Unverified Commit 168d8077 authored by Piotr FLEURY's avatar Piotr FLEURY Committed by GitHub

Add .env file support for option `--dart-define-from-file` (#128668)

# Proposal

I suggest to make possible to specify .env files to the --dart-define-from-file in addition to the Json format.

# Issue

Close #128667
parent 35085c39
......@@ -612,17 +612,17 @@ abstract class FlutterCommand extends Command<void> {
valueHelp: 'foo=bar',
splitCommas: false,
void useDartDefineConfigJsonFileOption() {
void useDartDefineFromFileOption() {
help: 'The path of a json format file where flutter define a global constant pool. '
'Json entry will be available as constants from the String.fromEnvironment, bool.fromEnvironment, '
'and int.fromEnvironment constructors; the key and field are json values.\n'
'The path of a .json or .env file containing key-value pairs that will be available as environment variables.\n'
'These can be accessed using the String.fromEnvironment, bool.fromEnvironment, and int.fromEnvironment constructors.\n'
'Multiple defines can be passed by repeating "--${FlutterOptions.kDartDefineFromFileOption}" multiple times.',
valueHelp: 'use-define-config.json',
valueHelp: 'use-define-config.json|.env',
splitCommas: false,
......@@ -1341,18 +1341,29 @@ abstract class FlutterCommand extends Command<void> {
final Map<String, Object?> dartDefineConfigJsonMap = <String, Object?>{};
if (argParser.options.containsKey(FlutterOptions.kDartDefineFromFileOption)) {
final List<String> configJsonPaths = stringsArg(
final List<String> configFilePaths = stringsArg(
for (final String path in configJsonPaths) {
for (final String path in configFilePaths) {
if (!globals.fs.isFileSync(path)) {
throwToolExit('Json config define file "--${FlutterOptions
.kDartDefineFromFileOption}=$path" is not a file, '
'please fix first!');
final String configJsonRaw = globals.fs.file(path).readAsStringSync();
final String configRaw = globals.fs.file(path).readAsStringSync();
// Determine whether the file content is JSON or .env format.
String configJsonRaw;
if (configRaw.trim().startsWith('{')) {
configJsonRaw = configRaw;
} else {
// Convert env file to JSON.
configJsonRaw = convertEnvFileToJsonRaw(configRaw);
try {
// Fix json convert Object value :type '_InternalLinkedHashMap<String, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Map<String, Object>' in type cast
(json.decode(configJsonRaw) as Map<String, dynamic>)
......@@ -1370,6 +1381,88 @@ abstract class FlutterCommand extends Command<void> {
return dartDefineConfigJsonMap;
/// Parse a property line from an env file.
/// Supposed property structure should be:
/// key=value
/// Where: key is a string without spaces and value is a string.
/// Value can also contain '=' char.
/// Returns a record of key and value as strings.
MapEntry<String, String> _parseProperty(String line) {
final RegExp blockRegExp = RegExp(r'^\s*([a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*=\s*"""\s*(.*)$');
if (blockRegExp.hasMatch(line)) {
throwToolExit('Multi-line value is not supported: $line');
final RegExp propertyRegExp = RegExp(r'^\s*([a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*=\s*(.*)?$');
final Match? match = propertyRegExp.firstMatch(line);
if (match == null) {
throwToolExit('Unable to parse file provided for '
'Invalid property line: $line');
final String key = match.group(1)!;
final String value = match.group(2) ?? '';
// Remove wrapping quotes and trailing line comment.
final RegExp doubleQuoteValueRegExp = RegExp(r'^"(.*)"\s*(\#\s*.*)?$');
final Match? doubleQuoteValue = doubleQuoteValueRegExp.firstMatch(value);
if (doubleQuoteValue != null) {
return MapEntry<String, String>(key, doubleQuoteValue.group(1)!);
final RegExp quoteValueRegExp = RegExp(r"^'(.*)'\s*(\#\s*.*)?$");
final Match? quoteValue = quoteValueRegExp.firstMatch(value);
if (quoteValue != null) {
return MapEntry<String, String>(key, quoteValue.group(1)!);
final RegExp backQuoteValueRegExp = RegExp(r'^`(.*)`\s*(\#\s*.*)?$');
final Match? backQuoteValue = backQuoteValueRegExp.firstMatch(value);
if (backQuoteValue != null) {
return MapEntry<String, String>(key, backQuoteValue.group(1)!);
final RegExp noQuoteValueRegExp = RegExp(r'^([^#\n\s]*)\s*(?:\s*#\s*(.*))?$');
final Match? noQuoteValue = noQuoteValueRegExp.firstMatch(value);
if (noQuoteValue != null) {
return MapEntry<String, String>(key, noQuoteValue.group(1)!);
return MapEntry<String, String>(key, value);
/// Converts an .env file string to its equivalent JSON string.
