Commit 38215608 authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth

Merge pull request #611 from abarth/rm_build_sky_apk

Remove build_sky_apk.dart
parents 8f7e6204 c477b125
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
const String kBuildToolsVersion = '22.0.1';
const String kAndroidPlatformVersion = '22';
const String kKeystoreKeyName = "chromiumdebugkey";
const String kKeystorePassword = "chromium";
class AssetBuilder {
final Directory outDir;
Directory _assetDir;
AssetBuilder(this.outDir) {
_assetDir = new Directory('${outDir.path}/assets');
_assetDir.createSync(recursive: true);
void add(File asset, String assetName) {
Directory get directory => _assetDir;
class ApkBuilder {
final String androidSDK;
File _androidJar;
File _aapt;
File _zipalign;
String _jarsigner;
ApkBuilder(this.androidSDK) {
_androidJar = new File('$androidSDK/platforms/android-$kAndroidPlatformVersion/android.jar');
String buildTools = '$androidSDK/build-tools/$kBuildToolsVersion';
_aapt = new File('$buildTools/aapt');
_zipalign = new File('$buildTools/zipalign');
_jarsigner = 'jarsigner';
void package(File androidManifest, Directory assets, File outputApk) {
_run(_aapt.path, [
'-M', androidManifest.path,
'-A', assets.path,
'-I', _androidJar.path,
'-F', outputApk.path,
void add(Directory base, String resource, File outputApk) {
_run(_aapt.path, [
'add', '-f', outputApk.absolute.path, resource,
], workingDirectory: base.path);
void sign(File keystore, String keystorePassword, String keyName, File outputApk) {
_run(_jarsigner, [
'-keystore', keystore.path,
'-storepass', keystorePassword,
void align(File unalignedApk, File outputApk) {
_run(_zipalign.path, ['4', unalignedApk.path, outputApk.path]);
void _run(String command, List<String> args, { String workingDirectory }) {
ProcessResult result = Process.runSync(
command, args, workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
if (result.exitCode == 0)
main(List<String> argv) async {
ArgParser parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('help', abbr: 'h', negatable: false);
ArgResults args = parser.parse(argv);
if (args['help']) {
print('usage: build_sky_apk <options>');
Directory artifacts = new Directory('artifacts');
File keystore = new File('${artifacts.path}/chromium-debug.keystore');
File androidManifest = new File('${artifacts.path}/AndroidManifest.xml');
File icuData = new File('${artifacts.path}/assets/icudtl.dat');
File appSkyx = new File(args['skyx']);
Directory outDir = new Directory('out');
outDir.createSync(recursive: true);
AssetBuilder assetBuilder = new AssetBuilder(outDir);
assetBuilder.add(icuData, 'icudtl.dat');
assetBuilder.add(appSkyx, 'app.skyx');
ApkBuilder builder = new ApkBuilder(args['android-sdk']);
File unalignedApk = new File('${outDir.path}/Example.apk.unaligned');
File finalApk = new File('${outDir.path}/Example.apk');
builder.package(androidManifest,, unalignedApk);
builder.add(artifacts, 'classes.dex', unalignedApk);
builder.add(artifacts, 'lib/armeabi-v7a/', unalignedApk);
builder.sign(keystore, kKeystorePassword, kKeystoreKeyName, unalignedApk);
builder.align(unalignedApk, finalApk);
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