Unverified Commit 320a933d authored by Tianguang's avatar Tianguang Committed by GitHub

Fix chip ripple bug — No longer two ripples (#42779)

* Fixed chip ripple.

* Fixed chip ripple. All tests passed.

* Fix one minor detail.

* Fixed reference box.

* Playing around 2.

* Added tests for chip ripple.

* Reverting print-debugging statements

* Remove extra blank line.

* Fixed chip ripple.

* Remove commented code.

* Reconciles with upstream/master.

* Remove print-debugging statement.

* Remove empty line.

* Edit comments.

* Edit style and comments.

* Edit style.

* Fix style and capitalization.

* Return bool.

* Edit style.

* Use getMaterialBox instead of Material.of(...).

* Experiment 3.

* Revert.

* Using tester.pump instead of pumpFrames

* Delete pumpFrames.

* Edit comments.
parent 50112f3c
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import 'chip_theme.dart';
import 'colors.dart';
import 'constants.dart';
import 'debug.dart';
import 'feedback.dart';
import 'icons.dart';
import 'ink_well.dart';
import 'material.dart';
......@@ -1525,6 +1526,8 @@ class _RawChipState extends State<RawChip> with TickerProviderStateMixin<RawChip
final Set<MaterialState> _states = <MaterialState>{};
final GlobalKey deleteIconKey = GlobalKey();
bool get hasDeleteButton => widget.onDeleted != null;
bool get hasAvatar => widget.avatar != null;
......@@ -1729,15 +1732,27 @@ class _RawChipState extends State<RawChip> with TickerProviderStateMixin<RawChip
Widget _buildDeleteIcon(BuildContext context, ThemeData theme, ChipThemeData chipTheme) {
Widget _buildDeleteIcon(
BuildContext context,
ThemeData theme,
ChipThemeData chipTheme,
GlobalKey deleteIconKey,
) {
if (!hasDeleteButton) {
return null;
return _wrapWithTooltip(
widget.deleteButtonTooltipMessage ?? MaterialLocalizations.of(context)?.deleteButtonTooltip,
onTap: widget.isEnabled ? widget.onDeleted : null,
key: deleteIconKey,
behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,
onTap: widget.isEnabled
? () {
: null,
child: IconTheme(
data: theme.iconTheme.copyWith(
color: widget.deleteIconColor ?? chipTheme.deleteIconColor,
......@@ -1789,6 +1804,11 @@ class _RawChipState extends State<RawChip> with TickerProviderStateMixin<RawChip
onTapDown: canTap ? _handleTapDown : null,
onTapCancel: canTap ? _handleTapCancel : null,
onHover: canTap ? _handleHover : null,
splashFactory: _LocationAwareInkRippleFactory(
customBorder: shape,
child: AnimatedBuilder(
animation: Listenable.merge(<Listenable>[selectController, enableController]),
......@@ -1820,7 +1840,7 @@ class _RawChipState extends State<RawChip> with TickerProviderStateMixin<RawChip
switchInCurve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,
deleteIcon: AnimatedSwitcher(
child: _buildDeleteIcon(context, theme, chipTheme),
child: _buildDeleteIcon(context, theme, chipTheme, deleteIconKey),
duration: _kDrawerDuration,
switchInCurve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,
......@@ -2441,23 +2461,19 @@ class _RenderChip extends RenderBox {
bool hitTest(BoxHitTestResult result, { Offset position }) {
if (!size.contains(position))
if (!size.contains(position)) {
return false;
RenderBox hitTestChild;
switch (textDirection) {
case TextDirection.ltr:
if (position.dx / size.width > 0.66)
hitTestChild = deleteIcon ?? label ?? avatar;
hitTestChild = label ?? avatar;
case TextDirection.rtl:
if (position.dx / size.width < 0.33)
hitTestChild = deleteIcon ?? label ?? avatar;
hitTestChild = label ?? avatar;
final bool tapIsOnDeleteIcon = _tapIsOnDeleteIcon(
hasDeleteButton: deleteIcon != null,
tapPosition: position,
chipSize: size,
textDirection: textDirection,
final RenderBox hitTestChild = tapIsOnDeleteIcon
? (deleteIcon ?? label ?? avatar)
: (label ?? avatar);
if (hitTestChild != null) {
final Offset center = hitTestChild.size.center(Offset.zero);
return result.addWithRawTransform(
......@@ -2795,3 +2811,88 @@ class _RenderChip extends RenderBox {
bool hitTestSelf(Offset position) => deleteButtonRect.contains(position) || pressRect.contains(position);
class _LocationAwareInkRippleFactory extends InteractiveInkFeatureFactory {
const _LocationAwareInkRippleFactory(
final bool hasDeleteButton;
final BuildContext chipContext;
final GlobalKey deleteIconKey;
InteractiveInkFeature create({
MaterialInkController controller,
RenderBox referenceBox,
Offset position,
Color color,
TextDirection textDirection,
bool containedInkWell = false,
RectCallback rectCallback,
BorderRadius borderRadius,
ShapeBorder customBorder,
double radius,
VoidCallback onRemoved,
}) {
final bool tapIsOnDeleteIcon = _tapIsOnDeleteIcon(
hasDeleteButton: hasDeleteButton,
tapPosition: position,
chipSize: chipContext.size,
textDirection: textDirection,
final BuildContext splashContext = tapIsOnDeleteIcon
? deleteIconKey.currentContext
: chipContext;
final InteractiveInkFeatureFactory splashFactory = Theme.of(splashContext).splashFactory;
