Commit 4f29c310 authored by Kate Lovett's avatar Kate Lovett

Updating inline documentation

parent b6a2efb7
......@@ -853,21 +853,26 @@ void main() {
// await expectLater(
// find.byType(CupertinoDatePicker),
// matchesGoldenFile('date_picker_test.datetime.initial.png'),
// skip: !Platform.isLinux
// );
await expectLater(
skip: !Platform.isLinux
// Slightly drag the hour component to make the current hour off-center.
await tester.drag(find.text('4'), Offset(0, _kRowOffset.dy / 2));
await tester.pump();
await expectLater(
skip: !Platform.isLinux
// await expectLater(
// find.byType(CupertinoDatePicker),
// matchesGoldenFile('date_picker_test.datetime.drag.png'),
// skip: !Platform.isLinux
// );
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/local.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:test_api/test_api.dart' as test_package show TestFailure;
import 'package:flutter_goldens_client/client.dart';
export 'package:flutter_goldens_client/client.dart';
......@@ -77,12 +78,12 @@ class FlutterGoldenFileComparator implements GoldenFileComparator {
Future<bool> compare(Uint8List imageBytes, Uri golden) async {
final bool authorized = await _skiaClient.auth(;
final File goldenFile = _getGoldenFile(golden);
bool authorized = await _skiaClient.auth(;
bool tested = await _skiaClient.imgtest(golden.path, goldenFile);
return true; // TEMP
//TODO(katelovett): Process results
if (!authorized)
throw test_package.TestFailure('Could not authorize golctl.');
return await _skiaClient.imgtest(golden.path, goldenFile);
......@@ -20,24 +20,62 @@ const String _kGoldctlKey = 'GOLDCTL';
const String _kServiceAccountKey = 'GOLD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT';
const String _kSkiaGoldInstance = 'SKIA_GOLD_INSTANCE';
/// A class that represents the Skia Gold client for golden file testing.
class SkiaGoldClient {
/// Create a handle to a local workspace for the Skia Gold Client.
this.fs = const LocalFileSystem(),
this.platform = const LocalPlatform(),
this.process = const LocalProcessManager(),
/// The file system to use for storing local files for running imgtests.
/// This is usefule in tests, where a local file system (the default) can be
/// replaced by a memory file system.
final FileSystem fs;
/// A wrapper for the [dart:io.Platform] API.
/// This is useful in tests, where the system platform (the default) can be
/// replaced by a mock platform instance.
final Platform platform;
/// A controller for launching subprocesses.
/// This is useful in tests, where the real process manager (the default) can
/// be replaced by a mock process manager that doesn't really create
/// subprocesses.
final ProcessManager process;
Directory _workDirectory;
//TODO(katelovett): Environment variables swapped out for final CI implementation
//TODO(katelovett): Environment variables swapped out for CI implementation
/// The [path] to the local [Directory] where the goldctl tool is hosted.
/// Uses the [platform] [environment] in this iteration.
String get _goldctl => platform.environment[_kGoldctlKey];
/// The [path] to the local [Directory] where the service account key is
/// hosted.
/// Uses the [platform] [environment] in this iteration.
String get _serviceAccount => platform.environment[_kServiceAccountKey];
/// The name of the Skia Gold Flutter instance.
/// Uses the [platform] [environment] in this iteration.
String get _skiaGoldInstance => platform.environment[_kSkiaGoldInstance];
/// The local [Directory] where the Flutter repository is hosted.
/// Uses the [fs] file system.
Directory get _flutterRoot =>[_kFlutterRootKey]);
/// Prepares the local work space for golden file testing and initializes the
/// goldctl authorization for executing tests.
/// This ensures that the goldctl tool is authorized and ready for testing.
Future<bool> auth(Directory workDirectory) async {
_workDirectory = workDirectory;
List<String> authArguments = <String>['auth'];
......@@ -61,6 +99,7 @@ class SkiaGoldClient {
return true;
Future<bool> imgtest(String testName, File goldenFile) async {
List<String> imgtestArguments = <String>[
......@@ -145,165 +184,4 @@ class NonZeroExitCode implements Exception {
String toString() {
return 'Exit code $exitCode: $stderr';
///// A class that represents a clone of the
///// repository, nested within the `bin/cache` directory of the caller's Flutter
///// repository.
//class GoldensClient {
// /// Create a handle to a local clone of the goldens repository.
// GoldensClient({
// this.fs = const LocalFileSystem(),
// this.platform = const LocalPlatform(),
// this.process = const LocalProcessManager(),
// });
// /// The file system to use for storing the local clone of the repository.
