Unverified Commit 19b9206a authored by Greg Spencer's avatar Greg Spencer Committed by GitHub

Add variant testing to testWidgets (#45646)

This adds the ability to define variants of tests with different environmental values for a particular testWidgets test.

This allows you to run the same test multiple times with a different test environment. One test variant has been implemented that allows running a test with different settings of the TargetPlatform.
parent cb98f722
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
......@@ -84,6 +85,10 @@ typedef WidgetTesterCallback = Future<void> Function(WidgetTester widgetTester);
/// provides convenient widget [Finder]s for use with the
/// [WidgetTester].
/// When the [variant] argument is set, [testWidgets] will run the test once for
/// each value of the [TestVariant.values]. If [variant] is not set, the test
/// will be run once using the base test environment.
/// See also:
/// * [AutomatedTestWidgetsFlutterBinding.addTime] to learn more about
......@@ -106,33 +111,141 @@ void testWidgets(
test_package.Timeout timeout,
Duration initialTimeout,
bool semanticsEnabled = true,
TestVariant<Object> variant = const DefaultTestVariant(),
}) {
assert(variant != null);
assert(variant.values.isNotEmpty, 'There must be at least on value to test in the testing variant');
final TestWidgetsFlutterBinding binding = TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized() as TestWidgetsFlutterBinding;
final WidgetTester tester = WidgetTester._(binding);
() {
SemanticsHandle semanticsHandle;
if (semanticsEnabled == true) {
semanticsHandle = tester.ensureSemantics();
return binding.runTest(
() async {
await callback(tester);
description: description ?? '',
timeout: initialTimeout,
skip: skip,
timeout: timeout ?? binding.defaultTestTimeout,
for (dynamic value in variant.values) {
final String variationDescription = variant.describeValue(value);
final String combinedDescription = variationDescription.isNotEmpty ? '$description ($variationDescription)' : description;
() {
tester._testDescription = combinedDescription;
SemanticsHandle semanticsHandle;
if (semanticsEnabled == true) {
semanticsHandle = tester.ensureSemantics();
return binding.runTest(
() async {
Object memento;
try {
memento = await variant.setUp(value);
await callback(tester);
} finally {
await variant.tearDown(value, memento);
description: combinedDescription ?? '',
timeout: initialTimeout,
skip: skip,
timeout: timeout ?? binding.defaultTestTimeout,
/// An abstract base class for describing test environment variants.
/// These serve as elements of the `variants` argument to [testWidgets].
/// Use care when adding more testing variants: it multiplies the number of
/// tests which run. This can drastically increase the time it takes to run all
/// the tests.
abstract class TestVariant<T> {
/// A const constructor so that subclasses can be const.
const TestVariant();
/// Returns an iterable of the variations that this test dimension represents.
/// The variations returned should be unique so that the same variation isn't
/// needlessly run twice.
Iterable<T> get values;
/// Returns the string that will be used to both add to the test description, and
/// be printed when a test fails for this variation.
String describeValue(T value);
/// A function that will be called before each value is tested, with the
/// value that will be tested.
/// This function should preserve any state needed to restore the testing
/// environment back to its base state when [tearDown] is called in the
/// `Object` that is returned. The returned object will then be passed to
/// [tearDown] as a `memento` when the test is complete.
Future<Object> setUp(T value);
/// A function that is guaranteed to be called after a value is tested, even
/// if it throws an exception.
/// Calling this function must return the testing environment back to the base
/// state it was in before [setUp] was called. The [memento] is the object
/// returned from [setUp] when it was called.
Future<void> tearDown(T value, covariant Object memento);
/// The [TestVariant] that represents the "default" test that is run if no
/// `variants` iterable is specified for [testWidgets].
/// This variant can be added into a list of other test variants to provide
/// a "control" test where nothing is changed from the base test environment.
class DefaultTestVariant extends TestVariant<void> {
/// A const constructor for a [DefaultTestVariant].
const DefaultTestVariant();
Iterable<void> get values => const <void>[null];
String describeValue(void value) => '';
Future<void> setUp(void value) async {}
Future<void> tearDown(void value, void memento) async {}
/// A [TestVariant] that runs tests with [debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride]
/// set to different values of [TargetPlatform].
class TargetPlatformVariant extends TestVariant<TargetPlatform> {
/// Creates a [TargetPlatformVariant] that tests the given [values].
const TargetPlatformVariant(this.values);
/// Creates a [TargetPlatformVariant] that tests all values from
/// the [TargetPlatform] enum.
