Unverified Commit 3618199a authored by engine-flutter-autoroll's avatar engine-flutter-autoroll Committed by GitHub

Roll engine 96ad0c8926b0..6a8a45fc4f69 (16 commits) (#29698)


git log 96ad0c8926b0493d4276a39ee9bc6de6fa97bece..6a8a45fc4f698364d03b5902c1818d2acc79db22 --no-merges --oneline
6a8a45fc4 Have the AccessibilityBridge attach/detach itself to the (flutter/engine#8229)
45b19e47c Roll src/third_party/skia ba91f65f2070..7e2c0614a2fd (13 commits) (flutter/engine#8228)
1dbd2046b Moved io.flutter.embedding.engine.android package to io.flutter.embedding.android (flutter/engine#8221)
bb354363e Roll src/third_party/dart 70e3e67dd7..5e9df35a57 (45 commits)
3b19a4d30 Removed dart_plugin_tag from DEPS
d9b6629b6 Roll src/third_party/skia 4273a150f84d..ba91f65f2070 (6 commits) (flutter/engine#8225)
e88573aef Roll src/third_party/skia d7d93001ead2..4273a150f84d (1 commits) (flutter/engine#8224)
be9067cc7 Roll src/third_party/skia 37a9294d2eb9..d7d93001ead2 (2 commits) (flutter/engine#8223)
ee4abba58 Roll src/third_party/skia 2894d13a0d9b..37a9294d2eb9 (1 commits) (flutter/engine#8222)
3496156bd Roll src/third_party/skia dd0544078d05..2894d13a0d9b (33 commits) (flutter/engine#8220)
a1dcb2ea9 [ios] Set contentsScale before we commit CATransaction (flutter/engine#8218)
fa1931f6a Send macOS keyboard data to the engine (flutter/engine#8219)
45f69ac47 Plumb a reference of PlatformViewsController and AccessibilityBridge to each other (flutter/engine#8208)
7cbbdb400 libtxt: more accurate tracking of run positioning and width for justified text (flutter/engine#8214)
172810342 Add a build dependencies script for Linux desktop (flutter/engine#8160)
d764b69b2 Add docs for helpful commands to fix format (flutter/engine#8171)

The AutoRoll server is located here: https://autoroll.skia.org/r/flutter-engine-flutter-autoroll

Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:

If the roll is causing failures, please contact the current sheriff (liyuqian@google.com), and stop
the roller if necessary.
parent a6af4228
96ad0c8926b0493d4276a39ee9bc6de6fa97bece 6a8a45fc4f698364d03b5902c1818d2acc79db22
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