// ///
// /// This is useful in tests, where a local file system (the default) can
// /// be replaced by a memory file system.
// final FileSystem fs;
// /// A wrapper for the [dart:io.Platform] API.
// ///
// /// This is useful in tests, where the system platform (the default) can
// /// be replaced by a mock platform instance.
// final Platform platform;
// /// A controller for launching subprocesses.
// ///
// /// This is useful in tests, where the real process manager (the default)
// /// can be replaced by a mock process manager that doesn't really create
// /// subprocesses.
// final ProcessManager process;
// RandomAccessFile _lock;
// /// The local [Directory] where the Flutter repository is hosted.
// ///
// /// Uses the [fs] file system.
// Directory get flutterRoot =>[_kFlutterRootKey]);
// /// The local [Directory] where the goldens repository is hosted.
// ///
// /// Uses the [fs] file system.
// Directory get repositoryRoot => flutterRoot.childDirectory(fs.path.join('bin', 'cache', 'pkg', 'goldens'));
// /// Prepares the local clone of the `flutter/goldens` repository for golden
// /// file testing.
// ///
// /// This ensures that the goldens repository has been cloned into its
// /// expected location within `bin/cache` and that it is synced to the Git
// /// revision specified in `bin/internal/goldens.version`.
// ///
// /// While this is preparing the repository, it obtains a file lock such that
// /// [GoldensClient] instances in other processes or isolates will not
// /// duplicate the work that this is doing.
// Future<void> prepare() async {
// print('GoldensClient.prepare');
// final String goldensCommit = await _getGoldensCommit();
// String currentCommit = await _getCurrentCommit();
// if (currentCommit != goldensCommit) {
// await _obtainLock();
// try {
// // Check the current commit again now that we have the lock.
// currentCommit = await _getCurrentCommit();
// if (currentCommit != goldensCommit) {
// if (currentCommit == null) {
// await _initRepository();
// }
// await _checkCanSync();
// await _syncTo(goldensCommit);
// }
// } finally {
// await _releaseLock();
// }
// }
// }
// Future<String> _getGoldensCommit() async {
// final File versionFile = flutterRoot.childFile(fs.path.join('bin', 'internal', 'goldens.version'));
// return (await versionFile.readAsString()).trim();
// }
// Future<String> _getCurrentCommit() async {
// if (!repositoryRoot.existsSync()) {
// return null;
// } else {
// final io.ProcessResult revParse = await
// <String>['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'],
// workingDirectory: repositoryRoot.path,
// );
// return revParse.exitCode == 0 ? revParse.stdout.trim() : null;
// }
// }
// Future<void> _initRepository() async {
// await repositoryRoot.create(recursive: true);
// await _runCommands(
// <String>[
// 'git init',
// 'git remote add upstream',
// 'git remote set-url --push upstream',
// ],
// workingDirectory: repositoryRoot,
// );
// }
// Future<void> _checkCanSync() async {
// final io.ProcessResult result = await
// <String>['git', 'status', '--porcelain'],
// workingDirectory: repositoryRoot.path,
// );
// if (result.stdout.trim().isNotEmpty) {
// final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer();
// buf
// ..writeln('flutter_goldens git checkout at ${repositoryRoot.path} has local changes and cannot be synced.')
// ..writeln('To reset your client to a clean state, and lose any local golden test changes:')
// ..writeln('cd ${repositoryRoot.path}')
// ..writeln('git reset --hard HEAD')
// ..writeln('git clean -x -d -f -f');
// throw NonZeroExitCode(1, buf.toString());
// }
// }
// Future<void> _syncTo(String commit) async {
// await _runCommands(
// <String>[
// 'git pull upstream master',
// 'git fetch upstream $commit',
// 'git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD',
// ],
// workingDirectory: repositoryRoot,
// );
// }
// Future<void> _runCommands(
// List<String> commands, {
// Directory workingDirectory,
// }) async {
// for (String command in commands) {
// final List<String> parts = command.split(' ');
// final io.ProcessResult result = await
// parts,
// workingDirectory: workingDirectory?.path,
// );
// if (result.exitCode != 0) {
// throw NonZeroExitCode(result.exitCode, result.stderr);
// }
// }
// }
// Future<void> _obtainLock() async {
// final File lockFile = flutterRoot.childFile(fs.path.join('bin', 'cache', 'goldens.lockfile'));
// await lockFile.create(recursive: true);
// _lock = await io.FileMode.write);
// await _lock.lock(io.FileLock.blockingExclusive);
// }
// Future<void> _releaseLock() async {
// await _lock.close();
// _lock = null;
// }
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\ No newline at end of file
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