Unverified Commit 3519bec6 authored by Jim Graham's avatar Jim Graham Committed by GitHub

Save results of A/B test runs in a JSON file for future processing (#56416)

parent da66a45e
......@@ -167,8 +167,10 @@ An example of a local engine architecture is `android_debug_unopt_x86`.
You can run an A/B test that compares the performance of the default engine
against a local engine build. The test runs the same benchmark a specified
number of times against both engines, then outputs a tab-separated spreadsheet
with the results. The results can be copied to a Google Spreadsheet for further
with the results and stores them in a JSON file for future reference. The
results can be copied to a Google Spreadsheet for further inspection and the
JSON file can be reprocessed with the summarize.dart command for more detailed
......@@ -183,6 +185,11 @@ The `--ab=10` tells the runner to run an A/B test 10 times.
`--local-engine=host_debug_unopt` tells the A/B test to use the `host_debug_unopt`
engine build. `--local-engine` is required for A/B test.
`--ab-result-file=filename` can be used to provide an alternate location to output
the JSON results file (defaults to `ABresults#.json`). A single `#` character can be
used to indicate where to insert a serial number if a file with that name already
exists, otherwise the file will be overwritten.
A/B can run exactly one task. Multiple tasks are not supported.
Example output:
......@@ -203,6 +210,21 @@ the default engine. Values less than 1.0 indicate a slow-down. For example,
0.5x means the local engine is twice as slow as the default engine, and 2.0x
means it's twice as fast. Higher is better.
Summarize tool example:
../../bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart bin/summarize.dart --[no-]tsv-table --[no-]raw-summary \
ABresults.json ABresults1.json ABresults2.json ...
`--[no-]tsv-table` tells the tool to print the summary in a table with tabs for easy spreadsheet
entry. (defaults to on)
`--[no-]raw-summary` tells the tool to print all per-run data collected by the A/B test formatted
with tabs for easy spreadsheet entry. (defaults to on)
Multiple trailing filenames can be specified and each such results file will be processed in turn.
# Reproducing broken builds locally
To reproduce the breakage locally `git checkout` the corresponding Flutter
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ Future<void> _runABTest() async {
print('$taskName A/B test. Will run $runsPerTest times.');
final ABTest abTest = ABTest();
final ABTest abTest = ABTest(localEngine, taskName);
for (int i = 1; i <= runsPerTest; i++) {
section('Run #$i');
......@@ -168,6 +168,10 @@ Future<void> _runABTest() async {
final File jsonFile = _uniqueFile(args['ab-result-file'] as String ?? 'ABresults#.json');
jsonFile.writeAsString(const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(abTest.jsonMap));
if (!silent) {
section('Raw results');
......@@ -176,6 +180,23 @@ Future<void> _runABTest() async {
section('Final A/B results');
print('Results saved to ${jsonFile.path}');
File _uniqueFile(String filenameTemplate) {
final List<String> parts = filenameTemplate.split('#');
if (parts.length != 2) {
return File(filenameTemplate);
File file = File(parts[0] + parts[1]);
int i = 1;
while (file.existsSync()) {
file = File(parts[0]+i.toString()+parts[1]);
return file;
void addTasks({
......@@ -245,6 +266,12 @@ final ArgParser _argParser = ArgParser()
help: 'The filename in which to place the json encoded results of an A/B test.\n'
'The filename may contain a single # character to be replaced by a sequence\n'
'number if the name already exists.',
abbr: 'a',
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/ab.dart';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/utils.dart';
String kRawSummaryOpt = 'raw-summary';
String kTabTableOpt = 'tsv-table';
String kAsciiTableOpt = 'ascii-table';
void _usage(String error) {
exitCode = 1;
Future<void> main(List<String> rawArgs) async {
ArgResults args;
try {
args = _argParser.parse(rawArgs);
} on FormatException catch (error) {
final List<String> jsonFiles = args.rest.isNotEmpty ? args.rest : <String>[ 'ABresults.json' ];
for (final String filename in jsonFiles) {
final File file = File(filename);
if (!file.existsSync()) {
_usage('File "$filename" does not exist');
ABTest test;
try {
test = ABTest.fromJsonMap(
const JsonDecoder().convert(await file.readAsString()) as Map<String, dynamic>
} catch(error) {
_usage('Could not parse json file "$filename"');
if (args[kRawSummaryOpt] as bool) {
section('Raw results for "$filename"');
if (args[kTabTableOpt] as bool) {
section('A/B comparison for "$filename"');
if (args[kAsciiTableOpt] as bool) {
section('Formatted summary for "$filename"');
/// Command-line options for the `summarize.dart` command.
