Unverified Commit 21f89fe0 authored by Jenn Magder's avatar Jenn Magder Committed by GitHub

Remove hard-coded subshard numbers from the test runner (#75189)

parent bad5df55
......@@ -55,13 +55,6 @@ final List<String> flutterTestArgs = <String>[];
final bool useFlutterTestFormatter = Platform.environment['FLUTTER_TEST_FORMATTER'] == 'true';
/// The number of Cirrus jobs that run build tests in parallel.
/// WARNING: if you change this number, also change .cirrus.yml
/// and make sure it runs _all_ shards.
const int kBuildTestShardCount = 2;
const String kShardKey = 'SHARD';
const String kSubshardKey = 'SUBSHARD';
......@@ -77,12 +70,6 @@ const String kSubshardKey = 'SUBSHARD';
int get webShardCount => Platform.environment.containsKey('WEB_SHARD_COUNT')
? int.parse(Platform.environment['WEB_SHARD_COUNT'])
: 8;
/// The number of shards the long-running Web tests are split into.
/// WARNING: this number must match the shard count in LUCI configs.
const int kWebLongRunningTestShardCount = 3;
/// Tests that we don't run on Web for compilation reasons.
// TODO(yjbanov): we're getting rid of this as part of https://github.com/flutter/flutter/projects/60
......@@ -405,10 +392,7 @@ Future<void> _runBuildTests() async {
if (!await _runShardRunnerIndexOfTotalSubshard(tests)) {
// TODO(jmagman): Remove fallback once LUCI configs are migrated to d+_d+ subshard format.
await _selectIndexedSubshard(tests, kBuildTestShardCount);
await _runShardRunnerIndexOfTotalSubshard(tests);
Future<void> _runExampleProjectBuildTests(FileSystemEntity exampleDirectory) async {
......@@ -844,8 +828,6 @@ Future<void> _runWebUnitTests() async {
/// Coarse-grained integration tests running on the Web.
/// These tests are sharded into [kWebLongRunningTestShardCount] shards.
Future<void> _runWebLongRunningTests() async {
final List<ShardRunner> tests = <ShardRunner>[
() => _runGalleryE2eWebTest('debug'),
......@@ -856,10 +838,7 @@ Future<void> _runWebLongRunningTests() async {
() => _runGalleryE2eWebTest('release', canvasKit: true),
await _ensureChromeDriverIsRunning();
if (!await _runShardRunnerIndexOfTotalSubshard(tests)) {
// TODO(jmagman): Remove fallback once LUCI configs are migrated to d+_d+ subshard format.
await _selectIndexedSubshard(tests, kWebLongRunningTestShardCount);
await _runShardRunnerIndexOfTotalSubshard(tests);
await _stopChromeDriver();
......@@ -1475,37 +1454,6 @@ Future<String> verifyVersion(File file) async {
return null;
/// Parse (zero-)index-named subshards and equally distribute [tests]
/// between them. Last shard should end in "_last" to catch mismatches
/// between `.cirrus.yml` and `test.dart`. See [selectShard] for naming details.
/// Examples:
/// build_tests-0-linux
/// build_tests-1-linux
/// build_tests-2_last-linux
Future<void> _selectIndexedSubshard(List<ShardRunner> tests, int numberOfShards) async {
final int testsPerShard = tests.length ~/ numberOfShards;
final Map<String, ShardRunner> subshards = <String, ShardRunner>{};
for (int subshard = 0; subshard < numberOfShards; subshard += 1) {
String last = '';
List<ShardRunner> sublist;
if (subshard < numberOfShards - 1) {
sublist = tests.sublist(subshard * testsPerShard, (subshard + 1) * testsPerShard);
} else {
sublist = tests.sublist(subshard * testsPerShard, tests.length);
// We make sure the last shard ends in _last.
last = '_last';
subshards['$subshard$last'] = () async {
for (final ShardRunner test in sublist)
await test();
await selectSubshard(subshards);
/// Parse (one-)index/total-named subshards from environment variable SUBSHARD
/// and equally distribute [tests] between them.
/// Subshard format is "{index}_{total number of shards}".
......@@ -1529,8 +1477,7 @@ List<T> _selectIndexOfTotalSubshard<T>(List<T> tests, {String subshardKey = kSub
final Match match = pattern.firstMatch(subshardName);
if (match == null || match.groupCount != 2) {
print('${red}Invalid subshard name "$subshardName". Expected format "[int]_[int]" ex. "1_3"');
// TODO(jmagman): exit(1) here instead once LUCI configs are migrated to d+_d+ subshard format.
return null;
// One-indexed.
final int index = int.parse(match.group(1));
......@@ -1548,25 +1495,25 @@ List<T> _selectIndexOfTotalSubshard<T>(List<T> tests, {String subshardKey = kSub
return tests.sublist(start, end);
Future<bool> _runShardRunnerIndexOfTotalSubshard(List<ShardRunner> tests) async {
Future<void> _runShardRunnerIndexOfTotalSubshard(List<ShardRunner> tests) async {
final List<ShardRunner> sublist = _selectIndexOfTotalSubshard<ShardRunner>(tests);
// TODO(jmagman): Remove the boolean return to indicate fallback to unsharded variant once LUCI configs are migrated to d+_d+ subshard format.
if (sublist == null) {
return false;
for (final ShardRunner test in sublist) {
await test();
return true;
/// If the CIRRUS_TASK_NAME environment variable exists, we use that to determine
/// the shard and sub-shard (parsing it in the form shard-subshard-platform, ignoring
/// the platform).
/// However, for local testing you can just set the SHARD and SUBSHARD
/// For local testing you can just set the SHARD and SUBSHARD
/// environment variables. For example, to run all the framework tests you can
/// just set SHARD=framework_tests. To run specifically the third subshard of
/// just set SHARD=framework_tests. Some shards support named subshards, like
/// SHARD=framework_tests SUBSHARD=widgets. Others support arbitrary numbered
/// subsharding, like SHARD=build_tests SUBSHARD=1_2 (where 1_2 means "one of two"
/// as in run the first half of the tests).
/// To run specifically the third subshard of
/// the Web tests you can set SHARD=web_tests SUBSHARD=2 (it's zero-based).
Future<void> selectShard(Map<String, ShardRunner> shards) => _runFromList(shards, kShardKey, 'shard', 0);
Future<void> selectSubshard(Map<String, ShardRunner> subshards) => _runFromList(subshards, kSubshardKey, 'subshard', 1);
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