Commit 44ecd803 authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth

More dartdoc for routes.dart

parent 47e042ba
......@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ abstract class OverlayRoute<T> extends Route<T> {
/// A route with entrance and exit transitions.
abstract class TransitionRoute<T> extends OverlayRoute<T> {
Completer<T> popCompleter,
......@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ abstract class TransitionRoute<T> extends OverlayRoute<T> {
}) : _popCompleter = popCompleter,
_transitionCompleter = transitionCompleter;
/// The same as the default constructor but callable with mixins.
Completer<T> popCompleter,
Completer<T> transitionCompleter
......@@ -87,9 +89,17 @@ abstract class TransitionRoute<T> extends OverlayRoute<T> {
Future<T> get completed => _transitionCompleter?.future;
final Completer<T> _transitionCompleter;
/// The duration the transition lasts.
Duration get transitionDuration;
/// Whether the route obscures previous routes when the transition is complete.
/// When an opaque route's entrance transition is complete, the routes behind
/// the opaque route will not be built to save resources.
bool get opaque;
/// The animation that drives the route's transition and the previous route's
/// forward transition.
Animation<double> get animation => _animation;
Animation<double> _animation;
AnimationController _controller;
......@@ -113,7 +123,7 @@ abstract class TransitionRoute<T> extends OverlayRoute<T> {
T _result;
void handleStatusChanged(AnimationStatus status) {
void _handleStatusChanged(AnimationStatus status) {
switch (status) {
case AnimationStatus.completed:
if (overlayEntries.isNotEmpty)
......@@ -144,7 +154,7 @@ abstract class TransitionRoute<T> extends OverlayRoute<T> {
void didPush() {
......@@ -152,7 +162,7 @@ abstract class TransitionRoute<T> extends OverlayRoute<T> {
void didReplace(Route oldRoute) {
if (oldRoute is TransitionRoute)
_controller.value = oldRoute._controller.value;
......@@ -202,7 +212,16 @@ abstract class TransitionRoute<T> extends OverlayRoute<T> {
/// Whether this route can perform a transition to the given route.
/// Subclasses can override this function to restrict the set of routes they
/// need to coordinate transitions with.
bool canTransitionTo(TransitionRoute nextRoute) => true;
/// Whether this route can perform a transition from the given route.
/// Subclasses can override this function to restrict the set of routes they
/// need to coordinate transitions with.
bool canTransitionFrom(TransitionRoute nextRoute) => true;
void finished() {
......@@ -219,28 +238,55 @@ abstract class TransitionRoute<T> extends OverlayRoute<T> {
String toString() => '$runtimeType(animation: $_controller)';
/// An entry in the history of a [LocalHistoryRoute].
class LocalHistoryEntry {
LocalHistoryEntry({ this.onRemove });
/// Called when this entry is removed from the history of its associated [LocalHistoryRoute].
final VoidCallback onRemove;
LocalHistoryRoute _owner;
/// Remove this entry from the history of its associated [LocalHistoryRoute].
void remove() {
assert(_owner == null);
void _notifyRemoved() {
if (onRemove != null)
/// A route that can handle back navigations internally by popping a list.
/// When a [Navigator] is instructed to pop, the current route is given an
/// opportunity to handle the pop internally. A LocalHistoryRoute handles the
/// pop internally if its list of local history entries is non-empty. Rather
/// than being removed as the current route, the most recent [LocalHistoryEntry]
/// is removed from the list and its [onRemove] is called.
abstract class LocalHistoryRoute<T> extends Route<T> {
List<LocalHistoryEntry> _localHistory;
/// Adds a local history entry to this route.
/// When asked to pop, if this route has any local history entires, this route
/// will handle the pop internally by removing the most recently added local
/// history entry.
/// The given local history entry must not already be part of another local
/// history route.
void addLocalHistoryEntry(LocalHistoryEntry entry) {
assert(entry._owner == null);
entry._owner = this;
_localHistory ??= <LocalHistoryEntry>[];
/// Remove a local history entry from this route.