final ArgParser _argParser = ArgParser()
defaultsTo: true,
help: 'Prints the summary in a table formatted nicely for terminal output.',
defaultsTo: true,
help: 'Prints the summary in a table with tabs for easy spreadsheet entry.',
defaultsTo: true,
help: 'Prints all per-run data collected by the A/B test formatted with\n'
'tabs for easy spreadsheet entry.',
......@@ -5,12 +5,53 @@
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
const String kBenchmarkTypeKeyName = 'benchmark_type';
const String kBenchmarkVersionKeyName = 'version';
const String kLocalEngineKeyName = 'local_engine';
const String kTaskNameKeyName = 'task_name';
const String kRunStartKeyName = 'run_start';
const String kRunEndKeyName = 'run_end';
const String kAResultsKeyName = 'default_results';
const String kBResultsKeyName = 'local_engine_results';
const String kBenchmarkResultsType = 'A/B summaries';
const String kBenchmarkABVersion = '1.0';
enum FieldJustification { LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER }
/// Collects data from an A/B test and produces a summary for human evaluation.
/// See [printSummary] for more.
class ABTest {
final Map<String, List<double>> _aResults = <String, List<double>>{};
final Map<String, List<double>> _bResults = <String, List<double>>{};
ABTest(this.localEngine, this.taskName)
: runStart = DateTime.now(),
_aResults = <String, List<double>>{},
_bResults = <String, List<double>>{};
ABTest.fromJsonMap(Map<String, dynamic> jsonResults)
: localEngine = jsonResults[kLocalEngineKeyName] as String,
taskName = jsonResults[kTaskNameKeyName] as String,
runStart = DateTime.parse(jsonResults[kRunStartKeyName] as String),
_runEnd = DateTime.parse(jsonResults[kRunEndKeyName] as String),
_aResults = _convertFrom(jsonResults[kAResultsKeyName] as Map<String, dynamic>),
_bResults = _convertFrom(jsonResults[kBResultsKeyName] as Map<String, dynamic>);
final String localEngine;
final String taskName;
final DateTime runStart;
DateTime _runEnd;
DateTime get runEnd => _runEnd;
final Map<String, List<double>> _aResults;
final Map<String, List<double>> _bResults;
static Map<String, List<double>> _convertFrom(dynamic results) {
final Map<String, dynamic> resultMap = results as Map<String, dynamic>;
return <String, List<double>> {
for (String key in resultMap.keys)
key: (resultMap[key] as List<dynamic>).cast<double>()
/// Adds the result of a single A run of the benchmark.
......@@ -18,6 +59,9 @@ class ABTest {
/// [result] is expected to be a serialization of [TaskResult].
void addAResult(Map<String, dynamic> result) {
if (_runEnd != null) {
throw StateError('Cannot add results to ABTest after it is finalized');
_addResult(result, _aResults);
......@@ -27,9 +71,115 @@ class ABTest {
/// [result] is expected to be a serialization of [TaskResult].
