Unverified Commit 27eee14c authored by Daniel Iglesia's avatar Daniel Iglesia Committed by GitHub

Add DragTarget callback onAcceptDetails, plus helper class DragTarget… (#55257)

parent 6a75dc44
......@@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ typedef DragTargetWillAccept<T> = bool Function(T data);
/// Used by [DragTarget.onAccept].
typedef DragTargetAccept<T> = void Function(T data);
/// Signature for determining information about the acceptance by a [DragTarget].
/// Used by [DragTarget.onAcceptWithDetails].
typedef DragTargetAcceptWithDetails<T> = void Function(DragTargetDetails<T> details);
/// Signature for building children of a [DragTarget].
/// The `candidateData` argument contains the list of drag data that is hovering
......@@ -459,6 +464,21 @@ class DraggableDetails {
final Offset offset;
/// Represents the details when a pointer event occurred on the [DragTarget].
class DragTargetDetails<T> {
/// Creates details for a [DragTarget] callback.
/// The [offset] must not be null.
DragTargetDetails({@required this.data, @required this.offset}) : assert(offset != null);
/// The data that was dropped onto this [DragTarget].
final T data;
/// The global position when the specific pointer event occurred on
/// the draggable.
final Offset offset;
/// A widget that receives data when a [Draggable] widget is dropped.
/// When a draggable is dragged on top of a drag target, the drag target is
......@@ -480,6 +500,7 @@ class DragTarget<T> extends StatefulWidget {
@required this.builder,
}) : super(key: key);
......@@ -493,13 +514,21 @@ class DragTarget<T> extends StatefulWidget {
/// piece of data being dragged over this drag target.
/// Called when a piece of data enters the target. This will be followed by
/// either [onAccept], if the data is dropped, or [onLeave], if the drag
/// leaves the target.
/// either [onAccept] and [onAcceptWithDetails], if the data is dropped, or
/// [onLeave], if the drag leaves the target.
final DragTargetWillAccept<T> onWillAccept;
/// Called when an acceptable piece of data was dropped over this drag target.
/// Equivalent to [onAcceptWithDetails], but only includes the data.
final DragTargetAccept<T> onAccept;
/// Called when an acceptable piece of data was dropped over this drag target.
/// Equivalent to [onAccept], but with information, including the data, in a
/// [DragTargetDetails].
final DragTargetAcceptWithDetails<T> onAcceptWithDetails;
/// Called when a given piece of data being dragged over this target leaves
/// the target.
final DragTargetLeave onLeave;
......@@ -553,6 +582,8 @@ class _DragTargetState<T> extends State<DragTarget<T>> {
if (widget.onAccept != null)
widget.onAccept(avatar.data as T);
if (widget.onAcceptWithDetails != null)
widget.onAcceptWithDetails(DragTargetDetails<T>(data: avatar.data as T, offset: avatar._lastOffset));
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