Unverified Commit 20fb6621 authored by Chris Bracken's avatar Chris Bracken Committed by GitHub

Apply media padding in ListTile (#13545)

Applies media padding (e.g. iOS safe area insets) around the list tile
children inside the InkWell.

Also adds safe area around gallery section titles for consistency with
surrounding list tiles.
parent 486aa63b
......@@ -144,7 +144,11 @@ class GalleryHomeState extends State<GalleryHome> with SingleTickerProviderState
height: 48.0,
padding: const EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: 16.0),
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart,
child: new Text(galleryItem.category, style: headerStyle)
child: new SafeArea(
top: false,
bottom: false,
child: new Text(galleryItem.category, style: headerStyle),
......@@ -457,7 +457,11 @@ class ListTile extends StatelessWidget {
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0),
child: new UnconstrainedBox(
constrainedAxis: Axis.horizontal,
child: new Row(children: children),
child: new SafeArea(
top: false,
bottom: false,
child: new Row(children: children),
......@@ -11,9 +11,12 @@ import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import '../widgets/semantics_tester.dart';
Widget wrap({ Widget child }) {
return new Directionality(
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
child: new Material(child: child),
return new MediaQuery(
data: const MediaQueryData(),
child: new Directionality(
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
child: new Material(child: child),
......@@ -49,11 +49,16 @@ void main() {
final Key trailingKey = new GlobalKey();
bool hasSubtitle;
const double leftPadding = 10.0;
const double rightPadding = 20.0;
Widget buildFrame({ bool dense: false, bool isTwoLine: false, bool isThreeLine: false, double textScaleFactor: 1.0 }) {
hasSubtitle = isTwoLine || isThreeLine;
return new MaterialApp(
home: new MediaQuery(
data: new MediaQueryData(textScaleFactor: textScaleFactor),
data: new MediaQueryData(
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: leftPadding, right: rightPadding),
textScaleFactor: textScaleFactor,
child: new Material(
child: new Center(
child: new ListTile(
......@@ -89,13 +94,14 @@ void main() {
// 16.0 padding to the left and right of the leading and trailing widgets
// plus the media padding.
void testHorizontalGeometry() {
expect(leftKey(leadingKey), 16.0);
expect(left('title'), 72.0);
expect(leftKey(leadingKey), 16.0 + leftPadding);
expect(left('title'), 72.0 + leftPadding);
if (hasSubtitle)
expect(left('subtitle'), 72.0);
expect(left('subtitle'), 72.0 + leftPadding);
expect(left('title'), rightKey(leadingKey) + 32.0);
expect(rightKey(trailingKey), 800.0 - 16.0);
expect(rightKey(trailingKey), 800.0 - 16.0 - rightPadding);
expect(widthKey(trailingKey), 24.0);
......@@ -169,14 +175,21 @@ void main() {
testWidgets('ListTile geometry (RTL)', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(const Directionality(
textDirection: TextDirection.rtl,
child: const Material(
child: const Center(
child: const ListTile(
leading: const Text('leading'),
title: const Text('title'),
trailing: const Text('trailing'),
const double leftPadding = 10.0;
const double rightPadding = 20.0;
await tester.pumpWidget(const MediaQuery(
data: const MediaQueryData(
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: leftPadding, right: rightPadding),
child: const Directionality(
textDirection: TextDirection.rtl,
child: const Material(
child: const Center(
child: const ListTile(
leading: const Text('leading'),
title: const Text('title'),
trailing: const Text('trailing'),
......@@ -186,10 +199,10 @@ void main() {
double right(String text) => tester.getTopRight(find.text(text)).dx;
void testHorizontalGeometry() {
expect(right('leading'), 800.0 - 16.0);
expect(right('title'), 800.0 - 72.0);
expect(right('leading'), 800.0 - 16.0 - rightPadding);
expect(right('title'), 800.0 - 72.0 - rightPadding);
expect(left('leading') - right('title'), 16.0);
expect(left('trailing'), 16.0);
expect(left('trailing'), 16.0 + leftPadding);
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