Commit 1f5844ea authored by Hixie's avatar Hixie

Teach Block about padding.

It's common to want a scrolling viewport but with padding around the
contents. Teaching Block about this makes the places that do this
substantially simpler and further buries ScrollableViewport and
BlockBody (they're now only used in scrollable.dart).
parent ef866e00
......@@ -84,19 +84,15 @@ class MealFragmentState extends State<MealFragment> {
Widget buildBody() {
Meal meal = new Meal(when: new;
// TODO(ianh): Fix Block such that we could use that here instead of rolling our own
return new ScrollableViewport(
child: new Container(
padding: const EdgeDims.all(20.0),
child: new BlockBody(<Widget>[
new Text(meal.displayDate),
new Input(
key: descriptionKey,
placeholder: 'Describe meal',
onChanged: _handleDescriptionChanged
return new Block(<Widget>[
new Text(meal.displayDate),
new Input(
key: descriptionKey,
placeholder: 'Describe meal',
onChanged: _handleDescriptionChanged
padding: const EdgeDims.all(20.0)
......@@ -90,29 +90,25 @@ class SettingsFragmentState extends State<SettingsFragment> {
Widget buildSettingsPane(BuildContext context) {
// TODO(ianh): Make Block capable of doing this
return new ScrollableViewport(
child: new Container(
padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(vertical: 20.0),
child: new BlockBody(<Widget>[
new DrawerItem(
onPressed: () { _handleBackupChanged(!(config.userData.backupMode == BackupMode.enabled)); },
child: new Row(<Widget>[
new Flexible(child: new Text('Back up data to the cloud')),
new Switch(value: config.userData.backupMode == BackupMode.enabled, onChanged: _handleBackupChanged),
new DrawerItem(
onPressed: () => _handleGoalWeightPressed(),
child: new Column(<Widget>[
new Text('Goal Weight'),
new Text(goalWeightText, style: Theme.of(context).text.caption),
alignItems: FlexAlignItems.start
return new Block(<Widget>[
new DrawerItem(
onPressed: () { _handleBackupChanged(!(config.userData.backupMode == BackupMode.enabled)); },
child: new Row(<Widget>[
new Flexible(child: new Text('Back up data to the cloud')),
new Switch(value: config.userData.backupMode == BackupMode.enabled, onChanged: _handleBackupChanged),
new DrawerItem(
onPressed: () => _handleGoalWeightPressed(),
child: new Column(<Widget>[
new Text('Goal Weight'),
new Text(goalWeightText, style: Theme.of(context).text.caption),
alignItems: FlexAlignItems.start
padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(vertical: 20.0)
......@@ -81,34 +81,31 @@ class StockSettingsState extends State<StockSettings> {
Widget buildSettingsPane(BuildContext context) {
// TODO(ianh): Once we have the gesture API hooked up, fix
// (whereby tapping the widgets below causes both the widget and the menu item to fire their callbacks)
return new ScrollableViewport(
child: new Container(
padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(vertical: 20.0),
child: new BlockBody(<Widget>[
new DrawerItem(
icon: 'action/thumb_up',
onPressed: () => _confirmOptimismChange(),
child: new Row(<Widget>[
new Flexible(child: new Text('Everything is awesome')),
new Checkbox(
value: config.optimism == StockMode.optimistic,
onChanged: (bool value) => _confirmOptimismChange()
new DrawerItem(
icon: 'action/backup',
onPressed: () { _handleBackupChanged(!(config.backup == BackupMode.enabled)); },
child: new Row(<Widget>[
new Flexible(child: new Text('Back up stock list to the cloud')),
new Switch(
value: config.backup == BackupMode.enabled,
onChanged: _handleBackupChanged
return new Block(<Widget>[
new DrawerItem(
icon: 'action/thumb_up',
onPressed: () => _confirmOptimismChange(),
child: new Row(<Widget>[
new Flexible(child: new Text('Everything is awesome')),
new Checkbox(
value: config.optimism == StockMode.optimistic,
onChanged: (bool value) => _confirmOptimismChange()
new DrawerItem(
icon: 'action/backup',
onPressed: () { _handleBackupChanged(!(config.backup == BackupMode.enabled)); },
child: new Row(<Widget>[
new Flexible(child: new Text('Back up stock list to the cloud')),
new Switch(
value: config.backup == BackupMode.enabled,
onChanged: _handleBackupChanged
padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(vertical: 20.0)
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class _DropdownMenu extends StatusTransitionComponent {
builder: (BuildContext context) {
RenderBox renderBox = context.findRenderObject();
return new CustomPaint(
child: new ScrollableViewport(child: new Container(child: new Column(children))),
child: new Block(children),
onPaint: (ui.Canvas canvas, Size size) {
double top = renderBox.globalToLocal(new Point(0.0, menuTop.value)).y;
double bottom = renderBox.globalToLocal(new Point(0.0, menuBottom.value)).y;
......@@ -76,14 +76,11 @@ class _PopupMenu extends StatelessComponent {
child: new IntrinsicWidth(
stepWidth: _kMenuWidthStep,
child: new ScrollableViewport(
child: new Container(
// TODO(abarth): Teach Block about padding.
padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(
horizontal: _kMenuHorizontalPadding,
vertical: _kMenuVerticalPadding
child: new BlockBody(children)
child: new Block(
padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(
horizontal: _kMenuHorizontalPadding,
vertical: _kMenuVerticalPadding
......@@ -382,6 +382,7 @@ class ScrollableViewportState extends ScrollableState<ScrollableViewport> {
class Block extends StatelessComponent {
Block(this.children, {
Key key,
this.scrollDirection: ScrollDirection.vertical,
......@@ -390,6 +391,7 @@ class Block extends StatelessComponent {
final List<Widget> children;
final EdgeDims padding;
final double initialScrollOffset;
final ScrollDirection scrollDirection;
final ScrollListener onScroll;
......@@ -401,11 +403,14 @@ class Block extends StatelessComponent {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Widget contents = new BlockBody(children, direction: _direction);
if (padding != null)
contents = new Padding(padding: padding, child: contents);
return new ScrollableViewport(
initialScrollOffset: initialScrollOffset,
scrollDirection: scrollDirection,
onScroll: onScroll,
child: new BlockBody(children, direction: _direction)
child: contents
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