Unverified Commit 2f3dd2c1 authored by Andrew Davies's avatar Andrew Davies Committed by GitHub

[frdb] Adds function to await Dart VM's (#20597)

In the event that no Dart VM's exist or are connectable, will instead
await for a new Dart VM to show up. Will no longer return null when
calling `getMainIsolatesByPattern`, instead returning either a list of
isolates or timing out.
parent 515909ec
......@@ -239,29 +239,73 @@ class FuchsiaRemoteConnection {
_pollDartVms = false;
/// Helper method for [getMainIsolatesByPattern].
/// Called when either there are no Isolates that exist that match
/// `pattern`, or there are not yet any active Dart VM's on the system
/// (possible when the Isolate we're attempting to connect to is in the only
/// instance of the Dart VM and its service port has not yet opened).
Future<List<IsolateRef>> _waitForMainIsolatesByPattern([
Pattern pattern,
Duration timeout = _kIsolateFindTimeout,
]) async {
final Completer<List<IsolateRef>> completer =
new Completer<List<IsolateRef>>();
(DartVmEvent event) async {
if (event.eventType == DartVmEventType.started) {
_log.fine('New VM found on port: ${event.servicePort}. Searching '
'for Isolate: $pattern');
final DartVm vmService = await _getDartVm(event.uri.port);
final List<IsolateRef> result = await vmService
if (result.isNotEmpty) {
if (!completer.isCompleted) {
} else {
_log.warning('Found more than one Dart VM containing Isolates '
'that match the pattern "$pattern".');
onDone: () {
if (!completer.isCompleted) {
_log.warning('Terminating isolate search for "$pattern"'
' before timeout reached.');
return completer.future.timeout(timeout);
/// Returns all Isolates running `main()` as matched by the [Pattern].
/// In the current state this is not capable of listening for an
/// Isolate to start up. The Isolate must already be running.
/// If there are no live Dart VM's or the Isolate cannot be found, waits until
/// either `timeout` is reached, or a Dart VM starts up with a name that
/// matches `pattern`.
Future<List<IsolateRef>> getMainIsolatesByPattern(
Pattern pattern, [
Duration timeout = _kIsolateFindTimeout,
]) async {
// If for some reason there are no Dart VM's that are alive, wait for one to
// start with the Isolate in question.
if (_dartVmPortMap.isEmpty) {
return null;
_log.fine('No live Dart VMs found. Awaiting new VM startup');
return _waitForMainIsolatesByPattern(pattern, timeout);
// Accumulate a list of eventual IsolateRef lists so that they can be loaded
// simultaneously via Future.wait.
final List<Future<List<IsolateRef>>> isolates =
for (PortForwarder fp in _dartVmPortMap.values) {
final DartVm vmService = await _getDartVm(fp.port);
final DartVm vmService = await _getDartVm(fp.port).timeout(timeout);
final Completer<List<IsolateRef>> completer =
new Completer<List<IsolateRef>>();
final List<IsolateRef> result =
await Future.wait(isolates).then((List<List<IsolateRef>> listOfLists) {
final List<IsolateRef> result = await Future.wait(isolates)
.then((List<List<IsolateRef>> listOfLists) {
final List<List<IsolateRef>> mutableListOfLists =
new List<List<IsolateRef>>.from(listOfLists)
..retainWhere((List<IsolateRef> list) => list.isNotEmpty);
......@@ -285,24 +329,9 @@ class FuchsiaRemoteConnection {
// TODO(awdavies): Set this up to handle multiple Isolates per Dart VM.
if (result.isEmpty) {
_log.fine('No instance of the Isolate found. Awaiting new VM startup');
(DartVmEvent event) async {
if (event.eventType == DartVmEventType.started) {
_log.fine('New VM found on port: ${event.servicePort}. Searching '
'for Isolate: $pattern');
final DartVm vmService = await _getDartVm(event.uri.port);
final List<IsolateRef> result =
await vmService.getMainIsolatesByPattern(pattern);
if (result.isNotEmpty) {
} else {
return _waitForMainIsolatesByPattern(pattern, timeout);
return completer.future.timeout(timeout);
return result;
/// Returns a list of [FlutterView] objects.
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