if (tapIsOnDeleteIcon) {
final RenderBox currentBox = referenceBox;
referenceBox = deleteIconKey.currentContext.findRenderObject();
position = referenceBox.globalToLocal(currentBox.localToGlobal(position));
containedInkWell = false;
return splashFactory.create(
controller: controller,
referenceBox: referenceBox,
position: position,
color: color,
textDirection: textDirection,
containedInkWell: containedInkWell,
rectCallback: rectCallback,
borderRadius: borderRadius,
customBorder: customBorder,
radius: radius,
onRemoved: onRemoved,
bool _tapIsOnDeleteIcon({
bool hasDeleteButton,
Offset tapPosition,
Size chipSize,
TextDirection textDirection,
}) {
bool tapIsOnDeleteIcon;
if (!hasDeleteButton) {
tapIsOnDeleteIcon = false;
} else {
switch (textDirection) {
case TextDirection.ltr:
tapIsOnDeleteIcon = tapPosition.dx / chipSize.width > 0.66;
case TextDirection.rtl:
tapIsOnDeleteIcon = tapPosition.dx / chipSize.width < 0.33;
return tapIsOnDeleteIcon;
......@@ -188,6 +188,77 @@ void _expectCheckmarkColor(Finder finder, Color color) {
Widget _chipWithOptionalDeleteButton({
UniqueKey deleteButtonKey,
UniqueKey labelKey,
bool deletable,
TextDirection textDirection = TextDirection.ltr,
return _wrapForChip(
textDirection: textDirection,
child: Wrap(
children: <Widget>[
onPressed: () {},
onDeleted: deletable ? () {} : null,
deleteIcon: Icon(Icons.close, key: deleteButtonKey),
label: Text(
? 'Chip with Delete Button'
: 'Chip without Delete Button',
key: labelKey,
bool offsetsAreClose(Offset a, Offset b) => (a - b).distance < 1.0;
bool radiiAreClose(double a, double b) => (a - b).abs() < 1.0;
// Ripple pattern matches if there exists at least one ripple
// with the [expectedCenter] and [expectedRadius].
// This ensures the existence of a ripple.
PaintPattern ripplePattern(Offset expectedCenter, double expectedRadius) {
return paints
..something((Symbol method, List<dynamic> arguments) {
if (method != #drawCircle)
return false;
final Offset center = arguments[0];
final double radius = arguments[1];
return offsetsAreClose(center, expectedCenter) && radiiAreClose(radius, expectedRadius);
// Unique ripple pattern matches if there does not exist ripples
// other than ones with the [expectedCenter] and [expectedRadius].
// This ensures the nonexistence of two different ripples.
PaintPattern uniqueRipplePattern(Offset expectedCenter, double expectedRadius) {
return paints
..everything((Symbol method, List<dynamic> arguments) {
if (method != #drawCircle)
return true;
final Offset center = arguments[0];
final double radius = arguments[1];
if (offsetsAreClose(center, expectedCenter) && radiiAreClose(radius, expectedRadius))
return true;
throw '''
Expected: center == $expectedCenter, radius == $expectedRadius
Found: center == $center radius == $radius''';
// Finds any container of a tooltip.
Finder findTooltipContainer(String tooltipText) {
return find.ancestor(
of: find.text(tooltipText),
matching: find.byType(Container),
void main() {
testWidgets('Chip control test', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final FeedbackTester feedback = FeedbackTester();
......@@ -923,6 +994,202 @@ void main() {
expect(find.byKey(deleteButtonKey), findsNothing);
}, skip: isBrowser);
testWidgets('Chip creates centered, unique ripple when label is tapped', (WidgetTester tester) async {
// Creates a chip with a delete button.
final UniqueKey labelKey = UniqueKey();
final UniqueKey deleteButtonKey = UniqueKey();
await tester.pumpWidget(
labelKey: labelKey,
deleteButtonKey: deleteButtonKey,
deletable: true,
final RenderBox box = getMaterialBox(tester);
// Taps at a location close to the center of the label.
final Offset centerOfLabel = tester.getCenter(find.byKey(labelKey));
final Offset tapLocationOfLabel = centerOfLabel + const Offset(-10, -10);
final TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(tapLocationOfLabel);
await tester.pump();
// Waits for 100 ms.
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
// There should be exactly one ink-creating widget.
expect(find.byType(InkWell), findsOneWidget);
expect(find.byType(InkResponse), findsNothing);
// There should be one unique, centered ink ripple.
expect(box, ripplePattern(const Offset(163.0, 6.0), 20.9));
expect(box, uniqueRipplePattern(const Offset(163.0, 6.0), 20.9));
// There should be no tooltip.
expect(findTooltipContainer('Delete'), findsNothing);
// Waits for 100 ms again.
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
// The ripple should grow, with the same center.
expect(box, ripplePattern(const Offset(163.0, 6.0), 41.8));
expect(box, uniqueRipplePattern(const Offset(163.0, 6.0), 41.8));
// There should be no tooltip.
expect(findTooltipContainer('Delete'), findsNothing);
// Waits for a very long time.
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// There should still be no tooltip.
