Unverified Commit 213b3cb3 authored by Mingyu's avatar Mingyu Committed by GitHub

Check whether slider is mounted before interaction, no-op if unmounted (#113556)

* Check whether slider is unmounted before interaction

* Update slider.dart

* Update Slider

* Add test

* Update slider_test.dart

* Update packages/flutter/test/material/slider_test.dart
Co-authored-by: 's avatarTaha Tesser <tessertaha@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: 's avatarTaha Tesser <tessertaha@gmail.com>
parent 3e71e0ca
......@@ -1528,6 +1528,9 @@ class _RenderSlider extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
void handleEvent(PointerEvent event, BoxHitTestEntry entry) {
if (!_state.mounted) {
assert(debugHandleEvent(event, entry));
if (event is PointerDownEvent && isInteractive) {
// We need to add the drag first so that it has priority.
......@@ -3437,6 +3437,61 @@ void main() {
}, variant: TargetPlatformVariant.desktop());
testWidgets('Event on Slider should perform no-op if already unmounted', (WidgetTester tester) async {
// Test covering crashing found in Google internal issue b/192329942.
double value = 0.0;
final ValueNotifier<bool> shouldShowSliderListenable =
await tester.pumpWidget(
home: Directionality(
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
child: StatefulBuilder(
builder: (BuildContext context, StateSetter setState) {
return Material(
child: Center(
child: ValueListenableBuilder<bool>(
valueListenable: shouldShowSliderListenable,
builder: (BuildContext context, bool shouldShowSlider, _) {
return shouldShowSlider
? Slider(
value: value,
onChanged: (double newValue) {
setState(() {
value = newValue;
: const SizedBox.shrink();
final TestGesture gesture = await tester
// Intentioanlly not calling `await tester.pumpAndSettle()` to allow drag
// event performed on `Slider` before it is about to get unmounted.
shouldShowSliderListenable.value = false;
await tester.drag(find.byType(Slider), const Offset(1.0, 0.0));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(value, equals(0.0));
// This is supposed to trigger animation on `Slider` if it is mounted.
await gesture.up();
expect(tester.takeException(), null);
group('Material 2', () {
// Tests that are only relevant for Material 2. Once ThemeData.useMaterial3
// is turned on by default, these tests can be removed.
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