Unverified Commit 3cb04ff9 authored by Jenn Magder's avatar Jenn Magder Committed by GitHub

Shard firebase_test_lab_tests (#56594)

parent e04450c0
# https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/writing-tasks/
# YAML anchors used to share fields between tasks.
# See https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/yaml-anchors-960154027.html
web_shard_template: &WEB_SHARD_TEMPLATE
only_if: "changesInclude('.cirrus.yml', 'dev/**', 'packages/flutter/**', 'packages/flutter_test/**', 'packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/test/**', 'packages/flutter_web_plugins/**', 'bin/internal/**') || $CIRRUS_PR == ''"
......@@ -32,6 +34,18 @@ macos_shard_template: &MACOS_SHARD_TEMPLATE
- ulimit -S -n 2048 # https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/2976
- dart --enable-asserts ./dev/bots/test.dart
firebase_shard_template: &FIREBASE_SHARD_TEMPLATE
# Empirically, this shard runs in 20-25 minutes with just one CPU and 4G of RAM, as of
# October 2019. It does not seem to be sensitive to the number of CPUs or amount of RAM;
# doubling CPUs had no effect (mere seconds under 20 minutes), increasing RAM to 24G left it
# on the high end of the 20-25 minute range. (This makes sense, as it's just driving the
# Firebase test lab remotely.) Less than 4G of RAM made it go OOM.
GCLOUD_FIREBASE_TESTLAB_KEY: ENCRYPTED[1c140257edc48f5578fa5a0e5038b84c8e53270c405efa5a8e35ea303a4e0d135853989f448f72136206de854d17fbec]
- dart --enable-asserts ./dev/bots/test.dart
use_compute_credits: $CIRRUS_USER_COLLABORATOR == 'true'
......@@ -268,17 +282,15 @@ task:
- git clone https://github.com/flutter/tests.git bin/cache/pkg/tests
- dart --enable-asserts dev/customer_testing/run_tests.dart --skip-on-fetch-failure --skip-template bin/cache/pkg/tests/registry/*.test
- name: firebase_test_lab_tests-linux # linux-only
# Empirically, this shard runs in 20-25 minutes with just one CPU and 4G of RAM, as of
# October 2019. It does not seem to be sensitive to the number of CPUs or amount of RAM;
# doubling CPUs had no effect (mere seconds under 20 minutes), increasing RAM to 24G left it
# on the high end of the 20-25 minute range. (This makes sense, as it's just driving the
# Firebase test lab remotely.) Less than 4G of RAM made it go OOM.
GCLOUD_FIREBASE_TESTLAB_KEY: ENCRYPTED[1c140257edc48f5578fa5a0e5038b84c8e53270c405efa5a8e35ea303a4e0d135853989f448f72136206de854d17fbec]
- ./dev/bots/firebase_testlab.sh
# firebase_test_lab_tests are linux-only
- name: firebase_test_lab_tests-0-linux
- name: firebase_test_lab_tests-1-linux
- name: firebase_test_lab_tests-2-linux
- name: web_smoke_test
only_if: "changesInclude('.cirrus.yml', 'examples/hello_world/**' ,'dev/**', 'packages/flutter/**', 'packages/flutter_test/**', 'packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/test/**', 'packages/flutter_web_plugins/**', 'bin/internal/**') || $CIRRUS_PR == ''"
......@@ -8,11 +8,8 @@
# that the app doesn't crash upon startup.
# When adding a test, ensure that there's at least a `print()` statement under lib/*.dart.
# The first and only parameter should be the path to an integration test.
# The devices where the tests are run.
......@@ -79,6 +76,4 @@ function test_app_bundle() {
for test in ${tests[*]}; do
test_app_bundle $test
test_app_bundle "$1"
......@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
'add_to_app_tests': _runAddToAppTests,
'add_to_app_life_cycle_tests': _runAddToAppLifeCycleTests,
'build_tests': _runBuildTests,
'firebase_test_lab_tests': _runFirebaseTestLabTests,
'framework_coverage': _runFrameworkCoverage,
'framework_tests': _runFrameworkTests,
'hostonly_devicelab_tests': _runHostOnlyDeviceLabTests,
......@@ -634,6 +635,34 @@ Future<void> _runFrameworkTests() async {
Future<void> _runFirebaseTestLabTests() async {
// Firebase Lab tests take ~20 minutes per integration test,
// so only one test is run per shard. Therefore, there are as
// many shards available as there are integration tests in this list.
// If you add a new test, add a corresponding firebase_test_lab-#-linux
// to .cirrus.yml
final List<String> integrationTests = <String>[
final Map<String, ShardRunner> subshards = <String, ShardRunner>{};
final String firebaseScript = path.join(flutterRoot, 'dev', 'bots', 'firebase_testlab.sh');
final String integrationTestDirectory = path.join(flutterRoot, 'dev', 'integration_tests');
for (int index = 0; index < integrationTests.length; index += 1) {
final String integrationTestPath = path.join(integrationTestDirectory, integrationTests[index]);
subshards['$index'] = () => runCommand(
<String>[ integrationTestPath ],
workingDirectory: flutterRoot,
await selectSubshard(subshards);
Future<void> _runFrameworkCoverage() async {
final File coverageFile = File(path.join(flutterRoot, 'packages', 'flutter', 'coverage', 'lcov.info'));
if (!coverageFile.existsSync()) {
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