Unverified Commit 21158d83 authored by Greg Spencer's avatar Greg Spencer Committed by GitHub

Add command key bindings to macOS text editing and fix selection. (#44130)

This adds support for the command key for text selection/editing on macOS. I had ported the text editing code (in #42879), but forgot to add support for the command key itself. This also adds a test that tests the text editing on multiple platforms instead of just testing Android.

There appears to still be a bug (filed #44135) where we're losing key events sometimes on macOS, leaving some keys "stuck" on, but this PR at least allows the right key combinations to be used.
parent a7367b65
......@@ -816,15 +816,15 @@ class TextPainter {
/// <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/#Word_Boundaries>.
TextRange getWordBoundary(TextPosition position) {
// TODO(gspencergoog): remove the List<int>-based code when the engine API
// returns a TextRange instead of a List<int>.
final dynamic boundary = _paragraph.getWordBoundary(position);
if (boundary is List<int>) {
final List<int> indices = boundary;
return TextRange(start: indices[0], end: indices[1]);
final TextRange range = boundary;
return range;
return _paragraph.getWordBoundary(position);
/// Returns the text range of the line at the given offset.
/// The newline, if any, is included in the range.
TextRange getLineBoundary(TextPosition position) {
return _paragraph.getLineBoundary(position);
/// Returns the full list of [LineMetrics] that describe in detail the various
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