printTrace('collecting coverage data from pid $pid on port $_port');
collect(_host, _port, false, false).then(
(Map<dynamic, dynamic> data) {
printTrace('done collecting coverage data from pid $pid');
try {
printTrace('done merging data from pid $pid into global coverage map');
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
_completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
onError: (dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
_completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class FlutterPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
// TODO(ianh): the random number on the next line is a landmine that will eventually
// cause a hard-to-find bug...
observatoryPort = CoverageCollector.instance.observatoryPort ?? new math.Random().nextInt(30000) + 2000;
await CoverageCollector.instance.finishPendingJobs();
await CoverageCollector.instance.finishPendingTasks();
// Start the engine subprocess.
......@@ -109,6 +109,12 @@ class FlutterPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
CoverageCollectionTask coverageTask = CoverageCollector.instance.addTask(
host: _kHost.address,
port: observatoryPort,
processToKill: process, // This kills the subprocess whether coverage is enabled or not.
// Pipe stdout and stderr from the subprocess to our printStatus console.
......@@ -181,11 +187,7 @@ class FlutterPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
host: _kHost.address,
port: observatoryPort,
processToKill: process, // This kills the subprocess whether coverage is enabled or not.
subprocessActive = false;
} catch (e, stack) {
if (!controllerSinkClosed) {
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