expect(findTooltipContainer('Delete'), findsNothing);
await gesture.up();
}, skip: isBrowser);
testWidgets('Delete button creates non-centered, unique ripple when tapped', (WidgetTester tester) async {
// Creates a chip with a delete button.
final UniqueKey labelKey = UniqueKey();
final UniqueKey deleteButtonKey = UniqueKey();
await tester.pumpWidget(
labelKey: labelKey,
deleteButtonKey: deleteButtonKey,
deletable: true,
final RenderBox box = getMaterialBox(tester);
// Taps at a location close to the center of the delete icon.
final Offset centerOfDeleteButton = tester.getCenter(find.byKey(deleteButtonKey));
final Offset tapLocationOfDeleteButton = centerOfDeleteButton + const Offset(-10, -10);
final TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(tapLocationOfDeleteButton);
await tester.pump();
// Waits for 200 ms.
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
// There should be exactly one ink-creating widget.
expect(find.byType(InkWell), findsOneWidget);
expect(find.byType(InkResponse), findsNothing);
// There should be one unique ink ripple.
expect(box, ripplePattern(const Offset(3.0, 3.0), 3.5));
expect(box, uniqueRipplePattern(const Offset(3.0, 3.0), 3.5));
// There should be no tooltip.
expect(findTooltipContainer('Delete'), findsNothing);
// Waits for 200 ms again.
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
// The ripple should grow, but the center should move,
// Towards the center of the delete icon.
expect(box, ripplePattern(const Offset(5.0, 5.0), 10.5));
expect(box, uniqueRipplePattern(const Offset(5.0, 5.0), 10.5));
// There should be no tooltip.
expect(findTooltipContainer('Delete'), findsNothing);
// Waits for a very long time.
// This is pressing and holding the delete button.
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// There should be a tooltip.
expect(findTooltipContainer('Delete'), findsOneWidget);
await gesture.up();
}, skip: isBrowser);
testWidgets('RTL delete button responds to tap on the left of the chip', (WidgetTester tester) async {
// Creates an RTL chip with a delete button.
final UniqueKey labelKey = UniqueKey();
final UniqueKey deleteButtonKey = UniqueKey();
await tester.pumpWidget(
labelKey: labelKey,
deleteButtonKey: deleteButtonKey,
deletable: true,
textDirection: TextDirection.rtl,
// Taps at a location close to the center of the delete icon,
// Which is on the left side of the chip.
final Offset topLeftOfInkWell = tester.getTopLeft(find.byType(InkWell));
final Offset tapLocation = topLeftOfInkWell + const Offset(8, 8);
final TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(tapLocation);
await tester.pump();
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// The existence of a 'Delete' tooltip indicates the delete icon is tapped,
// Instead of the label.
expect(findTooltipContainer('Delete'), findsOneWidget);
await gesture.up();
}, skip: isBrowser);
testWidgets('Chip without delete button creates correct ripple', (WidgetTester tester) async {
// Creates a chip with a delete button.
final UniqueKey labelKey = UniqueKey();
await tester.pumpWidget(
labelKey: labelKey,
deletable: false,
final RenderBox box = getMaterialBox(tester);
// Taps at a location close to the bottom-right corner of the chip.
final Offset bottomRightOfInkWell = tester.getBottomRight(find.byType(InkWell));
final Offset tapLocation = bottomRightOfInkWell + const Offset(-10, -10);
final TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(tapLocation);
await tester.pump();
// Waits for 100 ms.
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
// There should be exactly one ink-creating widget.
expect(find.byType(InkWell), findsOneWidget);
expect(find.byType(InkResponse), findsNothing);
// There should be one unique, centered ink ripple.
expect(box, ripplePattern(const Offset(378.0, 22.0), 37.9));
expect(box, uniqueRipplePattern(const Offset(378.0, 22.0), 37.9));
// There should be no tooltip.
expect(findTooltipContainer('Delete'), findsNothing);
// Waits for 100 ms again.
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
// The ripple should grow, with the same center.
// This indicates that the tap is not on a delete icon.
expect(box, ripplePattern(const Offset(378.0, 22.0), 75.8));
expect(box, uniqueRipplePattern(const Offset(378.0, 22.0), 75.8));
// There should be no tooltip.
expect(findTooltipContainer('Delete'), findsNothing);
// Waits for a very long time.
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// There should still be no tooltip.
// This indicates that the tap is not on a delete icon.
expect(findTooltipContainer('Delete'), findsNothing);
await gesture.up();
}, skip: isBrowser);
testWidgets('Selection with avatar works as expected on RawChip', (WidgetTester tester) async {
bool selected = false;
final UniqueKey labelKey = UniqueKey();
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