Unverified Commit 48cfe2eb authored by Siva's avatar Siva Committed by GitHub

Opt dashing_postprocess.dart out of null safety until we figure out why (#116786)

it complains about some library being unsound.
parent eefbe85c
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function create_docset() {
wait $dashing_pid && \
cp ./doc/flutter/static-assets/favicon.png ./flutter.docset/icon.png && \
"$DART" --disable-dart-dev --enable-asserts ./dashing_postprocess.dart && \
"$DART" --no-sound-null-safety --disable-dart-dev --enable-asserts ./dashing_postprocess.dart && \
tar cf flutter.docset.tar.gz --use-compress-program="gzip --best" flutter.docset
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
>&2 echo "Dashing docset generation failed"
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