Unverified Commit 4afdfca2 authored by Jackson Gardner's avatar Jackson Gardner Committed by GitHub

Remove `bringup: true` from realm_checker and remove the redundant tool test. (#137186)

Now that the realm checker is no longer in bringup, we can remove the tool test that checks for the empty realm file.
parent ebc67643
......@@ -1100,7 +1100,6 @@ targets:
- .ci.yaml
- name: Linux realm_checker
bringup: true
recipe: flutter/flutter_drone
timeout: 60
......@@ -356,15 +356,6 @@ void main() {
expect(cache.storageBaseUrl, contains('flutter_archives_v2'));
test('bin/internal/engine.realm is empty', () async {
final FileSystem fileSystem = globals.fs;
final String realmFilePath = fileSystem.path.join(
getFlutterRoot(), 'bin', 'internal', 'engine.realm');
final String realm = fileSystem.file(realmFilePath).readAsStringSync().trim();
expect(realm, isEmpty,
reason: 'The checked-in engine.realm file must be empty.');
testWithoutContext('flattenNameSubdirs', () {
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