Commit 16b9a80c authored by Victor Florintsev's avatar Victor Florintsev Committed by xster

added definition for hardware (#24502)

This is the hardware used in the Samsung Galaxy J7
parent 9d2037e9
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ const Map<String, _HardwareType> _knownHardware = <String, _HardwareType>{
'qcom': _HardwareType.physical,
'ranchu': _HardwareType.emulator,
'samsungexynos7420': _HardwareType.physical,
'samsungexynos7580': _HardwareType.physical,
'samsungexynos7870': _HardwareType.physical,
'samsungexynos8890': _HardwareType.physical,
'samsungexynos8895': _HardwareType.physical,
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