Unverified Commit 4ea6d3de authored by stuartmorgan's avatar stuartmorgan Committed by GitHub

Enable dev/bots/ build_tests for macOS (#68656)

Enables build_test for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Currently only
flutter_gallery has platform directories for the desktop platforms, so
this will run only that build, but this will provide an end-to-end build
test for all three desktop platforms.

Once this lands, other example/test projects can be brought online for
desktop platforms in the future just by adding the relevant platform
directories to the project.
parent 3da995ad
......@@ -129,6 +129,13 @@ Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
print('$clock ${bold}Test successful.$reset');
/// Returns whether or not macOS desktop tests should be run.
/// The branch restrictions here should stay in sync with features.dart.
bool _shouldRunMacOS() {
return Platform.isMacOS && (branchName != 'beta' && branchName != 'stable');
/// Verify the Flutter Engine is the revision in
/// bin/cache/internal/engine.version.
Future<void> _validateEngineHash() async {
......@@ -330,13 +337,12 @@ Future<void> _runBuildTests() async {
..add(Directory(path.join(flutterRoot, 'dev', 'integration_tests', 'non_nullable')))
..add(Directory(path.join(flutterRoot, 'dev', 'integration_tests', 'flutter_gallery')));
final String branch = Platform.environment['CIRRUS_BRANCH'];
// The tests are randomly distributed into subshards so as to get a uniform
// distribution of costs, but the seed is fixed so that issues are reproducible.
final List<ShardRunner> tests = <ShardRunner>[
for (final FileSystemEntity exampleDirectory in exampleDirectories)
() => _runExampleProjectBuildTests(exampleDirectory),
if (branch != 'beta' && branch != 'stable')
if (branchName != 'beta' && branchName != 'stable')
// Web compilation tests.
() => _flutterBuildDart2js(
......@@ -379,6 +385,14 @@ Future<void> _runExampleProjectBuildTests(FileSystemEntity exampleDirectory) asy
print('Example project ${path.basename(examplePath)} has no ios directory, skipping ipa');
if (_shouldRunMacOS()) {
if (Directory(path.join(examplePath, 'macos')).existsSync()) {
await _flutterBuildMacOS(examplePath, release: false, additionalArgs: additionalArgs, verifyCaching: verifyCaching);
await _flutterBuildMacOS(examplePath, release: true, additionalArgs: additionalArgs, verifyCaching: verifyCaching);
} else {
print('Example project ${path.basename(examplePath)} has no macos directory, skipping macOS');
Future<void> _flutterBuildApk(String relativePathToApplication, {
......@@ -387,43 +401,11 @@ Future<void> _flutterBuildApk(String relativePathToApplication, {
List<String> additionalArgs = const <String>[],
}) async {
print('${green}Testing APK build$reset for $cyan$relativePathToApplication$reset...');
await runCommand(flutter,
if (release)
workingDirectory: path.join(flutterRoot, relativePathToApplication),
await _flutterBuild(relativePathToApplication, 'APK', 'apk',
release: release,
verifyCaching: verifyCaching,
additionalArgs: additionalArgs
if (verifyCaching) {
print('${green}Testing APK cache$reset for $cyan$relativePathToApplication$reset...');
await runCommand(flutter,
if (release)
workingDirectory: path.join(flutterRoot, relativePathToApplication),
final File file = File(path.join(flutterRoot, relativePathToApplication, 'perf.json'));
if (!_allTargetsCached(file)) {
print('${red}Not all build targets cached after second run.$reset');
print('The target performance data was: ${file.readAsStringSync()}');
Future<void> _flutterBuildIpa(String relativePathToApplication, {
......@@ -445,12 +427,41 @@ Future<void> _flutterBuildIpa(String relativePathToApplication, {
await _flutterBuild(relativePathToApplication, 'IPA', 'ios',
release: release,
verifyCaching: verifyCaching,
additionalArgs: <String>[...additionalArgs, '--no-codesign'],
Future<void> _flutterBuildMacOS(String relativePathToApplication, {
@required bool release,
bool verifyCaching = false,
List<String> additionalArgs = const <String>[],
}) async {
await runCommand(flutter, <String>['config', '--enable-macos-desktop']);
print('${green}Testing macOS build$reset for $cyan$relativePathToApplication$reset...');
await _flutterBuild(relativePathToApplication, 'macOS', 'macos',
release: release,
verifyCaching: verifyCaching,
additionalArgs: additionalArgs
Future<void> _flutterBuild(
String relativePathToApplication,
String platformLabel,
String platformBuildName, {
@required bool release,
bool verifyCaching = false,
List<String> additionalArgs = const <String>[],
}) async {
await runCommand(flutter,
if (release)
......@@ -459,15 +470,15 @@ Future<void> _flutterBuildIpa(String relativePathToApplication, {
workingDirectory: path.join(flutterRoot, relativePathToApplication),
if (verifyCaching) {
print('${green}Testing IPA cache$reset for $cyan$relativePathToApplication$reset...');
print('${green}Testing $platformLabel cache$reset for $cyan$relativePathToApplication$reset...');
await runCommand(flutter,
if (release)
......@@ -1251,6 +1262,17 @@ String get gitHash {
return '';
/// Returns the name of the branch being tested.
String get branchName {
switch(ciProvider) {
case CiProviders.cirrus:
return Platform.environment['CIRRUS_BRANCH'];
case CiProviders.luci:
return Platform.environment['LUCI_BRANCH'];
return '';
/// Checks the given file's contents to determine if they match the allowed
/// pattern for version strings.
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