Commit 48c3d015 authored by Devon Carew's avatar Devon Carew

fix the stop command

parent 7115ff26
......@@ -835,16 +835,23 @@ class AndroidDevice extends Device {
runSync([adbPath, 'shell', 'am', 'force-stop',]);
// Kill the server
if (Platform.isMacOS) {
String pid = runSync(['lsof', '-i', ':$_serverPort', '-t']);
if (pid.isEmpty) {
String pids = runSync(['lsof', '-i', ':$_serverPort', '-t']).trim();
if (pids.isEmpty) {
_logging.fine('No process to kill for port $_serverPort');
return true;
// Killing a pid with a shell command from within dart is hard,
// so use a library command, but it's still nice to give the
// equivalent command when doing verbose logging.'kill $pid');
// Handle multiple returned pids.
for (String pidString in pids.split('\n')) {
// Killing a pid with a shell command from within dart is hard, so use a
// library command, but it's still nice to give the equivalent command
// when doing verbose logging.'kill $pidString');
int pid = int.parse(pidString, onError: (_) => null);
if (pid != null)
} else if (Platform.isWindows) {
//Get list of network processes and split on newline
List<String> processes = runSync(['netstat.exe','-ano']).split("\r");
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