TargetPlatformVariant.all() : values = TargetPlatform.values.toSet();
/// Creates a [TargetPlatformVariant] that tests only the given value of
/// [TargetPlatform].
TargetPlatformVariant.only(TargetPlatform platform) : values = <TargetPlatform>{platform};
final Set<TargetPlatform> values;
String describeValue(TargetPlatform value) => value.toString();
Future<TargetPlatform> setUp(TargetPlatform value) async {
final TargetPlatform previousTargetPlatform = debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride;
debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride = value;
return previousTargetPlatform;
Future<void> tearDown(TargetPlatform value, TargetPlatform memento) async {
debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride = memento;
/// Runs the [callback] inside the Flutter benchmark environment.
......@@ -283,6 +396,10 @@ class WidgetTester extends WidgetController implements HitTestDispatcher, Ticker
binding.deviceEventDispatcher = this;
/// The description string of the test currently being run.
String get testDescription => _testDescription;
String _testDescription = '';
/// The binding instance used by the testing framework.
TestWidgetsFlutterBinding get binding => super.binding as TestWidgetsFlutterBinding;
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
......@@ -665,38 +666,85 @@ void main() {
await tester.showKeyboard(find.byType(TextField));
await tester.pump();
testWidgets('verifyTickersWereDisposed control test', (WidgetTester tester) async {
FlutterError error;
final Ticker ticker = tester.createTicker((Duration duration) {});
try {
} on FlutterError catch (e) {
error = e;
} finally {
expect(error, isNotNull);
expect(error.diagnostics.length, 4);
expect(error.diagnostics[2].level, DiagnosticLevel.hint);
'Tickers used by AnimationControllers should be disposed by\n'
'calling dispose() on the AnimationController itself. Otherwise,\n'
'the ticker will leak.\n',
expect(error.diagnostics.last, isInstanceOf<DiagnosticsProperty<Ticker>>());
expect(error.diagnostics.last.value, ticker);
expect(error.toStringDeep(), startsWith(
' A Ticker was active .\n'
' All Tickers must be disposed.\n'
' Tickers used by AnimationControllers should be disposed by\n'
' calling dispose() on the AnimationController itself. Otherwise,\n'
' the ticker will leak.\n'
' The offending ticker was:\n'
' _TestTicker()\n',
FlutterError error;
final Ticker ticker = tester.createTicker((Duration duration) {});
try {
} on FlutterError catch (e) {
error = e;
} finally {
expect(error, isNotNull);
expect(error.diagnostics.length, 4);
expect(error.diagnostics[2].level, DiagnosticLevel.hint);
'Tickers used by AnimationControllers should be disposed by\n'
'calling dispose() on the AnimationController itself. Otherwise,\n'
'the ticker will leak.\n',
expect(error.diagnostics.last, isInstanceOf<DiagnosticsProperty<Ticker>>());
expect(error.diagnostics.last.value, ticker);
expect(error.toStringDeep(), startsWith(
' A Ticker was active .\n'
' All Tickers must be disposed.\n'
' Tickers used by AnimationControllers should be disposed by\n'
' calling dispose() on the AnimationController itself. Otherwise,\n'
' the ticker will leak.\n'
' The offending ticker was:\n'
' _TestTicker()\n',
group('testWidgets variants work', () {
int numberOfVariationsRun = 0;
testWidgets('variant tests run all values provided', (WidgetTester tester) async {
if (debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride == null) {
expect(numberOfVariationsRun, equals(TargetPlatform.values.length));
} else {
numberOfVariationsRun += 1;
}, variant: TargetPlatformVariant(TargetPlatform.values.toSet()));
testWidgets('variant tests have descriptions with details', (WidgetTester tester) async {
if (debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride == null) {
expect(tester.testDescription, equals('variant tests have descriptions with details'));
} else {
expect(tester.testDescription, equals('variant tests have descriptions with details ($debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride)'));
}, variant: TargetPlatformVariant(TargetPlatform.values.toSet()));
group('TargetPlatformVariant', () {
int numberOfVariationsRun = 0;
TargetPlatform origTargetPlatform;
origTargetPlatform = debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride;
expect(debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride, equals(origTargetPlatform));
testWidgets('TargetPlatformVariant.only tests given value', (WidgetTester tester) async {
expect(debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride, equals(TargetPlatform.iOS));
expect(defaultTargetPlatform, equals(TargetPlatform.iOS));
}, variant: TargetPlatformVariant.only(TargetPlatform.iOS));
testWidgets('TargetPlatformVariant.all tests run all variants', (WidgetTester tester) async {
if (debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride == null) {
expect(numberOfVariationsRun, equals(TargetPlatform.values.length));
} else {
numberOfVariationsRun += 1;
}, variant: TargetPlatformVariant.all());
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