Commit 4b6af7a4 authored by Ian Hickson's avatar Ian Hickson

Provide framework-only timing information (#3699)

This makes it easier to generate charts that show the engine time and
the framework time separately.
parent 00062761
......@@ -416,6 +416,7 @@ Future<Null> _downloadStartupTrace(int observatoryPort, Device device) async {
if (frameworkInitTimestampMicros != null) {
traceInfo['timeToFrameworkInitMicros'] = frameworkInitTimestampMicros - engineEnterTimestampMicros;
traceInfo['timeAfterFrameworkInitMicros'] = timeToFirstFrameMicros - frameworkInitTimestampMicros;
await traceInfoFile.writeAsString(JSON.encode(traceInfo));
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