Commit 206104b8 authored by James Robinson's avatar James Robinson

Update mojo_run to no longer embed a window manager

sky_viewer.mojo no longer needs a window manager embedding as of
sky_engine 0.0.27, so this updates the sky_tools run_mojo command so it works
again. This really should be expressed in the pubspec dependencies to avoid
broken combinations but that needs to happen on the sky side.
parent a49120c6
......@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@ class RunMojoCommandHandler extends CommandHandler {
String appName = path.basename(appPath);
String appDir = path.dirname(appPath);
List<String> args = [
'--android', '--release', '--embed', 'http://app/$appName',
......@@ -63,8 +65,8 @@ class RunMojoCommandHandler extends CommandHandler {
String viewerPath = await _makePathAbsolute(await artifacts.getPath(Artifact.SkyViewerMojo));
String mojoShellPath = await _makePathAbsolute(path.join(results['mojo-path'], 'out', 'Release', 'mojo_shell'));
List<String> args = [
'mojo:window_manager file://${appPath}',
return runCommandAndStreamOutput(mojoShellPath, args);
name: sky_tools
version: 0.0.14
version: 0.0.15
description: Tools for building Sky applications
author: Chromium Authors <>
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