/// Where this widget should be anchored during a drag.
/// This property is overridden by the [dragAnchorStrategy] if the latter is provided.
/// Defaults to [DragAnchor.child].
'Use dragAnchorStrategy instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v2.1.0-10.0.pre.'
/// A strategy that is used by this draggable to get the the anchor offset when it is dragged.
/// The anchor offset refers to the distance between the users' fingers and the [feedback] widget when this draggable is dragged.
/// Defaults to [childDragAnchorStrategy] if the [dragAnchor] is set to [DragAnchor.child] or [pointerDragAnchorStrategy] if the [dragAnchor] is set to [DragAnchor.pointer].
/// Whether the semantics of the [feedback] widget is ignored when building