Commit 4a13be41 authored by Philip's avatar Philip Committed by Dan Field

Added sample code for scaffold widget [#21136] (#21613)

* added sample code for scaffold widget [#21136]

* Fixed indent and spacing for scaffold sample code

* Update scaffold.dart

Fix one more formatting issue
parent e031613a
......@@ -657,6 +657,34 @@ class _FloatingActionButtonTransitionState extends State<_FloatingActionButtonTr
/// [ScaffoldState] for the current [BuildContext] via [Scaffold.of] and use the
/// [ScaffoldState.showSnackBar] and [ScaffoldState.showBottomSheet] functions.
/// ## Sample code
/// This example shows a [Scaffold] with an [AppBar], a [BottomAppBar]
/// and a [FloatingActionButton]. The [body] is a [Text] placed in a [Center]
/// in order to center the text within the [Scaffold] and the
/// [FloatingActionButton] is centered and docked within the
/// [BottomAppBar] using [FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerDocked].
/// ```dart
/// Scaffold(
/// appBar: AppBar(
/// title: Text('Sample Code'),
/// ),
/// body: Center(
/// child: Text('Scaffold'),
/// ),
/// bottomNavigationBar: BottomAppBar(
/// child: Container(height: 50.0,),
/// ),
/// floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
/// onPressed: () {},
/// tooltip: 'Increment',
/// child: Icon(Icons.add),
/// ),
/// floatingActionButtonLocation: FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerDocked,
/// )
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [AppBar], which is a horizontal bar typically shown at the top of an app
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