/// For example, the .env file string
/// key=value # comment
/// complexKey="foo#bar=baz"
/// would be converted to a JSON string equivalent to:
/// {
/// "key": "value",
/// "complexKey": "foo#bar=baz"
/// }
/// Multiline values are not supported.
String convertEnvFileToJsonRaw(String configRaw) {
final List<String> lines = configRaw
.map((String line) => line.trim())
.where((String line) => line.isNotEmpty)
.where((String line) => !line.startsWith('#')) // Remove comment lines.
final Map<String, String> propertyMap = <String, String>{};
for (final String line in lines) {
final MapEntry<String, String> property = _parseProperty(line);
propertyMap[property.key] = property.value;
return jsonEncode(propertyMap);
/// Updates dart-defines based on [webRenderer].
static List<String> updateDartDefines(List<String> dartDefines, WebRendererMode webRenderer) {
......@@ -518,7 +518,8 @@ void main() {
"kDouble": 1.1,
"name": "denghaizhu",
"title": "this is title from config json file",
"nullValue": null
"nullValue": null,
"containEqual": "sfadsfv=432f"
......@@ -549,6 +550,7 @@ void main() {
'title=this is title from config json file',
'body=this is body from config json file',
......@@ -557,6 +559,155 @@ void main() {
ProcessManager: () => FakeProcessManager.any(),
testUsingContext('--dart-define-from-file correctly parses a valid env file', () async {
.file(globals.fs.path.join('lib', 'main.dart'))
.createSync(recursive: true);
await globals.fs.file('.env').writeAsString('''
# comment
kDouble=1.1 # should be double
title=this is title from config env file
doubleQuotes="double quotes 'value'#=" # double quotes
singleQuotes='single quotes "value"#=' # single quotes
backQuotes=`back quotes "value" '#=` # back quotes
# Play around with spaces around the equals sign.
spaceBeforeEqual =value
spaceAroundEqual = value
spaceAfterEqual= value
await globals.fs.file('.env2').writeAsString('''
# second comment
body=this is body from config env file
final CommandRunner<void> runner =
logger: BufferLogger.test(),
await runner.run(<String>[
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
BuildSystem: () => TestBuildSystem.all(BuildResult(success: true),
(Target target, Environment environment) {
containsAllInOrder(const <String>[
'title=this is title from config env file',
"doubleQuotes=double quotes 'value'#=",
'singleQuotes=single quotes "value"#=',
'backQuotes=back quotes "value" \'#=',
'body=this is body from config env file'
FileSystem: fsFactory,
ProcessManager: () => FakeProcessManager.any(),
testUsingContext('--dart-define-from-file option env file throws a ToolExit when .env file contains a multiline value', () async {
.file(globals.fs.path.join('lib', 'main.dart'))
.createSync(recursive: true);
await globals.fs.file('.env').writeAsString('''
# single line value
# multi-line value
multiline = """ Welcome to .env demo
a simple counter app with .env file support
for more info, check out the README.md file
Thanks! """ # This is the welcome message that will be displayed on the counter app
final CommandRunner<void> runner =
logger: BufferLogger.test(),
expect(() => runner.run(<String>[
]), throwsToolExit(message: 'Multi-line value is not supported: multiline = """ Welcome to .env demo'));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
BuildSystem: () => TestBuildSystem.all(BuildResult(success: true)),
FileSystem: fsFactory,
ProcessManager: () => FakeProcessManager.any(),
testUsingContext('--dart-define-from-file option works with mixed file formats',
() async {
.file(globals.fs.path.join('lib', 'main.dart'))
.createSync(recursive: true);
await globals.fs.file('.env').writeAsString('''
title=this is title from config env file
await globals.fs.file('config.json').writeAsString('''
"body": "this is body from config json file"
final CommandRunner<void> runner =
logger: BufferLogger.test(),
await runner.run(<String>[
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
BuildSystem: () => TestBuildSystem.all(BuildResult(success: true),
(Target target, Environment environment) {
containsAllInOrder(const <String>[
'title=this is title from config env file',
'body=this is body from config json file',
FileSystem: fsFactory,
ProcessManager: () => FakeProcessManager.any(),
testUsingContext('test --dart-define-from-file option if conflict', () async {
globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join('lib', 'main.dart')).createSync(recursive: true);
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