Commit 4bc8e9c0 authored by Fedor Korotkov's avatar Fedor Korotkov Committed by Michael Goderbauer

[ci] use Windows Container 2019 (#33248)

They are newer and faster to start
parent 6031c56d
......@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ task:
use_compute_credits: $CIRRUS_USER_COLLABORATOR == 'true' && $CIRRUS_PR == ''
image: cirrusci/android-sdk:28-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
os_version: 2016
image: cirrusci/android-sdk:28-windowsservercore-2019
os_version: 2019
cpu: 4
CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR: "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\flutter sdk"
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