Unverified Commit 16a16e65 authored by liyuqian's avatar liyuqian Committed by GitHub

Revert "Error message for setting shaderWarmUp too late (#30145)" (#30463)

This reverts commit ffbb335e.

Reason for revert: flutter driver tests may have bugs in getting
first frame. Revert this until we figure out what happened.
parent 5493fe46
......@@ -53,20 +53,7 @@ mixin PaintingBinding on BindingBase, ServicesBinding {
/// See also:
/// * [ShaderWarmUp], the interface of how this warm up works.
static ShaderWarmUp get shaderWarmUp => _shaderWarmUp;
static set shaderWarmUp(ShaderWarmUp value) {
assert(_instance == null,
'PaintingBinding.shaderWarmUp should only be set before the '
'PaintingBinding singleton instance is initialized.\n\n'
'Setting it after init would not affect how shaders are warmed up.\n\n'
'To fix this, try to change PaintingBinding.shaderWarmUp before:\n'
' 1. runApp\n'
' 2. WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized\n'
' 3. enableFlutterDriverExtension\n'
_shaderWarmUp = value;
static ShaderWarmUp _shaderWarmUp = const DefaultShaderWarmUp();
static ShaderWarmUp shaderWarmUp = const DefaultShaderWarmUp();
/// The singleton that implements the Flutter framework's image cache.
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