Unverified Commit 32db0fe7 authored by Jonah Williams's avatar Jonah Williams Committed by GitHub

[flutter_tools] provide correct sources and metadata for different base hrefs (#74452)

parent 08068fd9
......@@ -552,6 +552,7 @@ class WebAssetServer implements AssetReader {
Future<String> dartSourceContents(String serverPath) async {
serverPath = _stripBasePath(serverPath, basePath);
final File result = _resolveDartFile(serverPath);
if (result.existsSync()) {
return result.readAsString();
......@@ -561,18 +562,20 @@ class WebAssetServer implements AssetReader {
Future<String> sourceMapContents(String serverPath) async {
serverPath = _stripBasePath(serverPath, basePath);
return utf8.decode(_webMemoryFS.sourcemaps[serverPath]);
Future<String> metadataContents(String serverPath) async {
serverPath = _stripBasePath(serverPath, basePath);
if (serverPath == 'main_module.ddc_merged_metadata') {
return _webMemoryFS.mergedMetadata;
if (_webMemoryFS.metadataFiles.containsKey(serverPath)) {
return utf8.decode(_webMemoryFS.metadataFiles[serverPath]);
return null;
throw Exception('Could not find metadata contents for $serverPath');
......@@ -1003,6 +1003,27 @@ void main() {
expect(response.statusCode, 404);
test('WebAssetServer strips leading base href off off asset requests', () => testbed.run(() async {
const String htmlContent = '<html><head><base href="/foo/"></head><body id="test"></body></html>';
..createSync(recursive: true)
final WebAssetServer webAssetServer = WebAssetServer(
<String, String>{},
<String, String>{},
expect(await webAssetServer.metadataContents('foo/main_module.ddc_merged_metadata'), null);
// Not base href.
expect(() async => await webAssetServer.metadataContents('bar/main_module.ddc_merged_metadata'), throwsException);
test('DevFS URI includes any specified base path.', () => testbed.run(() async {
final File outputFile = globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join('lib', 'main.dart'))
..createSync(recursive: true);
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