Unverified Commit 2415eca4 authored by Anurag Roy's avatar Anurag Roy Committed by GitHub

[FloatingActionButtonLocation] Avoid docked FAB to be clipped by the software keyboard (#77769)

parent 5a6bac30
......@@ -584,7 +584,23 @@ mixin FabDockedOffsetY on StandardFabLocation {
final double bottomSheetHeight = scaffoldGeometry.bottomSheetSize.height;
final double fabHeight = scaffoldGeometry.floatingActionButtonSize.height;
final double snackBarHeight = scaffoldGeometry.snackBarSize.height;
final double safeMargin = bottomViewPadding > contentMargin ? bottomViewPadding : 0.0;
final double bottomMinInset = scaffoldGeometry.minInsets.bottom;
double safeMargin;
if (contentMargin > bottomMinInset + fabHeight / 2.0) {
// If contentMargin is higher than bottomMinInset enough to display the
// FAB without clipping, don't provide a margin
safeMargin = 0.0;
} else if (bottomMinInset == 0.0) {
// If bottomMinInset is zero(the software keyboard is not on the screen)
// provide bottomViewPadding as margin
safeMargin = bottomViewPadding;
} else {
// Provide a margin that would shift the FAB enough so that it stays away
// from the keyboard
safeMargin = fabHeight / 2.0 + kFloatingActionButtonMargin;
double fabY = contentBottom - fabHeight / 2.0 - safeMargin;
// The FAB should sit with a margin between it and the snack bar.
......@@ -1037,7 +1037,9 @@ void main() {
// Test docked locations, for each (6), keyboard presented or not:
// Test docked locations, for each (6), keyboard presented or not.
// If keyboard is presented and resizeToAvoidBottomInset: true, test whether
// the FAB is away from the keyboard(and thus not clipped):
// - Default
// - Default with resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false
// - docked with BottomNavigationBar
......@@ -1057,6 +1059,7 @@ void main() {
const double keyboardHeight = 200.0;
const double viewPadding = 50.0;
const double bottomNavHeight = 106.0;
const double scaffoldHeight = 600.0;
final Key floatingActionButton = UniqueKey();
final double fabHeight = mini ? 48.0 : 56.0;
// Default
......@@ -1084,9 +1087,14 @@ void main() {
viewPadding - keyboardHeight + fabHeight / 2.0,
viewPadding - keyboardHeight - kFloatingActionButtonMargin,
// The FAB should be away from the keyboard
lessThan(scaffoldHeight - keyboardHeight),
// With resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false
// With keyboard presented, should maintain default position
......@@ -1136,9 +1144,14 @@ void main() {
-keyboardHeight + bottomNavHeight,
bottomNavHeight + fabHeight / 2.0 - keyboardHeight - kFloatingActionButtonMargin - fabHeight,
// The FAB should be away from the keyboard
lessThan(scaffoldHeight - keyboardHeight),
// BottomNavigationBar with resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false
// With keyboard presented, should maintain default position
......@@ -1195,6 +1208,11 @@ void main() {
-keyboardHeight + bottomNavHeight,
// The FAB should be away from the keyboard
lessThan(scaffoldHeight - keyboardHeight),
// BottomNavigationBar + BottomSheet with resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false
// With keyboard presented, should maintain default position
......@@ -1264,6 +1282,11 @@ void main() {
rectMoreOrLessEquals(snackBarRect.translate(0.0, -keyboardHeight)),
// The FAB should be away from the keyboard
lessThan(scaffoldHeight - keyboardHeight),
testWidgets('startDocked', (WidgetTester tester) async {
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