Unverified Commit 1b310472 authored by chunhtai's avatar chunhtai Committed by GitHub

Fix canpop logic to be more robust (#73993)

parent b73722b1
......@@ -709,8 +709,6 @@ class _AppBarState extends State<AppBar> {
bool? hadBackButtonWhenRouteWasActive;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
assert(!widget.primary || debugCheckHasMediaQuery(context));
......@@ -723,11 +721,7 @@ class _AppBarState extends State<AppBar> {
final bool hasDrawer = scaffold?.hasDrawer ?? false;
final bool hasEndDrawer = scaffold?.hasEndDrawer ?? false;
hadBackButtonWhenRouteWasActive ??= false;
if (parentRoute?.isActive == true) {
hadBackButtonWhenRouteWasActive = parentRoute!.canPop;
assert(hadBackButtonWhenRouteWasActive != null);
final bool canPop = parentRoute?.canPop ?? false;
final bool useCloseButton = parentRoute is PageRoute<dynamic> && parentRoute.fullscreenDialog;
final double toolbarHeight = widget.toolbarHeight ?? kToolbarHeight;
......@@ -796,7 +790,7 @@ class _AppBarState extends State<AppBar> {
tooltip: MaterialLocalizations.of(context).openAppDrawerTooltip,
} else {
if (!hasEndDrawer && hadBackButtonWhenRouteWasActive!)
if (!hasEndDrawer && canPop)
leading = useCloseButton ? const CloseButton() : const BackButton();
......@@ -464,10 +464,7 @@ abstract class Route<T> {
return currentRouteEntry.route == this;
/// Whether this route is the bottom-most route on the navigator.
/// If this is true, then [Navigator.canPop] will return false if this route's
/// [willHandlePopInternally] returns false.
/// Whether this route is the bottom-most active route on the navigator.
/// If [isFirst] and [isCurrent] are both true then this is the only route on
/// the navigator (and [isActive] will also be true).
......@@ -483,6 +480,20 @@ abstract class Route<T> {
return currentRouteEntry.route == this;
/// Whether there is at least one active route underneath this route.
bool get hasActiveRouteBelow {
if (_navigator == null)
return false;
for (final _RouteEntry entry in _navigator!._history) {
if (entry.route == this)
return false;
if (_RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate(entry))
return true;
return false;
/// Whether this route is on the navigator.
/// If the route is not only active, but also the current route (the top-most
......@@ -1483,10 +1483,13 @@ abstract class ModalRoute<T> extends TransitionRoute<T> with LocalHistoryRoute<T
/// Whether this route can be popped.
/// A route can be popped if there is at least one active route below it, or
/// if [willHandlePopInternally] returns true.
/// When this changes, if the route is visible, the route will
/// rebuild, and any widgets that used [ModalRoute.of] will be
/// notified.
bool get canPop => isActive && (!isFirst || willHandlePopInternally);
bool get canPop => hasActiveRouteBelow || willHandlePopInternally;
// Internals
......@@ -93,6 +93,36 @@ void main() {
expect(find.byType(BackdropFilter), findsOneWidget);
testWidgets('Nav bar displays correctly', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigator = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
await tester.pumpWidget(
navigatorKey: navigator,
home: const CupertinoNavigationBar(
middle: Text('Page 1'),
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return const CupertinoNavigationBar(
middle: Text('Page 2'),
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.byType(CupertinoNavigationBarBackButton), findsOneWidget);
// Pops the page 2
await tester.pump();
// Needs another pump to trigger the rebuild;
await tester.pump();
// The back button should still persist;
expect(find.byType(CupertinoNavigationBarBackButton), findsOneWidget);
// The app does not crash
expect(tester.takeException(), isNull);
testWidgets('Can specify custom padding', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final Key middleBox = GlobalKey();
await tester.pumpWidget(
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