Unverified Commit 3ee1d46d authored by Jenn Magder's avatar Jenn Magder Committed by GitHub

Check for either ios-x86_64-simulator or ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator in module test (#85051)

parent eafadd8b
......@@ -270,24 +270,36 @@ Future<void> _testBuildIosFramework(Directory projectDir, { bool isModule = fals
await _checkBitcode(engineFrameworkPath, mode);
// TODO(jmagman): Remove ios-x86_64-simulator checks when the ARM simulator engine artifacts rolls.
final String x86SimulatorFramework = path.join(
final String x86ArmSimulatorFramework = path.join(
final bool x86SimulatorBinaryExists = exists(File(path.join(x86SimulatorFramework, 'Flutter')));
final bool x86ArmSimulatorBinaryExists = exists(File(path.join(x86ArmSimulatorFramework, 'Flutter')));
if (!x86SimulatorBinaryExists && !x86ArmSimulatorBinaryExists) {
throw TaskResult.failure('Expected Flutter engine artifact binary to exist');
final bool x86SimulatorHeaderExists = exists(File(path.join(x86SimulatorFramework, 'Headers', 'Flutter.h')));
final bool x86ArmSimulatorHeaderExists = exists(File(path.join(x86ArmSimulatorFramework, 'Headers', 'Flutter.h')));
if (!x86SimulatorHeaderExists && !x86ArmSimulatorHeaderExists) {
throw TaskResult.failure('Expected Flutter.h engine artifact to exist');
section('Check all modes have plugins');
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