Unverified Commit 2daac920 authored by Jonah Williams's avatar Jonah Williams Committed by GitHub

[flutter_tools] simplify shutdown hooks (#77969)

parent 66768f8c
......@@ -347,9 +347,6 @@ abstract class IOSApp extends ApplicationPackage {
} else {
// Try to unpack as an ipa.
final Directory tempDir = globals.fs.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('flutter_app.');
shutdownHooks.addShutdownHook(() async {
await tempDir.delete(recursive: true);
}, ShutdownStage.STILL_RECORDING);
globals.os.unzip(globals.fs.file(applicationBinary), tempDir);
final Directory payloadDir = globals.fs.directory(
globals.fs.path.join(tempDir.path, 'Payload'),
......@@ -235,7 +235,6 @@ class LocalFileSystem extends local_fs.LocalFileSystem {
// exits normally.
return _systemTemp;
......@@ -26,35 +26,6 @@ typedef ShutdownHook = FutureOr<dynamic> Function();
// See [here](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/14535#discussion_r167041161)
// for more details.
/// The stage in which a [ShutdownHook] will be run. All shutdown hooks within
/// a given stage will be started in parallel and will be guaranteed to run to
/// completion before shutdown hooks in the next stage are started.
class ShutdownStage implements Comparable<ShutdownStage> {
const ShutdownStage._(this.priority);
/// The stage priority. Smaller values will be run before larger values.
final int priority;
/// The stage before the invocation recording (if one exists) is serialized
/// to disk. Tasks performed during this stage *will* be recorded.
static const ShutdownStage STILL_RECORDING = ShutdownStage._(1);
/// The stage during which the invocation recording (if one exists) will be
/// serialized to disk. Invocations performed after this stage will not be
/// recorded.
static const ShutdownStage SERIALIZE_RECORDING = ShutdownStage._(2);
/// The stage during which a serialized recording will be refined (e.g.
/// cleansed for tests, zipped up for bug reporting purposes, etc.).
static const ShutdownStage POST_PROCESS_RECORDING = ShutdownStage._(3);
/// The stage during which temporary files and directories will be deleted.
static const ShutdownStage CLEANUP = ShutdownStage._(4);
int compareTo(ShutdownStage other) => priority.compareTo(other.priority);
ShutdownHooks get shutdownHooks => ShutdownHooks.instance;
abstract class ShutdownHooks {
......@@ -67,14 +38,9 @@ abstract class ShutdownHooks {
static ShutdownHooks get instance => context.get<ShutdownHooks>();
/// Registers a [ShutdownHook] to be executed before the VM exits.
/// If [stage] is specified, the shutdown hook will be run during the specified
/// stage. By default, the shutdown hook will be run during the
/// [ShutdownStage.CLEANUP] stage.
void addShutdownHook(
ShutdownHook shutdownHook, [
ShutdownStage stage = ShutdownStage.CLEANUP,
ShutdownHook shutdownHook
/// Runs all registered shutdown hooks and returns a future that completes when
/// all such hooks have finished.
......@@ -92,18 +58,16 @@ class _DefaultShutdownHooks implements ShutdownHooks {
}) : _logger = logger;
final Logger _logger;
final Map<ShutdownStage, List<ShutdownHook>> _shutdownHooks = <ShutdownStage, List<ShutdownHook>>{};
final List<ShutdownHook> _shutdownHooks = <ShutdownHook>[];
bool _shutdownHooksRunning = false;
void addShutdownHook(
ShutdownHook shutdownHook, [
ShutdownStage stage = ShutdownStage.CLEANUP,
]) {
ShutdownHook shutdownHook
) {
_shutdownHooks.putIfAbsent(stage, () => <ShutdownHook>[]).add(shutdownHook);
......@@ -111,22 +75,17 @@ class _DefaultShutdownHooks implements ShutdownHooks {
_logger.printTrace('Running shutdown hooks');
_shutdownHooksRunning = true;
try {
for (final ShutdownStage stage in _shutdownHooks.keys.toList()..sort()) {
_logger.printTrace('Shutdown hook priority ${stage.priority}');
final List<ShutdownHook> hooks = _shutdownHooks.remove(stage);
final List<Future<dynamic>> futures = <Future<dynamic>>[];
for (final ShutdownHook shutdownHook in hooks) {
final FutureOr<dynamic> result = shutdownHook();
if (result is Future<dynamic>) {
final List<Future<dynamic>> futures = <Future<dynamic>>[];
for (final ShutdownHook shutdownHook in _shutdownHooks) {
final FutureOr<dynamic> result = shutdownHook();
if (result is Future<dynamic>) {
await Future.wait<dynamic>(futures);
await Future.wait<dynamic>(futures);
} finally {
_shutdownHooksRunning = false;
_logger.printTrace('Shutdown hooks complete');
......@@ -48,35 +48,17 @@ void main() {
group('shutdownHooks', () {
testWithoutContext('runInExpectedOrder', () async {
int i = 1;
int serializeRecording1;
int serializeRecording2;
int postProcessRecording;
int cleanup;
final ShutdownHooks shutdownHooks = ShutdownHooks(logger: BufferLogger.test());
shutdownHooks.addShutdownHook(() async {
serializeRecording1 = i++;
shutdownHooks.addShutdownHook(() async {
cleanup = i++;
}, ShutdownStage.CLEANUP);
shutdownHooks.addShutdownHook(() async {
postProcessRecording = i++;
shutdownHooks.addShutdownHook(() async {
serializeRecording2 = i++;
await shutdownHooks.runShutdownHooks();
expect(serializeRecording1, lessThanOrEqualTo(2));
expect(serializeRecording2, lessThanOrEqualTo(2));
expect(postProcessRecording, 3);
expect(cleanup, 4);
expect(cleanup, 1);
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