/// The entry's [onRemove] callback, if any, will be called synchronously.
void removeLocalHistoryEntry(LocalHistoryEntry entry) {
assert(entry != null);
assert(entry._owner == this);
......@@ -364,14 +410,24 @@ class _ModalScopeState extends State<_ModalScope> {
/// Where a [ModalRoute] should be positioned within the [Navigator]'s [Overlay].
class ModalPosition {
const ModalPosition({, this.right, this.bottom, this.left });
/// The offset of the route's top edge from the top of the overlay.
final double top;
/// The offset of the route's right edge from the right of the overlay.
final double right;
/// The offset of the route's bottom edge from the bottom of the overlay.
final double bottom;
/// The offset of the route's left edge from the left of the overlay.
final double left;
/// A route that blocks interaction with previous routes.
abstract class ModalRoute<T> extends TransitionRoute<T> with LocalHistoryRoute<T> {
Completer<T> completer,
......@@ -380,6 +436,9 @@ abstract class ModalRoute<T> extends TransitionRoute<T> with LocalHistoryRoute<T
// The API for general users of this class
/// The settings for this route.
/// See [RouteSettings] for details.
final RouteSettings settings;
/// Returns the modal route most closely associated with the given context.
......@@ -393,8 +452,36 @@ abstract class ModalRoute<T> extends TransitionRoute<T> with LocalHistoryRoute<T
// The API for subclasses to override - used by _ModalScope
/// Override to provide a position for this route within the [Navigator]'s [Overlay].
/// By default, the route expands to fill the entire overlay.
ModalPosition getPosition(BuildContext context) => null;
/// Override this function to build the primary content of this route.
/// * [context] The context in which the route is being built.
/// * [animation] The animation for this route's transition. When entering,
/// the animation runs forward from 0.0 to 1.0. When exiting, this animation
/// runs backwards from 1.0 to 0.0.
/// * [forwardAnimation] The animation for the route being pushed on top of
/// this route. This animation lets this route coordinate with the entrance
/// and exit transition of routes pushed on top of this route.
Widget buildPage(BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> forwardAnimation);
/// Override this function to wrap the route in a number of transition widgets.
/// For example, to create a fade entrance transition, wrap the given child
/// widget in a [FadeTransition] using the given animation as the opacity.
/// By default, the child is not wrapped in any transition widgets.
/// * [context] The context in which the route is being built.
/// * [animation] The animation for this route's transition. When entering,
/// the animation runs forward from 0.0 to 1.0. When exiting, this animation
/// runs backwards from 1.0 to 0.0.
/// * [forwardAnimation] The animation for the route being pushed on top of
/// this route. This animation lets this route coordinate with the entrance
/// and exit transition of routes pushed on top of this route.
Widget buildTransitions(BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> forwardAnimation, Widget child) {
return child;
......@@ -408,6 +495,7 @@ abstract class ModalRoute<T> extends TransitionRoute<T> with LocalHistoryRoute<T
/// Whether you can dismiss this route by tapping the modal barrier.
bool get barrierDismissable;
/// The color to use for the modal barrier. If this is null, the barrier will
/// be transparent.
Color get barrierColor;
......@@ -415,6 +503,13 @@ abstract class ModalRoute<T> extends TransitionRoute<T> with LocalHistoryRoute<T
// The API for _ModalScope and HeroController
/// Whether this route is currently offstage.
/// On the first frame of a route's entrance transition, the route is built
/// [Offstage] using an animation progress of 1.0. The route is invisible and
/// non-interactive, but each widget has its final size and position. This
/// mechanism lets the [HeroController] determine the final local of any hero
/// widgets being animated as part of the transition.
bool get offstage => _offstage;
bool _offstage = false;
void set offstage (bool value) {
......@@ -431,6 +526,7 @@ abstract class ModalRoute<T> extends TransitionRoute<T> with LocalHistoryRoute<T
/// The build context for the subtree containing the primary content of this route.
BuildContext get subtreeContext => _subtreeKey.currentContext;
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