Unverified Commit 4a33ce7d authored by Casey Hillers's avatar Casey Hillers Committed by GitHub

[fuchsia] Refactor fuchsia_ctl use to a function (#64736)

parent e8252817
......@@ -41,24 +41,31 @@ else
echo "Connecting to device $device_name"
# Wrapper function to pass common args to fuchsia_ctl.
fuchsia_ctl() {
$script_dir/fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name \
--device-finder-path $script_dir/device-finder "$@"
reboot() {
$script_dir/fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name ssh \
-c "log_listener --dump_logs yes --file /tmp/log.txt" \
echo "$(date) START:DEVICE_LOGS ------------------------------------------"
fuchsia_ctl ssh \
--timeout-seconds $ssh_timeout_seconds \
--identity-file $pkey
--identity-file $pkey \
-c "log_listener --dump_logs yes --file /tmp/log.txt"
# As we are not using recipes we don't have a way to know the location
# to upload the log to isolated. We are saving the log to a file to avoid dart
# hanging when running the process and then just using printing the content to
# the console.
$script_dir/fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name ssh \
-c "cat /tmp/log.txt" \
fuchsia_ctl ssh \
--timeout-seconds $ssh_timeout_seconds \
--identity-file $pkey
--identity-file $pkey \
-c "cat /tmp/log.txt"
echo "$(date) END:DEVICE_LOGS ------------------------------------------"
echo "$(date) START:REBOOT ------------------------------------------"
# note: this will set an exit code of 255, which we can ignore.
$script_dir/fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name \
--device-finder-path $script_dir/device-finder \
ssh --identity-file $pkey \
fuchsia_ctl ssh \
--identity-file $pkey \
-c "dm reboot-recovery" || true
echo "$(date) END:REBOOT --------------------------------------------"
......@@ -67,13 +74,12 @@ trap reboot EXIT
echo "$(date) START:PAVING ------------------------------------------"
ssh-keygen -y -f $pkey > key.pub
$script_dir/fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name pave -i $1 --public-key "key.pub"
fuchsia_ctl pave -i $1 --public-key "key.pub"
echo "$(date) END:PAVING --------------------------------------------"
echo "$(date) START:PUSH_PACKAGES -------------------------------"
$script_dir/fuchsia_ctl push-packages \
-d $device_name \
fuchsia_ctl push-packages \
--identity-file $pkey \
--repoArchive generic-x64.tar.gz \
-p tiles -p tiles_ctl
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