Roll engine 309d078b597d..ad9d2417e9aa (15 commits) (#30502) git log 309d078b597d3a38fe9bcef8d8bae7b56487e8eb..ad9d2417e9aa182700f0d1423de758d2a000598d --no-merges --oneline ad9d2417e Roll src/third_party/skia dde12a25bb5e..f346df396a23 (1 commits) (flutter/engine#8438) 0ed237c19 Roll src/third_party/skia b6d04556c34d..dde12a25bb5e (4 commits) (flutter/engine#8437) 445ab42ef Roll src/third_party/dart 11a3dd7332..600b2831ef (9 commits) 49d0dc6d6 Roll src/third_party/skia 5c5de2146309..b6d04556c34d (1 commits) (flutter/engine#8434) 4ff18fbda Roll src/third_party/dart f6768b6fb3..11a3dd7332 (56 commits) 7b831986f Roll src/third_party/skia 2273c900ea28..5c5de2146309 (5 commits) (flutter/engine#8432) 800ea0a40 Revert "Enable shutting down all root isolates in a VM. (#8402)" (flutter/engine#8431) b59c4436c Enable shutting down all root isolates in a VM. (flutter/engine#8402) 9acdf1837 Make AccessibilityViewEmbedder final (flutter/engine#8429) 804d54ddf Eliminate unused displayBounds parameter (flutter/engine#8427) d4c815f57 Roll buildroot (flutter/engine#8425) 20190d707 Roll src/third_party/skia fbe240669394..2273c900ea28 (13 commits) (flutter/engine#8428) 7e38b0aa2 Revert "Revert "Separate the data required to bootstrap the VM into its own class. (#8397)" (#8406)" (flutter/engine#8414) d8bb9d793 Roll src/third_party/skia 176da0bb8a10..fbe240669394 (9 commits) (flutter/engine#8424) 64fc58329 Remove use of DART_CHECK_VALID. (flutter/engine#8417) The AutoRoll server is located here: Documentation for the AutoRoller is here: If the roll is causing failures, please contact the current sheriff (, and stop the roller if necessary.
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