void addBResult(Map<String, dynamic> result) {
if (_runEnd != null) {
throw StateError('Cannot add results to ABTest after it is finalized');
_addResult(result, _bResults);
void finalize() {
_runEnd = DateTime.now();
Map<String, dynamic> get jsonMap => <String, dynamic>{
kBenchmarkTypeKeyName: kBenchmarkResultsType,
kBenchmarkVersionKeyName: kBenchmarkABVersion,
kLocalEngineKeyName: localEngine,
kTaskNameKeyName: taskName,
kRunStartKeyName: runStart.toIso8601String(),
kRunEndKeyName: runEnd.toIso8601String(),
kAResultsKeyName: _aResults,
kBResultsKeyName: _bResults,
static void updateColumnLengths(List<int> lengths, List<String> results) {
for (int column = 0; column < lengths.length; column++) {
if (results[column] != null) {
lengths[column] = math.max(lengths[column], results[column].length);
static void formatResult(StringBuffer buffer,
List<int> lengths,
List<FieldJustification> aligns,
List<String> values) {
for (int column = 0; column < lengths.length; column++) {
final int len = lengths[column];
String value = values[column];
if (value == null) {
value = ''.padRight(len);
} else {
switch (aligns[column]) {
case FieldJustification.LEFT:
value = value.padRight(len);
case FieldJustification.RIGHT:
value = value.padLeft(len);
case FieldJustification.CENTER:
value = value.padLeft((len + value.length) ~/2);
value = value.padRight(len);
if (column > 0) {
value = value.padLeft(len+1);
/// Returns the summary as a tab-separated spreadsheet.
/// This value can be copied straight to a Google Spreadsheet for further analysis.
String asciiSummary() {
final Map<String, _ScoreSummary> summariesA = _summarize(_aResults);
final Map<String, _ScoreSummary> summariesB = _summarize(_bResults);
final List<List<String>> tableRows = <List<String>>[
for (final String scoreKey in <String>{...summariesA.keys, ...summariesB.keys})
summariesA[scoreKey]?.averageString, summariesA[scoreKey]?.noiseString,
summariesB[scoreKey]?.averageString, summariesB[scoreKey]?.noiseString,
final List<String> titles = <String>[
'Average A', '(noise)',
'Average B', '(noise)',
final List<FieldJustification> alignments = <FieldJustification>[
FieldJustification.RIGHT, FieldJustification.LEFT,
FieldJustification.RIGHT, FieldJustification.LEFT,
final List<int> lengths = List<int>.filled(6, 0);
updateColumnLengths(lengths, titles);
for (final List<String> row in tableRows) {
updateColumnLengths(lengths, row);
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
formatResult(buffer, lengths,
], titles);
for (final List<String> row in tableRows) {
formatResult(buffer, lengths, alignments, row);
return buffer.toString();
/// Returns unprocessed data collected by the A/B test formatted as
/// a tab-separated spreadsheet.
String rawResults() {
......@@ -83,19 +233,19 @@ class ABTest {
if (summaryA != null) {
buffer.write('${summaryA.average.toStringAsFixed(2)} (${_ratioToPercent(summaryA.noise)})\t');
buffer.write('${summaryA.averageString} ${summaryA.noiseString}\t');
} else {
if (summaryB != null) {
buffer.write('${summaryB.average.toStringAsFixed(2)} (${_ratioToPercent(summaryB.noise)})\t');
buffer.write('${summaryB.averageString} ${summaryB.noiseString}\t');
} else {
if (summaryA != null && summaryB != null) {
buffer.write('${(summaryA.average / summaryB.average).toStringAsFixed(2)}x\t');
......@@ -117,6 +267,13 @@ class _ScoreSummary {
/// The noise (standard deviation divided by [average]) in the collected
/// values.
final double noise;
String get averageString => average.toStringAsFixed(2);
String get noiseString => '(${_ratioToPercent(noise)})';
String improvementOver(_ScoreSummary other) {
return other == null ? '' : '${(average / other.average).toStringAsFixed(2)}x';
void _addResult(Map<String, dynamic> result, Map<String, List<double>> results) {
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import 'common.dart';
void main() {
test('ABTest', () {
final ABTest ab = ABTest();
final ABTest ab = ABTest('engine', 'test');
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
ab.addAResult(<String, dynamic>{
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ void main() {
'benchmarkScoreKeys': <String>['i', 'k'],
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