Commit 3206fb63 authored by Yegor's avatar Yegor Committed by GitHub

Generate date localizations (#12466)

* merge with Hans; address comments

* merge material_localizations.dart
parent 72dc7d91
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// This program extracts localized date symbols and patterns from the intl
/// package for the subset of locales supported by the flutter_localizations
/// package.
/// The extracted data is written into lib/src/l10n/date_localizations.dart.
/// Usage:
/// The following outputs the generated Dart code to the console as a dry run:
/// ```
/// dart dev/tools/gen_date_localizations.dart
/// ```
/// If the data looks good, use the `-w` option to overwrite the
/// lib/src/l10n/date_localizations.dart file:
/// ```
/// dart dev/tools/gen_date_localizations.dart -w
/// ```
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart' as args;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
const String _kCommandName = 'gen_date_localizations.dart';
Future<Null> main(List<String> rawArgs) async {
final bool writeToFile = (new args.ArgParser()..addFlag('overwrite', abbr: 'w', defaultsTo: false)).parse(rawArgs)['overwrite'];
final bool isRepoRoot = new Directory('.git').existsSync();
if (!isRepoRoot) {
'$_kCommandName must be run from the root of the Flutter repository. The '
'current working directory is: ${Directory.current.path}'
final File dotPackagesFile = new File(path.join('packages', 'flutter', '.packages'));
final bool dotPackagesExists = dotPackagesFile.existsSync();
if (!dotPackagesExists) {
'File not found: ${dotPackagesFile.path}. $_kCommandName must be run '
'after a successful "flutter update-packages".'
final String pathToIntl = dotPackagesFile
(String line) => line.startsWith('intl:'),
orElse: () {
_fatal('intl dependency not found in ${dotPackagesFile.path}');
final Directory dateSymbolsDirectory = new Directory(path.join(pathToIntl, 'src', 'data', 'dates', 'symbols'));
final Map<String, File> symbolFiles = _listIntlData(dateSymbolsDirectory);
final Directory datePatternsDirectory = new Directory(path.join(pathToIntl, 'src', 'data', 'dates', 'patterns'));
final Map<String, File> patternFiles = _listIntlData(datePatternsDirectory);
final List<String> materialLocales = _materialLocales().toList();
final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.
// To regenerate run (omit -w to print to console instead of the file):
// dart dev/tools/gen_date_localizations.dart -w
buffer.writeln('const Map<String, dynamic> dateSymbols = const <String, dynamic> {');
symbolFiles.forEach((String locale, File data) {
if (materialLocales.contains(locale))
buffer.writeln(_jsonToMapEntry(locale, JSON.decode(data.readAsStringSync())));
buffer.writeln('const Map<String, dynamic> datePatterns = const <String, dynamic> {');
patternFiles.forEach((String locale, File data) {
if (materialLocales.contains(locale))
buffer.writeln(_jsonToMapEntry(locale, JSON.decode(data.readAsStringSync())));
if (writeToFile) {
final File dateLocalizationsFile = new File(path.join('packages', 'flutter_localizations', 'lib', 'src', 'l10n', 'date_localizations.dart'));
Process.runSync(path.join('bin', 'cache', 'dart-sdk', 'bin', 'dartfmt'), <String>[
} else {
String _jsonToMapEntry(String key, dynamic value) {
return "'$key': ${_jsonToMap(value)},";
String _jsonToMap(dynamic json) {
if (json == null || json is num || json is bool)
return '$json';
if (json is String) {
if (json.contains("'"))
return 'r"""$json"""';
return "r'''$json'''";
if (json is Iterable)
return 'const <dynamic>[${',')}]';
if (json is Map) {
final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer('const <String, dynamic>{');
json.forEach((String key, dynamic value) {
buffer.writeln(_jsonToMapEntry(key, value));
return buffer.toString();
throw 'Unsupported JSON type ${json.runtimeType} of value $json.';
void _fatal(String message) {
Iterable<String> _materialLocales() sync* {
final RegExp filenameRE = new RegExp(r'.*_(\w+)\.arb$');
final Directory materialLocalizationsDirectory = new Directory(path.join('packages', 'flutter_localizations', 'lib', 'src', 'l10n'));
for (FileSystemEntity entity in materialLocalizationsDirectory.listSync()) {
final String filePath = entity.path;
if (FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(filePath) && filenameRE.hasMatch(filePath))
yield filenameRE.firstMatch(filePath)[1];
Map<String, File> _listIntlData(Directory directory) {
final Map<String, File> result = <String, File>{};
for (FileSystemEntity entity in directory.listSync()) {
final String filePath = entity.path;
if (FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(filePath) && filePath.endsWith('.json')) {
final String locale = path.basenameWithoutExtension(filePath);
result[locale] = entity;
return result;
......@@ -7,7 +7,11 @@ import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart' as intl;
import 'package:intl/date_symbol_data_local.dart' as intl_local_date_data;
import 'package:intl/date_symbols.dart' as intl;
// TODO(yjbanov): remove internal import when is fixed.
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:intl/src/date_format_internal.dart' as date_format_internal;
import 'l10n/date_localizations.dart' as date_localizations;
import 'l10n/localizations.dart';
import 'widgets_localizations.dart';
......@@ -412,10 +416,14 @@ bool _dateIntlDataInitialized = false;
/// data. Subsequent invocations have no effect.
void _loadDateIntlDataIfNotLoaded() {
if (!_dateIntlDataInitialized) {
// The returned Future is intentionally dropped on the floor. The
// function only returns it to be compatible with the async counterparts.
// The Future has no value otherwise.
date_format_internal.initializeDatePatterns(() => date_localizations.datePatterns);
date_format_internal.initializeDateSymbols(() {
final Map<String, intl.DateSymbols> symbols = <String, intl.DateSymbols>{};
date_localizations.dateSymbols.forEach((String locale, dynamic data) {
symbols[locale] = new intl.DateSymbols.deserializeFromMap(data);
return symbols;
_dateIntlDataInitialized = true;
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