Unverified Commit 475678fd authored by Mikkel Nygaard Ravn's avatar Mikkel Nygaard Ravn Committed by GitHub

Make Gradle script support Flutter-as-lib (#18633)

parent 0a3179fb
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private String resolveProperty(Project project, String name, String defaultValue) {
if (localProperties == null) {
localProperties = readPropertiesIfExist(project.rootProject.file("local.properties"))
localProperties = readPropertiesIfExist(new File(project.projectDir.parentFile, "local.properties"))
String result
if (project.hasProperty(name)) {
......@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
localEngineSrcPath = engineOut.parentFile.parent
project.dependencies {
if (project.getConfigurations().findByName("implementation")) {
implementation project.files(flutterJar)
if (project.getConfigurations().findByName("api")) {
api project.files(flutterJar)
} else {
compile project.files(flutterJar)
......@@ -146,16 +146,16 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
into "lib/x86_64"
// Add flutter.jar dependencies to all <buildType>Implementation configurations, including custom ones
// Add flutter.jar dependencies to all <buildType>Api configurations, including custom ones
// added after applying the Flutter plugin.
project.android.buildTypes.each { addFlutterJarImplementationDependency(project, it) }
project.android.buildTypes.whenObjectAdded { addFlutterJarImplementationDependency(project, it) }
project.android.buildTypes.each { addFlutterJarApiDependency(project, it) }
project.android.buildTypes.whenObjectAdded { addFlutterJarApiDependency(project, it) }
project.extensions.create("flutter", FlutterExtension)
project.afterEvaluate this.&addFlutterTask
File pluginsFile = new File(project.rootProject.projectDir.parentFile, '.flutter-plugins')
File pluginsFile = new File(project.projectDir.parentFile.parentFile, '.flutter-plugins')
Properties plugins = readPropertiesIfExist(pluginsFile)
plugins.each { name, _ ->
......@@ -199,15 +199,15 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
* Adds suitable flutter.jar implementation dependencies to the specified buildType.
* Adds suitable flutter.jar api dependencies to the specified buildType.
* Note: The BuildType DSL type is not public, and is therefore omitted from the signature.
private void addFlutterJarImplementationDependency(Project project, buildType) {
private void addFlutterJarApiDependency(Project project, buildType) {
project.dependencies {
String configuration;
if (project.getConfigurations().findByName("implementation")) {
configuration = buildType.name + "Implementation";
if (project.getConfigurations().findByName("api")) {
configuration = buildType.name + "Api";
} else {
configuration = buildType.name + "Compile";
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