Unverified Commit 30fed3a0 authored by Hans Muller's avatar Hans Muller Committed by GitHub

Material should not prevent ScrollNotifications from bubbling upwards (#32726)

parent 7d667dec
......@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ class _MaterialState extends State<Material> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
onNotification: (LayoutChangedNotification notification) {
final _RenderInkFeatures renderer = _inkFeatureRenderer.currentContext.findRenderObject();
return true;
return false;
child: _InkFeatures(
key: _inkFeatureRenderer,
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
void main() {
......@@ -101,4 +102,53 @@ void main() {
expect(depth0Values, equals(<int>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
expect(depth1Values, equals(<int>[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]));
testWidgets('ScrollNotifications bubble past Scaffold Material', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final List<Type> notificationTypes = <Type>[];
await tester.pumpWidget(
home: NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
onNotification: (ScrollNotification value) {
return false;
child: Scaffold(
body: SizedBox.expand(
child: SingleChildScrollView(
dragStartBehavior: DragStartBehavior.down,
child: SizedBox(
height: 1200.0,
child: Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(50.0),
child: const SingleChildScrollView(
child: SizedBox(height: 1200.0),
dragStartBehavior: DragStartBehavior.down,
final TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(const Offset(100.0, 100.0));
await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1));
await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(-10.0, -40.0));
await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1));
await gesture.up();
await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1));
final List<Type> types = <Type>[
expect(notificationTypes, equals(types));
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