Commit 465de9a0 authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth

Remove outdated examples and framework pieces

None of this code runs in the current Sky. Some of it never ran.

Review URL:
parent 377cd1be
<div id="test">
Hello, Sky
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
var div = document.getElementById('test');
{ backgroundColor: 'red', opacity: 1 },
{ backgroundColor: 'green', opacity: 0}],
duration: 1000,
iterations: 2
SKY MODULE - button widgets for calculator
<!-- TODO(ianh): implement accessibility handling once the ax service exists -->
class AbstractButton extends Element {
constructor (hostModule) {
let selector = new SelectorQuery('.dynamic');
this.addEventListener('pointer-down', (event) => {
selector.findAll(this.shadowRoot).every((element) => element.setAttribute('clicked'));
// TODO(ianh): track the pointer; if it leaves the button, cancel the click
// TOOD(ianh): if the pointer doesn't leave the button before being released, then fire some event on ourselves
module.application.document.addEventListener('pointer-up', function upHandler (event) {
module.application.document.removeEventListener('pointer-up', upHandler);
selector.findAll(this.shadowRoot).every((element) => element.removeAttribute('clicked'));
<template id="threed-button-shadow-tree">
/* TODO(ianh): make this shrink-wrap the contents */
div { border: solid 1px; }
#a { border-color: #666666 #333333 #333333 #666666; }
#b { border-color: #EEEEEE #666666 #666666 #EEEEEE; }
#c { border-color: #EEEEEE #666666 #666666 #EEEEEE; }
#d { border-color: #EEEEEE #999999 #999999 #EEEEEE; padding: 2px 0 0 0; background: #DDDDDD; color: black; text-align: center; }
#a[clicked] { border-color: #666666 #333333 #333333 #666666; width: 6em; }
#b[clicked] { border-color: #666666 #DDDDDD #DDDDDD #666666; border-width: 1px 0 0 1px; }
#c[clicked] { border-color: #666666 #DDDDDD #DDDDDD #666666; border-width: 1px 0 0 1px; }
#d[clicked] { border-color: #999999 #DDDDDD #DDDDDD #999999; padding: 4px 0 0 2px; }
<div class="dynamic" id="a">
<div class="dynamic" id="b">
<div class="dynamic" id="c">
<div class="dynamic" id="d">
<template id="flat-button-shadow-tree">
div { background: green; color: yellow; }
div[clicked] { background: yellow; color: green; }
<div class=dynamic>
module.exports = {
ThreeDButtonElement: module.registerElement(
class extends AbstractButton {
static get tagName() { return 'graybutton'; }
static get shadow() { return true; }
constructor (hostModule) {
FlatButtonElement: module.registerElement(
class extends AbstractButton {
static get tagName() { return 'flatbutton'; }
static get shadow() { return true; }
constructor (hostModule) {
getPlace() {
return "world";
#!mojo mojo:sky_viewer
<import src="" as="library" />
import "dart:sky" as sky;
main() {
var text = new sky.Text("Hello");
// print(text.firstChild);
#!mojo mojo:sky_viewer
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
<import src="../framework/sky-element/" as="SkyElement" />
<import src="../framework/" as="XMLHttpRequest" />
<sky-element name="file-browser">
heading {
font-size: 16px;
<heading>File browser for {{ url }}</heading>
<template repeat="{{ directories }}">
<a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
<template repeat="{{ files }}">
<a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
module.exports = class extends SkyElement {
created() {
this.url = '';
this.files = [];
this.directories = [];
attached() {
this.url = this.ownerDocument.URL;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', this.url + '?format=json');
xhr.onload = (function() {
var listing = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
this.files = listing.files;
this.directories = listing.directories;
SKY MODULE - radio button and radio button group
<!-- accessibility handling not implemented yet, pending mojo service -->
<!-- <radio> -->
<template id="radio-shadow">
:host { width: 1em; height: 1em; border: solid; background: white; }
:host[checked] { background: black; }
module.exports.RadioElement = module.registerElement(
class extends Element {
static get tagName() { return 'radio'; }
static get shadow() { return true; }
constructor (hostModule) {
this.addEventListener('click', (event) => this.checked = true);
get checked () {
return this.hasAttribute('checked');
set checked (value) {
if (value)
this.setAttribute('checked', '');
get value () {
return this.getAttribute('name');
set value (value) {
this.setAttribute('value', value);
attributeChanged(name, oldValue, newValue) {
if ((name == 'checked') && (newValue != null))
if (this.parentNode instanceof module.exports.RadioGroupElement)
<!-- <radiogroup> -->
<template id="radiogroup-shadow">
:host { padding: 1em; border: thin solid; }
module.exports.RadioGroupElement = module.registerElement(
class extends Element {
static get tagName() { return 'radiogroup'; }
static get shadow() { return true; }
constructor (hostModule) {
get value () {
let children = this.getChildNodes();
for (let child of children)
if (child instanceof module.exports.RadioElement)
if (child.checked)
return '';
set value (name) {
let children = this.getChildNodes();
for (let child of children)
if (child instanceof module.exports.RadioElement)
if (child.value == name)
child.checked = true;
setChecked(radio) {
if (!((radio instanceof module.exports.Radio) && radio.parentNode == this))
let children = this.getChildNodes();
for (let child of children)
if (child instanceof module.exports.RadioElement)
if (child != radio)
child.checked = false;
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